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12C ORA-错误汇总18 ORA-57000 to ORA-65535 EXP-00000 to EXP-00114

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标签:called   errors   glob   critical   middle   compile   instance   elements   measure   

ORA-57000: TimesTen IMDB error: string
Cause: An error occurred during a TimesTen operation.
Action: Look up the error code in the TimesTen error documentation to diagnose.
31-2 Oracle Database Error Messages

ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 2 3
ORA-60001: adding (string) blocks to save undo segment in tablespace string with
MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Save undo for the offline tablespace at segment MAXSIZE.
Action: Check the storage parameters for the system tablespace. The tablespace
needs to be brought back online so the undo can be applied.
ORA-60002: adding (string) blocks to temporary segment in tablespace string with
MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a temporary segment violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60003: adding (string) blocks to table string.string partition string with
MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a table partition violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60004: adding (string) blocks to table string.string with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a table violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60005: adding (string) blocks to cluster string.string with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a cluster violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60006: adding (string) blocks to index string.string partition string with
MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending an index partition violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60007: adding (string) blocks to index string.string subpartition string with
MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending an index subpartition violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60008: adding (string) blocks to index string.string with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending an index violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
32-2 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-60009: adding (string) blocks to LOB segment string.string partition string
with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a LOB segment violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60010: adding (string) blocks to LOB segment string.string with MAXSIZE
Cause: Extending a LOB segment violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60011: adding (string) blocks to lob segment string.string subpartition string
with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a LOB segment violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60012: adding (string) blocks to table string.string subpartition string with
MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a table subpartition violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60013: invalid MAXSIZE storage option value
Cause: Invalid value was specified for MAXSIZE storage clause.
Action: Correct the value and retry command.
ORA-60014: invalid MAXSIZE storage option value
Cause: Minimum of 1M should have been specified against the MAXSIZE storage
Action: Correct the value and retry command.
ORA-60015: invalid RETENTION storage option value
Cause: Value of MIN retention should have been nonzero.
Action: Correct the value and retry command.
ORA-60016: Operation not supported on SECUREFILE segment
Cause: The operation to ALTER FREELIST/RETENTION was not supported on
Action: Check the LOB type and reissue the statement.
ORA-60018: adding string blocks to rollback segment string with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending a rollback segment violated MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit and retry command.
ORA-60019: Creating initial extent of size string in tablespace of extent size string
Cause: Creation of SECUREFILE segment failed due to small tablespace extent
Action: Create tablespace with larger extent size and reissue command.
ORA-60025: Event for temp segment cleanup used for temp lobs
Cause: Temp LOB segments used for temporary LOBs are deleted only on session
exit which may lead to large amounts of memory being held across multiple
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-3
Action: Setting this event will cause temporary LOB segments to be freed when
there are no active temporary LOBs in the session. Setting this event will have a
significant performance impact as it can cause temporary lob segments to be
allocated and deleted many times during a session rather than once per session.
Use this event only when temporary LOB segment memory use is an issue.
ORA-60072: adding (string) blocks to heat map segment with MAXSIZE (string)
Cause: Extending the heat map segment violated the MAXSIZE limit.
Action: Increase the MAXSIZE limit.
ORA-60073: Heat map segment cannot be created
Cause: SYSAUX tablespace has uniform extent allocation and the extent size is
not a multiple of megabyte.
Action: Re-create SYSAUX tablespace with autoallocate extent management
policy or use the uniform extent size which is a multiple of megabyte.
ORA-62001: value for parameter cannot contain a comma
Cause: Parameter value contained a comma.
Action: Remove the comma from the parameter value.
ORA-62007: Encountered a value of unsupported type or size for XPath (string)
Cause: Encountered a value of unsupported type in a SQL/XML DML operator.
SQL/XML operators, such as UPDATEXML, expect value operands of type
VARCHAR2 and XMLTYPE. XML DML replication is not supported for
SQL/XML DML operators with values of unsupported types or very large values
of supported types.
Action: Rewrite the UPDATE statement using XQuery update or set event 19027
level 1 to dump XML Document as against XMLDiff in redo log.
ORA-62008: Cannot rewrite a newer version of XML redo diff (encountered: string,
supported: string)
Cause: Encountered a newer version of XML redo diff that is not supported.
