标签:argument att near ems anti match round guess desktop
function [level,bw] = thresh_tool(im,cmap,defaultLevel) %mainfunction %THRESH_TOOL Interactively select intensity level for image thresholding. % THRESH_TOOL launches a GUI (graphical user interface) for thresholding % an intensity input image, IM. IM is displayed in the top left corner. A % colorbar and IM‘s histogram are displayed on the bottom. A line on the % histogram indicates the current threshold level. A binary image is % displayed in the top right based on the selected level. To change the % level, click and drag the line. The output image updates automatically. % % There are two ways to use this tool. % %Mode 1 - nonblocking behavior: % THRESH_TOOL(IM) launches GUI tool. You can continue using the MATLAB % Desktop. Since no results are needed, the function does not block % execution of other commands. % % THRESH_TOOL(IM,CMAP) allows the user to specify the colormap, CMAP. If % not specified, the default colormap is used. % % THRESH_TOOL(IM,CMAP,DEFAULTLEVEL) allows the user to specify the % default threshold level. If not specified, DEFAULTLEVEL is determined % by GRAYTHRESH. Valid values for DEFAULTLEVEL must be consistent with % the data type of IM for integer intensity images: uint8 [0,255], uint16 % [0,65535], int16 [-32768,32767]. % % Example % x = imread(‘rice.png‘); % thresh_tool(x) %no return value, so MATLAB keeps running % %Mode 2 - blocking behavior: % LEVEL = THRESH_TOOL(...) returns the user selected level, LEVEL, and % MATLAB waits for the result before proceeding. This blocking behavior % mode allows the tool to be inserted into an image processing algorithm % to support an automated workflow. % % [LEVEL,BW] = THRESH_TOOL(...) also returns the thresholded binary % output image, BW. % % Example % x = imread(‘rice.png‘); % lev = thresh_tool(x) %MATLAB waits for GUI tool to finish % %See also COLORMAP, GRAYTHRESH, IM2BW. if ndims(im)== 3 im = rgb2gray(im); end %defensive programming error(nargchk(1,3,nargin)) error(nargoutchk(0,2,nargout)) %validate defaultLevel within range if nargin>2 %uer specified DEFAULTLEVEL dataType = class(im); switch dataType case ‘uint8‘,‘uint16‘,‘int16‘ if defaultLevel<intmin(dataType) | defaultLevel>intmax(dataType) error([‘Specified DEFAULTLEVEL outside class range for ‘ dataType]) elseif defaultLevel<min(im(:)) | defaultLevel>max(im(:)) error(‘Specified DEFAULTLEVEL outside data range for IM‘) end case ‘double‘,‘single‘ %okay, do nothing otherwise error([‘Unsupport image type ‘ dataType]) end %switch end max_colors=1000; %practical limit %calculate bins centers color_range = double(limits(im)); if isa(im,‘uint8‘) %special case [0 255] color_range = [0 255]; num_colors = 256; di = 1; elseif isinteger(im) %try direct indices first num_colors = diff(color_range)+1; if num_colors<max_colors %okay di = 1; %inherent bins else %too many levels num_colors = max_colors; %practical limit di = diff(color_range)/(num_colors-1); end else %noninteger %try infering discrete resolution first (intensities often quantized) di = min(diff(sort(unique(im(:))))); num_colors = round(diff(color_range)/di)+1; if num_colors>max_colors %too many levels num_colors = max_colors; %practical limit di = diff(color_range)/(num_colors-1); end end bin_ctrs = [color_range(1):di:color_range(2)]; FmtSpec = [‘%.