标签:距离 initial position integer 数组 using nes rip bsp
Vasya has a tree consisting of
Vasya needs you to process
Report to Vasya all values, written on vertices of the tree after processing all queries.
InputThe first line contains single integer
Each of next
Next line contains single integer
Each of next
Output5 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 5 3 1 1 1 2 0 10 4 10 100
1 11 1 100 0
5 2 3 2 1 5 4 3 4 5 2 0 4 3 10 1 1 2 3 2 3 10 1 1 7
10 24 14 11 11
In the first exapmle initial values in vertices are
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) #define ll long long using namespace std; const int maxn=1000010; int dep[maxn],N,Laxt[maxn],Next[maxn],To[maxn],cnt; int laxt2[maxn],next2[maxn],D[maxn],X[maxn],tot; ll ans[maxn]; void add(int u,int v){ Next[++cnt]=Laxt[u]; Laxt[u]=cnt; To[cnt]=v; } void add2(int u,int d,int x){ next2[++tot]=laxt2[u]; laxt2[u]=tot; D[tot]=d; X[tot]=x; } void dfs(int u,int f,ll sum,ll *mp) { dep[u]=dep[f]+1; sum-=mp[dep[u]]; for(int i=laxt2[u];i;i=next2[i]){ sum+=X[i];if(dep[u]+D[i]+1<=N) mp[dep[u]+D[i]+1]+=X[i]; } ans[u]=sum; for(int i=Laxt[u];i;i=Next[i]) if(To[i]!=f) dfs(To[i],u,sum,mp); for(int i=laxt2[u];i;i=next2[i]){ sum-=X[i];if(dep[u]+D[i]+1<=N) mp[dep[u]+D[i]+1]-=X[i]; } } ll mp[maxn]; int main() { int u,v,x,Q; scanf("%d",&N); rep(i,1,N-1) { scanf("%d%d",&u,&v); add(u,v); add(v,u); } scanf("%d",&Q); rep(i,1,Q) { scanf("%d%d%d",&u,&v,&x); add2(u,v,x); } dfs(1,0,0LL,mp); rep(i,1,N) printf("%lld ",ans[i]); return 0; }
CF1076E:Vasya and a Tree(DFS&差分)
标签:距离 initial position integer 数组 using nes rip bsp