Action: Use RDBMS version that supports rewrite of given version of XML redo
ORA-62009: An attempt to encode invalid XML character string in supplemental log
has occurred.
Cause: An attribute was being populated or updated with characters which are
not valid for XML and therefore could not be supplementally logged.
Action: Store the desired value in a RAW or BLOB attribute.
ORA-62500: function is not allowed outside of MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
Cause: The function was specified outside of the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
This function is only allowed in the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
Action: Rewrite the SQL statement.
ORA-62501: invalid value specified for bounded quantifier in MATCH_
Cause: The specified lower bound or upper bound value was greater than
UB4MAXVAL. The lower bound value must be non-negative. The upper bound
value must be strictly positive. The upper bound value must be greater than or
equal to the lower bound value.
Action: Choose an appropriate value and retry the operation.
32-4 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-62502: invalid variable name
Cause: The specified variable name was invalid. Variable names are not allowed
to be "^", "$", or "*".
Action: Choose an appropriate variable name and retry the operation.
ORA-62503: illegal variable definition
Cause: The specified variable definition was invalid. Variables defined in the
DEFINE clause must be in the PATTERN clause. Variables defined in the SUBSET
clause cannot be in the PATTERN clause. Variables cannot be defined twice either
in the SUBSET clause or the DEFINE clause.
Action: Choose an appropriate variable and retry the operation.
ORA-62504: illegal variable reference
Cause: The referenced variable was invalid. Variables referenced in the SUBSET
clause must be in the PATTERN clause. Variables referenced in the DEFINE clause,
the MEASURES clause, and the AFTER MATCH SKIP TO must be in the
PATTERN clause or defined in the SUBSET clause.
Action: Choose an appropriate variable and retry the operation.
ORA-62505: expression needs to be aliased
Cause: The expression was not aliased. MEASURES clause items have to be
Action: Choose an appropriate variable and retry the operation.
ORA-62506: illegal nesting of operators in MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
Cause: An attempt was made to nest aggregates/FIRST/LAST/PREV/NEXT.
Aggregates/FIRST/LAST/PREV/NEXT cannot be nested. The only exception
allowed is PREV/NEXT(FIRST/LAST()).
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62507: illegal use of MATCH_NUMBER or CLASSIFIER in MATCH_
Cause: An attempt was made to use MATCH_NUMBER or CLASSIFIER in the
used in the MEASURES clause. CLASSIFIER can only be used if the query is ALL
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62508: illegal use of aggregates or navigation operators in MATCH_
Cause: An attempt was made to define aggregates/FIRST/LAST/PREV/NEXT
over multiple variables. Aggregates/FIRST/LAST/PREV/NEXT cannot be
defined over multiple variables.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62509: illegal use of RUNNING or FINAL in MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
Cause: An attempt was made to use RUNNING or FINAL in MATCH_
RECOGNIZE. RUNNING or FINAL can only be used on aggregate/FIRST/LAST.
FINAL aggregate/FIRST/LAST is not allowed in the DEFINE clause.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-5
ORA-62510: Correlated subqueries are not allowed in MATCH_RECOGNIZE
Cause: An attempt was made to use correlated subqueries in the MATCH_
RECOGNIZE clause. Correlated subqueries are currently not allowed in the
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62511: Correlation variables are not allowed in MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
Cause: An attempt was made to use correlation variables in the MATCH_
RECOGNIZE clause. Correlation variables are currently not allowed in the
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62512: This aggregate is not yet supported in MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
Cause: An unsupported aggregate was specified in the MATCH_RECOGNIZE
clause. Only COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX are currently supported in the
MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause. Distinct aggregates are currently not supported in
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62513: Quantified subpatterns that can have empty matches are not yet
Cause: There were empty matches for the quantified subpattern in the PATTERN
clause. Quantified subpatterns are currently required to match one or more rows.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62514: AFTER MATCH SKIP TO variable is not bounded in the match found.
Cause: AFTER MATCH SKIP TO variable was not bound in the match found due
to pattern operators such as |, *, ?, and so on.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62515: Exclusion syntax cannot be used with WITH UNMATCHED ROWS.
