标签:lib png eva created bounds using std tle variable
将 SP++3.0 压缩包解压到某一路径下,如 D:\Program Files\SP++3.0
建立VS2010 项目,在Project->Propertiesr的VC++Directories->Include Directories
中加入D:\Program Files\SP++3.0\include
/***************************************************************************** * fft_test.cpp * * FFT test. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-09, Xi‘an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <vectormath.h> #include <fft.h> using namespace std; using namespace splab; typedef double Type; const int MINLEN = 1; const int MAXLEN = 1000; const int STEP = 10; int main() { Vector< complex<Type> > sn, Rk, Sk, xn; Vector<Type> rn, tn; cout << "forward transform: complex to complex." << endl; cout << "inverse transform: complex to complex." << endl << endl; cout << "signal length" << "\t" << "mean(abs((sn-xn))" << endl; for( int len=MINLEN; len<MAXLEN; len+=STEP ) { sn.resize(len); for( int i=0; i<len; ++i ) sn[i] = complex<Type>( rand()%10, rand()%10 ); Sk = fftc2c( sn ); xn = ifftc2c( Sk ); // Sk = fft( sn ); // xn = ifft( Sk ); cout << " " << len << "\t\t" << " " << sum(abs(sn-xn))/len << endl; } cout << endl << endl; cout << "forward transform: real to complex ." << endl; cout << "inverse transform: complex to real." << endl << endl; cout << "signal length" << "\t" << "mean(abs((rn-tn))" << endl; for( int len=MINLEN; len<MAXLEN; len+=STEP ) { rn.resize(len); for( int i=0; i<len; ++i ) rn[i] = rand()%10; Rk = fftr2c( rn ); tn = ifftc2r( Rk ); // Rk = fft( rn ); // tn = real( ifft(Rk) ); cout << " " << len << "\t\t" << " " << sum(abs(rn-tn))/len << endl; } cout << endl; return 0; }
二、SP++3.0测试含matlab plot代码
此处必须先加载SP++3.0\include,然后再加载Matalb\extern\inlcude,因为SP++3.0 与Matlab中都有matrix.h头文件,如果加载顺序相反,则无法通过编译;
/***************************************************************************** * CppMatlab_test.cpp * * C++ and Matlab mixed programming testing. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-10, Xi‘an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #define BOUNDS_CHECK #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <vectormath.h> #include <matrixmath.h> #include <wft.h> #include "engine.h" using namespace std; using namespace splab; typedef double Type; const int Lg = 128; const int Ls = 1000; const Type Fs = 1000; int main() { /******************************* [ signal ] ******************************/ Vector<Type> t = linspace( Type(0), Type(Ls-1), Ls ) / Type(Fs); Vector<Type> s = sin( Type(400*PI) * pow(t,Type(2.0)) ); /******************************** [ widow ] ******************************/ t = linspace(Type(0),Type(Lg-1),Lg); Vector<Type> g = gauss( t, (Lg-1)/Type(2), Lg/Type(8) ); /********************************* [ WFT ] *******************************/ cout << "Taking windowed Fourier transform." << endl; Matrix< complex<Type> > coefs = wft( s, g ); /******************************** [ IWFT ] *******************************/ cout << "Taking inverse windowed Fourier transform." << endl; Vector<Type> x = iwft( coefs, g ); cout << "The relative error is : " << "norm(s-x) / norm(s) = " << norm(s-x)/norm(s) << endl << endl; /******************************** [ PLOT ] *******************************/ Engine *ep = engOpen( NULL ); if( !ep ) { cerr << "Cannot open Matlab Engine!" << endl; exit(1); } Matrix<Type> C = trT( abs(coefs) ); int M = C.rows(), N = C.cols(); // define mxArray as 1-by-1 Real Scalar mxArray *mFs = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( 1, 1, mxREAL ); // define mxArray as N-by-1 Real Vector mxArray *ms = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( Ls, 1, mxREAL ); mxArray *mx = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( Ls, 1, mxREAL ); // define mxArray as N-by-M Real Matrix, BECAUSE matalb is ROW MAJOR // and C/C++ is COLUMN MAJOR, the row of SP++ matrix is copied as the // column of Matlab matrix mxArray *mC = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( N, M, mxREAL ); // array copy from Scalar to mxArray. memcpy( mxGetPr(mFs), &Fs, sizeof(Type) ); // array copy from Vectors to mxArray. memcpy( mxGetPr(ms), s, Ls*sizeof(Type) ); memcpy( mxGetPr(mx), x, Ls*sizeof(Type) ); // array copy from Matrix to mxArray. memcpy( mxGetPr(mC), C, C.size()*sizeof(Type) ); // send command to Matlab engine engPutVariable( ep, "fs", mFs ); engPutVariable( ep, "s", ms ); engPutVariable( ep, "x", mx ); engPutVariable( ep, "C", mC ); // Matlab commands const char *mCmd = " figure(‘name‘,‘C++ and Matlab Mixed Programming Testing‘); hFN = floor(size(C,1)/2); tN = size(C,2); subplot(2,2,1); plot((0:tN-1), s); axis([0,tN,min(s),max(s)]); xlabel(‘Time (ms)‘, ‘fontsize‘,12); ylabel(‘Amplitude‘, ‘fontsize‘,12); title(‘(a)‘); subplot(2,2,2); pcolor((0:tN-1),(0:hFN)‘/hFN, C(1:hFN+1,:)); shading interp; axis([0,tN, 0,1]); yt = 0 : 0.2 : 1; set(gca, ‘YTick‘,yt); set(gca, ‘YTickLabel‘,fs*yt/2); xlabel(‘Time (ms)‘,‘fontsize‘,12); ylabel(‘Frequency (Hz)‘,‘fontsize‘,12); title(‘(b)‘); subplot(2,2,3); plot((0:tN-1),x); axis([0,tN,min(x),max(x)]); xlabel(‘Time (ms)‘,‘fontsize‘,12); ylabel(‘Amplitude‘, ‘fontsize‘,12); title(‘(c)‘); subplot(2,2,4); e=s-x; plot((0:tN-1),e); axis([0,tN,min(e),max(e)]); xlabel(‘Time (ms)‘,‘fontsize‘,12); ylabel(‘Amplitude‘, ‘fontsize‘,12); title(‘(d)‘); "; // send command to Matlab engine engEvalString( ep, mCmd ); // delete mxArray mxDestroyArray( mFs ); mxDestroyArray( ms ); mxDestroyArray( mx ); mxDestroyArray( mC ); system( "pause" ); engClose(ep); return 0; }
标签:lib png eva created bounds using std tle variable