标签:set 一对一 demo1 print create arch new === lis
A、老刘新买了一辆汽车,并且上了新车牌; (两个表中创建)
B、老刘的小车被小偷偷走了,又买了一辆新车,但是车牌不变; (创建一辆新车,赋值)
C、查看老刘的小车信息(包括车牌号); (根据名字查)
-------------------------------------------------car.sql /*==============================================================*/ /* DBMS name: ORACLE Version 11g */ /* Created on: 2018/12/3 10:03:55 */ /*==============================================================*/ alter table carId drop constraint FK_CARID_RELATIONS_CAR; alter table users drop constraint FK_USERS_RELATIONS_CARID; drop table Car cascade constraints; drop index Relationship_2_FK; drop table carId cascade constraints; drop index Relationship_1_FK; drop table users cascade constraints; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: Car */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Car ( c_id NUMBER(6) not null, c_brand VARCHAR2(12), c_model VARCHAR2(12), c_color VARCHAR2(8), c_price NUMBER(8), constraint PK_CAR primary key (c_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: carId */ /*==============================================================*/ create table carId ( i_id NUMBER(6) not null, c_id NUMBER(6), i_card VARCHAR2(10), i_type VARCHAR2(8), i_texture VARCHAR2(8), i_color VARCHAR2(6), constraint PK_CARID primary key (i_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: Relationship_2_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index Relationship_2_FK on carId ( c_id ASC ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: users */ /*==============================================================*/ create table users ( u_id NUMBER(6) not null, i_id NUMBER(6), u_name VARCHAR2(8), constraint PK_USERS primary key (u_id) ); /*==============================================================*/ /* Index: Relationship_1_FK */ /*==============================================================*/ create index Relationship_1_FK on users ( i_id ASC ); alter table carId add constraint FK_CARID_RELATIONS_CAR foreign key (c_id) references Car (c_id); alter table users add constraint FK_USERS_RELATIONS_CARID foreign key (i_id) references carId (i_id); ----------------------------------------------------------------Car.java package com.jcl.pojo; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.persistence.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; /** * The persistent class for the CAR database table. * */ @Entity @NamedQuery(name="Car.findAll", query="SELECT c FROM Car c") public class Car implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @Column(name="C_ID") private long cId; @Column(name="C_BRAND") private String cBrand; @Column(name="C_COLOR") private String cColor; @Column(name="C_MODEL") private String cModel; @Column(name="C_PRICE") private BigDecimal cPrice; //bi-directional one-to-one association to Carid @OneToOne(mappedBy="car") private Carid carid; public Car() { } public long getCId() { return this.cId; } public void setCId(long cId) { this.cId = cId; } public String getCBrand() { return this.cBrand; } public void setCBrand(String cBrand) { this.cBrand = cBrand; } public String getCColor() { return this.cColor; } public void setCColor(String cColor) { this.cColor = cColor; } public String getCModel() { return this.cModel; } public void setCModel(String cModel) { this.cModel = cModel; } public BigDecimal getCPrice() { return this.cPrice; } public void setCPrice(BigDecimal cPrice) { this.cPrice = cPrice; } public Carid getCarid() { return this.carid; } public void setCarid(Carid carid) { this.carid = carid; } public Car(long cId, String cBrand, String cColor, String cModel, BigDecimal cPrice, Carid carid) { super(); this.cId = cId; this.cBrand = cBrand; this.cColor = cColor; this.cModel = cModel; this.cPrice = cPrice; this.carid = carid; } public Car(long cId, String cBrand, String cColor, String cModel, BigDecimal cPrice) { super(); this.cId = cId; this.cBrand = cBrand; this.cColor = cColor; this.cModel = cModel; this.cPrice = cPrice; } @Override public String toString() { return "Car [cId=" + cId + ", cBrand=" + cBrand + ", cColor=" + cColor + ", cModel=" + cModel + ", cPrice=" + cPrice + "]"; } } ----------------------------------------------------------------Carid.java package com.jcl.pojo; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.persistence.