Cause: An attempt was made to use exclusion syntax with WITH UNMATCHED
ROWS. Exclusion syntax {- -} cannot be used with WITH UNMATCHED ROWS.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62516: The PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, or MEASURES clause is too large for
Cause: The number of items in PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, or MEASURES clause
exceeded the maximum allowed. There cannot be more than UB2MAXVAL
elements in PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, or MEASURES clause.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62517: Next match starts at the same point last match started.
Cause: AFTER MATCH SKIP TO option repositioned the next match at the start
of the previous one resulting in an infinite loop.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62518: MATCH_RECOGNIZE pattern is too large.
Cause: MATCH_RECOGNIZE pattern was too large. More than UB2MAXVAL
elements in alternation, concatenation, or permute, or more than UB4MAXVAL
states in the state machine are currently not supported. Permute with more than 7
32-6 Oracle Database Error Messages
elements or bounded quantifier bound greater than 200 are also currently not
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62519: Subquery inside MATCH_RECOGNIZE cannot contain MATCH_
Cause: An attempt was made to use a subquery containing a MATCH_
RECOGNIZE clause inside a MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause. Subqueries containing
MATCH_RECOGNIZE clauses are currently not allowed in the MATCH_
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62520: illegal offset for MATCH_RECOGNIZE navigation operators
Cause: An attempt was made to use something other than a constant or a bind
variable as the offset for MATCH_RECOGNIZE navigation operators FIRST,
LAST, PREV, or NEXT. Offset for MATCH_RECOGNIZE navigation operators
have to be constants or bind variables.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62521: MATCH_RECOGNIZE is not supported on lateral views
Cause: An attempt was made to use MATCH_RECOGNIZE on a lateral view,
which is not supported.
Action: Modify the query and retry the operation.
ORA-62550: Invalid SQL ROW LIMITING expression was specified.
Cause: The SQL ROW LIMITING expression contained components other than
literals, binds, correlation variables, or subqueries.
Action: Modify the SQL ROW LIMITING expression and retry the operation.
ORA-63000: operation disallowed: data file string is being moved
Cause: The specified data file was being moved.
Action: Wait for the move operation to complete and retry the command.
ORA-63001: file error during move operation
Cause: The move operation encountered an error for the moved data file. The
error might be caused by file going offline or by an I/O error. See alert or trace
files in all instances for further information.
Action: Retry the move command.
ORA-63002: a data file copy that is not current
Cause: An obsolete copy of a data file left from a data file move operation was
used for the CREATE CONTROLFILE command or file header read.
Action: Pass a valid file or perform a media recovery on the file.
ORA-63003: a half-done data file copy
Cause: A half-done copy of a data file created from a previous data file move
operation was used for the CREATE CONTROLFILE command or file header
Action: Check file headers and pass only valid files.
ORA-63004: Database names in file headers are inconsistent: string and string.
Cause: Differring database names were found in database file headers.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-7
Action: Check that correct and valid data files are used.
ORA-63997: file size refresh failed
Cause: An operating system error or device error occurred when retrieving the
file‘s size.
Action: Remedy the operating system or device errors mentioned in the error
stack and then perform crash recovery.
ORA-63998: undo tablespace file suffered media failure
Cause: An undo tablespace file was detected as inaccessible due to media failure.
Action: Restore accessibility to the file mentioned in the error stack and restart the
ORA-63999: data file suffered media failure
Cause: A data file was detected as inaccessible due to media failure.
Action: Restore accessibility to the file mentioned in the error stack and restart the
ORA-64000: specified path already exists
Cause: The pathname of a new item specified in a DBFS API operation already
Action: Specify a valid, new pathname for the operation.
ORA-64001: invalid parent directory in specified path
Cause: The pathname of an item specified in a DBFS API operation has one or
more invalid parent components.
Action: Specify a valid pathname with valid parent components for the operation.
ORA-64002: specified path is invalid
Cause: The pathname of an item specified in a DBFS API operation is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid pathname for the operation.
ORA-64003: an unsupported operation was invoked
Cause: The current DBFS API operation is unsupported by a provider.
Action: Use the provider feature set to invoke only supported operations.
ORA-64004: an invalid combination of arguments was specified
Cause: The current DBFS API operation specifies an invalid combination of
arguments for the specified pathname(s) and operation.
Action: Specify a valid combination of pathname(s) and arguments.