‘ num2str(ceil(-log10(di))) ‘f‘]; %new figure - interactive GUI tool for level segmenting h_fig = figure; set(h_fig,‘ToolBar‘,‘Figure‘) if nargin>1 && isstr(cmap) && strmatch(lower(cmap),‘gray‘) full_map = gray(num_colors); elseif nargin>1 && isnumeric(cmap) && length(size(cmap))==2 && size(cmap,2)==3 full_map = cmap; else full_map = jet(num_colors); end setappdata(h_fig,‘im‘,im) setappdata(h_fig,‘FmtSpec‘,FmtSpec) %top left - input image h_ax1 = axes(‘unit‘,‘norm‘,‘pos‘,[0.05 0.35 0.4 0.60]); rgb = im2rgb(im,full_map); function rgb = im2rgb(im,full_map); %nested %coerce intensities into gray range [0,1] gray = imadjust(im,[],[0 1]); %generate indexed image num_colors = size(full_map,1); ind = gray2ind(gray,num_colors); %convert indexed image to RGB rgb = ind2rgb(ind,full_map); end %im2rgb image(rgb), axis image %subimage(im,full_map) axis off, title(‘Input Image‘) %top right - segmented (eventually) h_ax2 = axes(‘unit‘,‘norm‘,‘pos‘,[0.55 0.35 0.4 0.60]); axis off setappdata(h_fig,‘h_ax2‘,h_ax2) %next to bottom - intensity distribution h_hist = axes(‘unit‘,‘norm‘,‘pos‘,[0.05 0.1 0.9 0.2]); n = hist(double(im(:)),bin_ctrs); bar(bin_ctrs,n) axis([color_range limits(n(2:end-1))]) %ignore saturated end scaling set(h_hist,‘xtick‘,[],‘ytick‘,[]) title(‘Intensity Distribution‘) %very bottom - colorbar h_cbar = axes(‘unit‘,‘norm‘,‘pos‘,[0.05 0.05 0.9 0.05],‘tag‘,‘thresh_tool_cbar‘); subimage(color_range,[0.5 1.5],1:num_colors,full_map) set(h_cbar,‘ytick‘,[],‘xlim‘,color_range) axis normal v=version; if str2num(v(1:3))>=7 %link top axes (pan & zoom) linkaxes([h_ax1 h_ax2]) %link bottom axes (X only - pan & zoom) linkaxes([h_hist h_cbar],‘x‘) end %colorbar tick locations set(h_cbar,‘xtick‘,color_range) %threshold level - initial guess (graythresh) if nargin>2 %user specified default level my_level = defaultLevel; else %graythresh default lo = double(color_range(1)); hi = double(color_range(2)); norm_im = (double(im)-lo)/(hi-lo); norm_level = graythresh(norm_im); %GRAYTHRESH assumes DOUBLE range [0,1] my_level = norm_level*(hi-lo)+lo; end %display level as vertical line axes(h_hist) h_lev = vline(my_level,‘-‘); set(h_lev,‘LineWidth‘,2,‘color‘,0.5*[1 1 1],‘UserData‘,my_level) setappdata(h_fig,‘h_lev‘,h_lev) %attach draggable behavior for user to change level move_vline(h_lev,@update_plot); axes(h_cbar) y_lim = get(h_cbar,‘ylim‘); % PLACE TEXT LOCATION ON COLORBAR (Laurens) %h_text = text(my_level,mean(y_lim),num2str(round(my_level))); h_text = text(my_level,mean(y_lim),‘dummy‘,‘HorizontalAlignment‘,‘Center‘); if nargin<2 text_color = 0.5*[1 1 1]; else text_color = ‘m‘; end set(h_text,‘FontWeight‘,‘Bold‘,‘color‘,text_color,‘Tag‘,‘cbar_text‘) movex_text(h_text,my_level) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %segmented image bw = im>my_level; axes(h_ax2) hold on subimage(bw), axis off, axis ij hold off title(‘Segmented‘) update_plot %add reset button (resort to initial guess) h_reset = uicontrol(‘unit‘,‘norm‘,‘pos‘,[0.0 0.95 .1 .05]); set(h_reset,‘string‘,‘Reset‘,‘callback‘,@ResetOriginalLevel) if nargout>0 %return result(s) h_done = uicontrol(‘unit‘,‘norm‘,‘pos‘,[0.9 