标签:tin element its poc alt eth output 读取 var
Dataset(数据集) API 在 TensorFlow 1.4版本中已经从tf.contrib.data迁移到了tf.data之中,增加了对于Python的生成器的支持,官方强烈建议使用Dataset API 为 TensorFlow模型创建输入管道,原因如下:
Dataset表示一个元素的集合,可以看作函数式编程中的 lazy list, 元素是tensor tuple。创建Dataset的方式可以分为两种,分别是:
Apply transformation
这里 source 指的是从tf.Tensor对象创建Dataset,常见的方法又如下几种:
tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors((features, labels))
tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((features, labels))
1.从一个tensor tuple创建一个单元素的dataset;
2.从一个tensor tuple创建一个包含多个元素的dataset;
第二种方法就是通过转化已有的dataset来得到新的dataset,TensorFLow tf.data.Dataset支持很多中变换,在这里介绍常见的几种:
dataset.map(lambda x: tf.decode_jpeg(x)) dataset.repeat(NUM_EPOCHS) dataset.batch(BATCH_SIZE)
以上三种方式分别表示了:使用map对dataset中的每个元素进行处理,这里的例子是对图片数据进行解码;将dataset重复一定数目的次数用于多个epoch的训练;将原来的dataset中的元素按照某个数量叠在一起,生成mini batch。
# 从一个文件名列表读取 TFRecord 构成 dataset dataset = TFRecordDataset(["file1.tfrecord", "file2.tfrecord"]) # 处理 string,将 string 转化为 tf.Tensor 对象 dataset = dataset.map(lambda record: tf.parse_single_example(record)) # buffer 大小设置为 10000,打乱 dataset dataset = dataset.shuffle(10000) # dataset 将被用来训练 100 个 epoch dataset = dataset.repeat(100) # 设置 batch size 为 128 dataset = dataset.batch(128)
定义好了数据集以后可以通过Iterator接口来访问数据集中的tensor tuple,iterator保持了数据在数据集中的位置,提供了访问数据集中数据的方法。
可以通过调用 dataset 的 make iterator 方法来构建 iterator。
API 支持以下四种 iterator,复杂程度递增:
one-shot iterator 谁最简单的一种 iterator,仅支持对整个数据集访问一遍,不需要显式的初始化。one-shot iterator 不支参数化。以下代码使用tf.data.Dataset.range生成数据集,作用与 python 中的 range 类似。
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(100) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next() for i in range(100): value = sess.run(next_element) assert i == value
Initializable iterator 要求在使用之前显式的通过调用iterator.initializer操作初始化,这使得在定义数据集时可以结合tf.placeholder传入参数,如:
max_value = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[]) dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(max_value) iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next() # Initialize an iterator over a dataset with 10 elements. sess.run(iterator.initializer, feed_dict={max_value: 10}) for i in range(10): value = sess.run(next_element) assert i == value # Initialize the same iterator over a dataset with 100 elements. sess.run(iterator.initializer, feed_dict={max_value: 100}) for i in range(100): value = sess.run(next_element) assert i == value
reinitializable iterator 可以被不同的 dataset 对象初始化,比如对于训练集进行了shuffle的操作,对于验证集则没有处理,通常这种情况会使用两个具有相同结构的dataset对象,如:
# Define training and validation datasets with the same structure. training_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(100).map( lambda x: x + tf.random_uniform([], -10, 10, tf.int64)) validation_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(50) # A reinitializable iterator is defined by its structure. We could use the # `output_types` and `output_shapes` properties of either `training_dataset` # or `validation_dataset` here, because they are compatible. iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(training_dataset.output_types, training_dataset.output_shapes) next_element = iterator.get_next() training_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(training_dataset) validation_init_op = iterator.make_initializer(validation_dataset) # 如果后面初始化的是这个,那么就将循环这个数据集 # Run 20 epochs in which the training dataset is traversed, followed by the # validation dataset. for _ in range(20): # Initialize an iterator over the training dataset. sess.run(training_init_op) for _ in range(100): sess.run(next_element) # Initialize an iterator over the validation dataset. sess.run(validation_init_op) # 替换init_op,相当于替换数据集 for _ in range(50): sess.run(next_element)
feedable iterator 可以通过和tf.placeholder结合在一起,同通过feed_dict机制来选择在每次调用tf.Session.run的时候选择哪种Iterator。它提供了与 reinitilizable iterator 类似的功能,并且在切换数据集的时候不需要在开始的时候初始化iterator,还是上面的例子,通过tf.data.Iterator.from_string_handle来定义一个 feedable iterator,达到切换数据集的目的:
# Define training and validation datasets with the same structure. training_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(100).map( lambda x: x + tf.random_uniform([], -10, 10, tf.int64)).repeat() validation_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.range(50) # A feedable iterator is defined by a handle placeholder and its structure. We # could use the `output_types` and `output_shapes` properties of either # `training_dataset` or `validation_dataset` here, because they have # identical structure. handle = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=[]) iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_string_handle( handle, training_dataset.output_types, training_dataset.output_shapes) next_element = iterator.get_next() # You can use feedable iterators with a variety of different kinds of iterator # (such as one-shot and initializable iterators). training_iterator = training_dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() validation_iterator = validation_dataset.make_initializable_iterator() # The `Iterator.string_handle()` method returns a tensor that can be evaluated # and used to feed the `handle` placeholder. training_handle = sess.run(training_iterator.string_handle()) validation_handle = sess.run(validation_iterator.string_handle()) # Loop forever, alternating between training and validation. while True: # Run 200 steps using the training dataset. Note that the training dataset is # infinite, and we resume from where we left off in the previous `while` loop # iteration. for _ in range(200): sess.run(next_element, feed_dict={handle: training_handle}) # Run one pass over the validation dataset. sess.run(validation_iterator.initializer) for _ in range(50): sess.run(next_element, feed_dict={handle: validation_handle})
def get_encodes(x): # x is `batch_size` of lines, each of which is a json object samples = [json.loads(l) for l in x] text = [s[‘fact‘] for s in samples] # get a client from available clients bc_client = bc_clients.pop() features = bc_client.encode(text) # after use, put it back bc_clients.append(bc_client) labels = [0 for _ in text] return features, labels data_node = (tf.data.TextLineDataset(train_fp).batch(batch_size) .map(lambda x: tf.py_func(get_encodes, [x], [tf.float32, tf.int64], name=‘bert_client‘), num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) .map(lambda x, y: {‘feature‘: x, ‘label‘: y}) .make_one_shot_iterator().get_next())
标签:tin element its poc alt eth output 读取 var