ORA-64005: access control checks failed
Cause: The current DBFS API operation failed access control checks for the
pathname(s) being accessed.
Action: Specify valid pathname(s) and principal for the operation, or take
store-specific actions to enable access.
ORA-64006: lock conflict in current operation
Cause: A DBFS API locking operation could not be completed due to conflicts in
the locking protocol.
Action: Follow the proper lock/unlock protocol according to the provider feature
32-8 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-64007: invalid store specified
Cause: The current operation specifies an invalid store name.
Action: Specify a valid store name for the operation.
ORA-64008: invalid mount-point specified
Cause: The current operation specifies an invalid mount-point.
Action: Specify a valid mount-point for the operation.
ORA-64009: invalid provider specified
Cause: The current operation refers to an invalid or incomplete or
non-conformant store provider package.
Action: Specify a valid, complete, and conformant (per "dbms_dbfs_content_spi")
store provider package.
ORA-64010: cannot modify store via read-only mount
Cause: The current operation attempts to modify a store via a read-only mount
(or specifies a read-only store).
Action: Specify a valid modifiable store/mount for the operation.
ORA-64011: cross store operation
Cause: The current operation attempts to span 2 or more different stores and
cannot be implemented entirely by the DBFS API.
Action: Split the operation, at the application-level, into multiple sub-operations
to implement the same overall functionality.
ORA-64012: specified path is a directory
Cause: The current operation specifies a path that is a directory element, when a
non-directory element is expected.
Action: Specify a path of the proper type for the operation.
ORA-64013: specified path is not a directory
Cause: The current operation specifies a path that is not a directory element,
when a directory element is expected.
Action: Specify a path of the proper type for the operation.
ORA-64014: directory not empty
Cause: The current operation specifies a directory element that is not empty as
Action: Specify an empty directory element.
ORA-64101: Cannot alter both a structured and an unstructured component of an
XMLIndex in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
Cause: An attempt was made to alter the unstructured component and structured
component of an XMLIndex at the same time.
Action: Use separate ALTER INDEX statements to change an unstructured
component and a structured component of an XMLIndex.
ORA-64102: Cannot create an XMLIndex with a structured component on a CLOB
column within the object-relational storage model.
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XMLIndex with a structured
component on a CLOB column within the object-relational storage model.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-9
Action: Only unstructured XML indexes can be created on a CLOB column within
the object-relational storage model.
ORA-64103: Cannot create an XMLIndex on an object-relational XML type table or
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XMLIndex on an XML type table or
column that uses the object-relational storage model.
Action: The object-relational storage model does not support an XMLIndex.
ORA-64104: Column name already used by internal column of the structured
component of the XMLIndex.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a column name already in use by an internal
column of the structured component of the XMLIndex.
Action: Chose another column name.
ORA-64105: Cannot create domain index on XMLIndex internal tables.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a domain index on an internal table of an
Action: Create the domain index on the base table.
ORA-64106: Incorrect use of comma(,) punctuation in COLUMN definitions.
Cause: An attempt was made to define COLUMNS with incorrect use of comma
Action: Properly separate COLUMN definitions with comma punctuation.
ORA-64107: The XMLIndex has been successfully altered but the metadata could
not be updated.
Cause: An internal error occured when updating the index metadata. The dbms_
metadata.get_ddl function may return improper metadata.
Action: contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-64108: Cannot truncate a table that has an XMLIndex whose internal table has
been indexed using Oracle Text.
Cause: An attempt was made to truncate a table that has an XMLIndex whose
internal table has been indexed using Oracle Text.
Action: Drop the Oracle Text index on the XMLIndex internal table.
ORA-64109: XMLIndex: problems encountered during the dropping of statistics
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64110: XMLIndex: problems encountered during the gathering of statistics
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64111: XMLIndex: problems encountered during EXPORT
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64112: XMLIndex: problems encountered during IMPORT
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
32-10 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-64113: XMLIndex: XDB.XDB$XIDX_IMP_T still has bad data for
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Ask the DBA to delete all the rows that belong to the given schema_
name.index_name from the system table XDB.XDB$XIDX_IMP_T."
ORA-64115: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: the table has no XMLIndex
Cause: The non-partitioned table had no XMLIndex.
Action: None
ORA-64116: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible XPath subsets
Cause: The XMLIndexes on the two tables had different path subsets.