0.95 0.1 0.05]); set(h_done,‘string‘,‘Done‘,‘callback‘,‘delete(gcbo)‘) %better %inspect(h_fig) set(h_fig,‘WindowStyle‘,‘modal‘) waitfor(h_done) if ishandle(h_fig) h_lev = getappdata(gcf,‘h_lev‘); level = mean(get(h_lev,‘xdata‘)); if nargout>1 h_im2 = findobj(h_ax2,‘type‘,‘image‘); bw = logical(rgb2gray(get(h_im2,‘cdata‘))); end delete(h_fig) else warning(‘THRESHTOOL:UserAborted‘,‘User Aborted - no return value‘) level = []; end end end %thresh_tool (mainfunction) function ResetOriginalLevel(hObject,varargin) %subfunction h_lev = getappdata(gcf,‘h_lev‘); init_level = get(h_lev,‘UserData‘); set(h_lev,‘XData‘,init_level*[1 1]) text_obj = findobj(‘Type‘,‘Text‘,‘Tag‘,‘cbar_text‘); movex_text(text_obj,init_level) update_plot end %ResetOriginalLevel (subfunction) function update_plot %subfunction im = getappdata(gcf,‘im‘); h_lev = getappdata(gcf,‘h_lev‘); my_level = mean(get(h_lev,‘xdata‘)); h_ax2 = getappdata(gcf,‘h_ax2‘); h_im2 = findobj(h_ax2,‘type‘,‘image‘); %segmented image bw = (im>my_level); rgb_version = repmat(double(bw),[1 1 3]); set(h_im2,‘cdata‘,rgb_version) end %update_plot (subfunction) %function rgbsubimage(im,map), error(‘DISABLED‘) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function move_vline(handle,DoneFcn) %subfunction %MOVE_VLINE implements horizontal movement of line. % % Example: % plot(sin(0:0.1:pi)) % h=vline(1); % move_vline(h) % %Note: This tools strictly requires MOVEX_TEXT, and isn‘t much good % without VLINE by Brandon Kuczenski, available at MATLAB Central. %<http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=1039&objectType=file> % This seems to lock the axes position set(gcf,‘Nextplot‘,‘Replace‘) set(gcf,‘DoubleBuffer‘,‘on‘) h_ax=get(handle,‘parent‘); h_fig=get(h_ax,‘parent‘); setappdata(h_fig,‘h_vline‘,handle) if nargin<2, DoneFcn=[]; end setappdata(h_fig,‘DoneFcn‘,DoneFcn) set(handle,‘ButtonDownFcn‘,@DownFcn) function DownFcn(hObject,eventdata,varargin) %Nested--% set(gcf,‘WindowButtonMotionFcn‘,@MoveFcn) % set(gcf,‘WindowButtonUpFcn‘,@UpFcn) % end %DownFcn------------------------------------------% function UpFcn(hObject,eventdata,varargin) %Nested----% set(gcf,‘WindowButtonMotionFcn‘,[]) % DoneFcn=getappdata(hObject,‘DoneFcn‘); % if isstr(DoneFcn) % eval(DoneFcn) % elseif isa(DoneFcn,‘function_handle‘) % feval(DoneFcn) % end % end %UpFcn--------------------------------------------% function MoveFcn(hObject,eventdata,varargin) %Nested------% h_vline=getappdata(hObject,‘h_vline‘); % h_ax=get(h_vline,‘parent‘); % cp = get(h_ax,‘CurrentPoint‘); % xpos = cp(1); % x_range=get(h_ax,‘xlim‘); % if xpos<x_range(1), xpos=x_range(1); end % if xpos>x_range(2), xpos=x_range(2); end % XData = get(h_vline,‘XData‘); % XData(:)=xpos; % set(h_vline,‘xdata‘,XData) % %update text % text_obj = findobj(‘Type‘,‘Text‘,‘Tag‘,‘cbar_text‘); % movex_text(text_obj,xpos) % end %MoveFcn----------------------------------------------% end %move_vline(subfunction) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function [x,y] = limits(a) %subfunction % LIMITS returns min & max values of matrix; else scalar value. % % [lo,hi]=LIMITS(a) returns LOw and HIgh values respectively. % % lim=LIMITS(a) returns 1x2 result, where lim = [lo hi] values if nargin~=1 | nargout>2 %bogus syntax error(‘usage: [lo,hi]=limits(a)‘) end siz=size(a); if prod(siz)==1 %scalar result=a; % value else %matrix result=[min(a(:)) max(a(:))]; % limits end if nargout==1 %composite result x=result; % 1x2 vector elseif nargout==2 %separate results x=result(1); % two scalars y=result(2); else %no result ans=result % display answer end end %limits (subfunction) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- function movex_text(h_txt,x_pos) %subfunction FmtSpec=getappdata(get(get(h_txt,‘parent‘),‘parent‘),‘FmtSpec‘); msg=sprintf(FmtSpec,x_pos); pos=get(h_txt,‘position‘); pos(1)=x_pos; set(h_txt,‘Position‘,pos,‘String‘,msg) end %movex_text %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function hhh=vline(x,in1,in2) %subfunction % function h=vline(x, linetype, label) % % Draws a vertical line on the current axes at the location specified by ‘x‘. Optional arguments are % ‘linetype‘ (default is ‘r:‘) and ‘label‘, which applies a text label to the graph near the line. The % label appears in the same color as the line. % % The line is held on the current axes, and after plotting the line, the function returns the axes to % its prior hold state. % % The HandleVisibility property of the line object is set to "off", so not only does it not appear on % legends, but it is not findable by using findobj. Specifying an output argument causes the function to % return a handle to the line, so it can be manipulated or deleted. Also, the HandleVisibility can be % overridden by setting the root‘s ShowHiddenHandles property to on. % % h = vline(42,‘g‘,‘The Answer‘) % % returns a handle to a green vertical line on the current axes at x=42, and creates a text object on % the current axes, close to the line, which reads "The Answer". % % vline also supports vector inputs to draw multiple lines at once. For example, % % vline([4 8 12],{‘g‘,‘r‘,‘b‘},{‘l1‘,‘lab2‘,‘LABELC‘}) % % draws three lines with the appropriate labels and colors. % % By Brandon Kuczenski for Kensington Labs. % brandon_kuczenski@kensingtonlabs.com % 8 November 2001 % Downloaded 8/7/03 from MATLAB Central % http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=1039&objectType=file if length(x)>1 % vector input for I=1:length(x) switch nargin case 1 linetype=‘r:‘; label=‘‘; case 2 if ~iscell(in1) in1={in1}; end if I>length(in1) linetype=in1{end}; else linetype=in1{I}; end label=‘‘; case 3 if ~iscell(in1) in1={in1}; end if ~iscell(in2) in2={in2}; end if I>length(in1) linetype=in1{end}; else linetype=in1{I}; end if I>length(in2) label=in2{end}; else label=in2{I}; end end h(I)=vline(x(I),linetype,label); end else switch nargin case 1 linetype=‘r:‘; label=‘‘; case 2 linetype=in1; label=‘‘; case 3 linetype=in1; label=in2; end g=ishold(gca); hold on y=get(gca,‘ylim‘); h=plot([x x],y,linetype); if length(label) xx=get(gca,‘xlim‘); xrange=xx(2)-xx(1); xunit=(x-xx(1))/xrange; if xunit<0.8 text(x+0.01*xrange,y(1)+0.1*(y(2)-y(1)),label,‘color‘,get(h,‘color‘)) else text(x-.05*xrange,y(1)+0.1*(y(2)-y(1)),label,‘color‘,get(h,‘color‘)) end end if g==0 hold off end set(h,‘tag‘,‘vline‘,‘handlevisibility‘,‘off‘) end % else if nargout hhh=h; end end %vline (subfunction)
标签:argument att near ems anti match round guess desktop