*; /** * The persistent class for the CARID database table. * */ @Entity @NamedQuery(name="Carid.findAll", query="SELECT c FROM Carid c") public class Carid implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @Column(name="I_ID") private long iId; @Column(name="I_CARD") private String iCard; @Column(name="I_COLOR") private String iColor; @Column(name="I_TEXTURE") private String iTexture; @Column(name="I_TYPE") private String iType; //bi-directional one-to-one association to Car @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name="C_ID") private Car car; //bi-directional one-to-one association to User @OneToOne(mappedBy="carid") private User user; public Carid() { } public long getIId() { return this.iId; } public void setIId(long iId) { this.iId = iId; } public String getICard() { return this.iCard; } public void setICard(String iCard) { this.iCard = iCard; } public String getIColor() { return this.iColor; } public void setIColor(String iColor) { this.iColor = iColor; } public String getITexture() { return this.iTexture; } public void setITexture(String iTexture) { this.iTexture = iTexture; } public String getIType() { return this.iType; } public void setIType(String iType) { this.iType = iType; } public Car getCar() { return this.car; } public void setCar(Car car) { this.car = car; } public User getUser() { return this.user; } public void setUser(User user) { this.user = user; } @Override public String toString() { return "Carid [iId=" + iId + ", iCard=" + iCard + ", iColor=" + iColor + ", iTexture=" + iTexture + ", iType=" + iType + ", car=" + car + "]"; } public Carid(long iId, String iCard, String iColor, String iTexture, String iType, Car car, User user) { super(); this.iId = iId; this.iCard = iCard; this.iColor = iColor; this.iTexture = iTexture; this.iType = iType; this.car = car; this.user = user; } public Carid(long iId, String iCard, String iColor, String iTexture, String iType, Car car) { super(); this.iId = iId; this.iCard = iCard; this.iColor = iColor; this.iTexture = iTexture; this.iType = iType; this.car = car; } } ----------------------------------------------------------------User.java package com.jcl.pojo; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.persistence.*; /** * The persistent class for the USERS database table. * */ @Entity @Table(name="USERS") @NamedQuery(name="User.findAll", query="SELECT u FROM User u") public class User implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @Column(name="U_ID") private long uId; @Column(name="U_NAME") private String uName; //bi-directional one-to-one association to Carid @OneToOne @JoinColumn(name="I_ID") private Carid carid; public User() { } public long getUId() { return this.uId; } public void setUId(long uId) { this.uId = uId; } public String getUName() { return this.uName; } public void setUName(String uName) { this.uName = uName; } public Carid getCarid() { return this.carid; } public void setCarid(Carid carid) { this.carid = carid; } public User(long uId, String uName, Carid carid) { super(); this.uId = uId; this.uName = uName; this.carid = carid; } @Override public String toString() { return "User [uId=" + uId + ", uName=" + uName + ", carid=" + carid + "]"; } } ---------------------------------------------------------------Demo.java package com.jcl.test; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import javax.swing.text.Caret; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.jcl.pojo.Car; import com.jcl.pojo.Carid; import com.jcl.pojo.User; public class Demo1 { EntityManager em; EntityTransaction tx ; EntityManagerFactory factory; private String jpql; @Before public void init(){ factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("HomeWork-JPQL"); em = factory.createEntityManager(); tx = em.getTransaction(); tx.begin(); } @After public void destroy(){ tx.commit(); if(em!=null){ em.close(); } if(factory!=null) factory.close(); } /** * A、老刘新买了一辆汽车,并且上了新车牌; (两个表中创建) B、老刘的小车被小偷偷走了,又买了一辆新车,但是车牌不变; (创建一辆新车,赋值) C、查看老刘的小车信息(包括车牌号); (根据名字查) D、根据车牌号查找对应小车的信息 * */ //@Test @Ignore public void answerA(){ try { Car car = new Car(000001l, "保时捷", "白色", "ccc", new BigDecimal(180000)); Carid carid = new Carid(000001l, "京A-666", "白色", "民用", "铁", car); User user = new User(000001l, "老刘", carid); em.persist(car); em.persist(carid); em.persist(user); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //@Test @Ignore public void answerB(){ try { //新买一辆车 Car car = new Car(000002l, "宝马", "黑色", "ccc", new BigDecimal(260000)); em.persist(car); //获取用户车牌号id jpql = "select u from User u where uName = ?0"; User user = em.createQuery(jpql, User.class).setParameter(0, "老刘").getSingleResult(); long iId = user.getCarid().getIId(); //根据车牌号id修改车id Carid find = em.find(Carid.class, iId); find.setCar(car); em.persist(find); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Test //@Ignore public void answerC() { jpql = "select u from User u where uName = ?0"; User user = em.createQuery(jpql, User.class).setParameter(0, "老刘").getSingleResult(); long iId = user.getCarid().getIId(); //根据车牌号id查找车id Carid carid = em.find(Carid.class, iId); long cid = carid.getCar().getCId(); Car find = em.find(Car.class,cid); System.out.println(find); } @Test //@Ignore public void answerD() { jpql ="select c from Carid c where iId = ?0"; Carid carid = em.createQuery(jpql,Carid.class).setParameter(0,000001l).getSingleResult(); System.out.println(carid); } }
标签:set 一对一 demo1 print create arch new === lis