Action: Correct the error and retry the command.
ORA-64117: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible modes for asynchronous
Cause: The XMLIndexes on the two tables had different deferred DML modes.
Action: Correct the error and retry the command.
ORA-64118: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible unstructured components
Cause: One of the XMLIndexes had no unstructured component.
Action: Correct the error and retry the command.
ORA-64119: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components
Cause: One of the XMLIndexes had no structured component.
Action: Correct the error and retry the command.
ORA-64120: XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components
Cause: The XMLIndexes had different structured components.
Action: Correct the error and retry the command.
ORA-64121: XMLIndex DDL: failure of the internal "string"
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64122: XMLIndex DDL: failure of the recursive "string"
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64123: XMLIndex DDL: failure of a recursive DDL
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64124: XMLIndex: failure during the setting of an event
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64125: XMLIndex: failure during the resetting of an event
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-11
ORA-64126: XMLIndex Table Function: failure at the start of the function
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Examine the error messages and take appropriate action.
ORA-64127: XMLIndex Table Function: failure at the beginning of the function
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Examine the error messages and take appropriate action.
ORA-64128: XMLIndex Table Function: failure during the function evaluation
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Examine the error messages and take appropriate action.
ORA-64129: XMLIndex Table Function: failure at the end of the function
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Examine the error messages and take appropriate action.
ORA-64130: XMLIndex: invalid namespace mapping "string"
Cause: Namespace mapping was invalid. The syntax is XMLNS="string".
Action: Check the namespace string, correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64131: XMLIndex Metadata: failure during the looking up of the dictionary
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64132: XMLIndex Metadata: failure during the updating of the dictionary
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64133: XMLIndex DML: failure of the internal "string"
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64134: XMLIndex DML: failure of the recursive "string"
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64135: XMLIndex DML: failure of a recursive DML
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64136: XMLIndex Asynchronous DML: synchronization failure
Cause: See associated error message.
Action: Correct the error and retry command.
ORA-64137: Cannot drop an XMLIndex whose internal table has been indexed
using Oracle Text.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an XMLIndex whose internal table has been
indexed using Oracle Text.
Action: Drop the Oracle Text index on the XMLIndex internal table.
32-12 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-64138: Cannot drop groups from an XMLIndex whose internal table has been
indexed using Oracle Text.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop groups from an XMLIndex whose internal
table has been indexed using Oracle Text.
Action: Drop the Oracle Text index on the XMLIndex internal table.
ORA-64139: The type of VIRTUAL column is not XMLTYPE
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XML index with VIRTUAL column not
Action: Specify the type of VIRTUAL column to be XMLTYPE.
ORA-64140: missing chaining XMLTABLE for VIRTUAL column in the index
Cause: An attempt was made to create an XML index with VIRTUAL column but
without required chaining XMLTABLE.
Action: Specify a chaining XMLTABLE after VIRTUAL column.
ORA-64141: Can only have a single XMLType column when a table is shared.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a shared table with more than one
Action: Specify a correct shared table definition with only one XMLType column.
ORA-64142: Shared tables must have same semantics for truncation.
Cause: An attempt was made to create shared tables with inconsistent semantics
for truncation. Either all shared tables should have or should not have
(TRUNCATE) keyword.
Action: Be consistent with (TRUNCATE) keyword while defining shared tables.
ORA-64143: Can only share an existing XMLIndex table with an XMLTYPE column.
Cause: An attempt was made to share a table without an XMLTYPE column.
Action: Drop the group containing the XMLIndex table without an XMLTYPE
column and re-create the group with new definition.
ORA-64144: Shared tables must have equivalent paths.
Cause: An attempt was made to share a table with different paths.
Action: Specify a correct shared table definition with appropriate paths.
ORA-64145: This XMLIndex rewrite failed
Cause: One of the rewrites being tried by XMLIndex engine failed.
Action: None. This error is for understanding the trace file of XMLIndex rewrite.
ORA-64146: Nonblocking alter XMLIndex error
Cause: Internal error.
Action: None
ORA-64147: Invalid use of NONBLOCKING COMPLETE or ABORT.
Cause: NONBLOCKING COMPLETE or ABORT is only allowed for XMLIndex
that is being modified using NONBLOCKING ADD_GROUP or ADD_COLUMN.
