标签:cas scanf scan ++ isp mic nbsp 个数 switch
#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; typedef struct Stack *Link; typedef struct Stack Snode; struct Stack { int data; Link next; }; Link init()//初始化栈并返回头指针 { Link p; p=NULL; return p; } Link push(Link Head,int x)//入栈 { Link p; p=(Snode*)malloc(sizeof(Snode)); if(p==NULL) { printf("\nMemory Error!\n"); return Head; } else { p->data=x; p->next=Head; return p; } } Link pop(Link Head)//出栈 { Link p=Head; if(p==NULL) { printf("\nStack is Empty!\n"); return Head; } Head=Head->next; free(p); return Head; } int gettop(Link Head)//取栈顶元素的值 { if(Head==NULL) { printf("\nStack is Empty!\n"); return -1; } return Head->data; } bool empty(Link Head) { if(Head==NULL) return 1; return 0; } void display(Link Head) { if(Head==NULL) { printf("\nStack is Empty!\n"); return; } Link p; p=Head; while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d",p->data); p=p->next; } return; } int lenth(Link Head) { Link p=Head; int sum=0; while(p!=NULL) { sum++; p=p->next; } return sum; } Link Set_NULL(Link Head) { if(Head==NULL) { printf("\nStack is Already Empty!\n"); return Head; } Link p; p=Head; while(Head!=NULL) { p=Head; Head=Head->next; free(p); } return Head; } int main() { int i,x; Link head1; head1=init(); while(i!=6) { system("cls"); printf("\n 1.Input a stack data"); printf("\n 2.Output a stack data"); printf("\n 3.Empty or Not"); printf("\n 4.Display a top of stack"); printf("\n 5.Display the lenth of stack"); printf("\n 6.Exit and Free Stack\n"); printf("\n Stack is: "); display(head1); printf("\n"); scanf("%d",&i); switch(i) { case 1: while(1) { system("cls"); printf("\n -.Input a stack data"); printf("\n -.Output a stack data"); printf("\n -.Empty or Not"); printf("\n -.Display a top of stack"); printf("\n -.Display the lenth of stack"); printf("\n -.Exit and Free Stack\n"); printf("\n Stack is: "); display(head1); printf("\n"); printf("\ninput a number: until enter -1:\n"); scanf("%d",&x); if(x==-1) break; head1=push(head1,x); } break; case 2: head1=pop(head1); break; case 3: if(empty(head1)) printf("\nStack is empty\n"); else printf("\nStack is not empty\n"); system("pause"); break; case 4: printf("\n The top is %d\n",gettop(head1)); system("pause"); break; case 5: printf("\n The length of stack is %d\n",lenth(head1)); system("pause"); break; } } system("cls");; head1=Set_NULL(head1); display(head1); system("pause"); return 0; }
//简单数组模拟栈 #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #define MAXN 1000//栈能容纳的最多元素个数 using namespace std; int stack[MAXN]; int top = -1;//初始化栈顶指针为-1 int pop()//栈顶元素出栈并获取出栈的元素值 { int temp; if(top<0) { cout<<"\nThe stack is empty!\n"; return -1; } temp=stack[top--]; return temp; } void push(int value) { if(top>=MAXN) cout<<"\nThe stack is full!\n"; else stack[++top]=value; } void display()//显示栈中元素 { for(int tmp = top ; tmp >= 0 ; -- tmp) cout<<stack[tmp]<<" "; cout<<"\n"; } int main() { int ins; while(1) { cout<<"Please enter a value,(0=exit,-1=pop)\n"; cin>>ins; if(ins==0) exit(0); else if(ins!=-1) push(ins); else if(ins==-1) pop(); system("cls"); display(); } return 0; }
标签:cas scanf scan ++ isp mic nbsp 个数 switch