Action: None
ORA-64148: Cannot complete nonblocking alter index operation.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-13
Cause: NONBLOCKING COMPLETE is only allowed for XMLIndex that is being
modified using NONBLOCKING ADD_GROUP or ADD_COLUMN and there are
no pending rows left.
Action: Call DBMS_XMLINDEX.PROCESS_PENDING to finish pending work.
ORA-64149: Invalid alter XMLIndex operation.
Cause: An attemp was made to alter an XMLIndex that is already being modified
NONBLOCKING COMPLETE or ABORT alter index operations are allowed. Also,
NONBLOCKING operation is not allowed with alter index rebuild.
Action: Call DBMS_XMLINDEX.PROCESS_PENDING to finish pending work
and then execute NONBLOCKING COMPLETE to successfully finish existing
NONBLOCKING operation. Execute NONBLOCKING ABORT to cancle existing
NONBLOCKING operation.
Cause: DBMS_XMLINDEX.PROCESS_PENDING was called on an index that was
Action: None
ORA-64152: There are no pending rows to process.
Cause: DBMS_XMLINDEX.PROCESS_PENDING was called on an index that
does not have any pending rows to process.
Action: Execute NONBLOCKING COMPLETE operation to complete the
nonblocking alter index.
ORA-64201: unregistered LOB value encountered
Cause: The LOB value associated with the input locator did not exist in client-side
reference tables.
Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-64202: remote temporary or abstract LOB locator is encountered
Cause: Local database encountered a temporary or abstract LOB created on a
remote database. Remote access to temporary or abstract LOB is not supported.
Action: Avoid remote queries that return a temporary or abstract LOB.
ORA-64203: Destination buffer too small to hold CLOB data after character set
Cause: An attempt was made to convert CLOB to CHAR, where the LOB size was
bigger than the buffer limit for CHAR types or the CHAR buffer was not big
enough to hold all data after character set conversion.
Action: Do one of the following:
* Make the LOB smaller before performing the conversion. for example, by using
* Use DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR to convert CLOB to CHAR.
ORA-64204: encountered partial multibyte character
Cause: The requested operation could not complete because a partial multibyte
character was found at the end of the input.
Action: Ensure that the input buffer ends with a complete multibyte character and
retry the operation.
32-14 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-64205: Cannot use other triggering events along with LOGICAL LOB
UPDATE event
Cause: An attempt was made to use other triggering events (such as INSERT,
Action: Create multiple triggers instead of sharing a trigger for multiple events.
ORA-64206: Cannot create INSTEAD OF LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger
Cause: INSTEAD OF LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger was not allowed.
Action: None
ORA-64207: Invalid LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger definition
Cause: The LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger could not be created on a non-LOB
column of a table. The column name has to be specified while creating the trigger.
Only one column name can be specified while creating the trigger.
Action: Specify LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger with a valid definition.
ORA-64208: FOR EACH ROW clause is required for before or after LOGICAL LOB
UPDATE triggers
Cause: An attempt was made to create a before or after LOGICAL LOB UPDATE
trigger without a FOR EACH ROW clause.
Action: Specify a FOR EACH ROW clause for a before/after LOGICAL LOB
UPDATE trigger.
ORA-64209: WHEN clause is not allowed for LOGICAL LOB UPDATE triggers
Cause: WHEN clause was specified for a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger.
Action: Remove the WHEN clause when creating a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE
ORA-64210: Cannot reference a trigger of a different type
Cause: The LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger did not follow other LOGICAL LOB
UPDATE triggers. Non-LOGICAL LOB UPDATE triggers cannot follow LOGICAL
LOB UPDATE triggers.
Action: None
ORA-64211: Cannot access other columns within a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger
Cause: An attempt was made to access an invalid column. A LOGICAL LOB
UPDATE trigger can only access ROWID column and the column for which it was
specified. Access to other columns is not allowed.
Action: Remove references to other columns within a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE
trigger body.
ORA-64212: Cannot create a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger on a view
Cause: A LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger could not be created on view.
Action: None
ORA-64213: Cannot create a compound LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger with
statement level actions
Cause: A compound LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger could not contain statement
level actions.
Action: None
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-15
ORA-64214: Cannot create a crossedition LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger
Cause: Crossedition LOGICAL LOB UPDATE triggers were not supported.
Action: None
ORA-64215: PL/SQL subprogram ‘string‘ for internal use only
Cause: An attempt was made to use a subprogram that is for internal Oracle
development use only.
Action: Do not use this unsupported subprogram. Refer to Oracle documentation
for available subprograms.
ORA-64300: Invalid compression level specified
Cause: The specified archive compression level value was invalid. Valid values
are LOW or HIGH.
Action: Choose a valid level and retry the operation.
ORA-64307: Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression is not supported for
tablespaces on this storage type
Cause: An attempt was made to use Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression on
unsupported storage.
Action: Create this table in a tablespace residing on Oracle Exadata, Oracle‘s Sun
ZFS or Pillar Axiom storage or use a different compression type.
ORA-64308: hybrid columnar compressed table cannot have column with LONG
data type
Cause: One of the following was attempted:
- Create a hybrid columnar compressed table with a LONG data type.
- Alter an existing table with a LONG data type to be hybrid columnar
- Add a LONG data type column to a hybrid columnar compressed table.
Action: LONG data types are not supported with hybrid columnar compressed
tables. Create table without LONG column or change table to not be hybrid
columnar compressed. If adding a column, do not use LONG data type. If
modifying attributes of a column to change data type to LONG, the table cannot
be hybrid columnar compressed.
ORA-64309: Hybrid Columnar Compression with row-level locking is not
supported for tablespaces on this storage type.
Cause: An attempt was made to use Hybrid Columnar Compression with
row-level locking on an unsupported storage type.
Action: Create this table in a tablespace residing on Oracle Exadata storage or use
a different compression type.
ORA-64350: only one INMEMORY clause may be specified
Cause: INMEMORY was specified more than once.
Action: Specify each desired INMEMORY clause option only once.
ORA-64364: In-memory column store on Oracle RAC is only supported on
Oracle-engineered systems.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the in-memory column store feature with
Oracle RAC on an unsupported system.
32-16 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Disable Oracle RAC before attempting to use the in-memory column store
in this environment or use an Oracle-engineered system.
ORA-64367: In-memory column store FastStart tablespace is offline.
Cause: The FastStart feature was enabled but its tablespace was offline.
Action: Disable FastStart or bring the FastStart tablespace online.
ORA-64368: In-memory FastStart is only supported on Oracle-engineered systems.
Cause: An attempt was made to use the in-memory column store FastStart feature
on an unsupported system.
Action: Use FastStart on an Oracle-engineered system.
ORA-64369: In-memory FastStart Oracle Call Interface (OCI) error string
Cause: An OCI error occurred when enabling or disabling FastStart.
Action: Mannually correct the problem.
ORA-64401: This manageability package is only supported on Oracle RDBMS
versions 10.2, 11.1, and 11.2.
Cause: Package installation invoked on database version that was not 10.2, 11.1 or
Action: Use Oracle databaseversion 10.2, 11.1, or 11.2.
ORA-64402: Invalid input. XMLSchema is null.
Cause: XMLSchema was not provided to the procedure or function call..
Action: Provide an XMLSchema.
ORA-64403: Input cannot be null
Cause: An input parameter was null.
Action: Provide input paramter.
ORA-64404: Input string cannot exceed 30 characters
Cause: An input string was provided whose length exceeded 30 character.
Action: Provide a shorter input string.
ORA-64405: No matching elements found. Zero annotations were applied.
Cause: The parameters provided to annotate the XMLSchema did not match any
entities in the XMLSchema.
Action: Correct the parameters.
ORA-64406: No matching elements found. Zero annotations were removed.
Cause: The parameters provided to annotate the XMLSchema did not match any
entities in the XMLSchema.
Action: Correct the parameters.
ORA-64407: Annotation maps to multiple elements.
Cause: The parameters provided to annotate the XMLSchema matched to
multiple entities in the XMLSchema.
Action: .
ORA-64408: Name for collection table too long.
Cause: The name for the collection table exceeded 25 characters.
Action: Reduce the length of the name of the collection table.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-17
ORA-64409: XPath could not be mapped to exactly one table.
Cause: XPath could not be mapped to existing table.
Action: Check input parameters.
ORA-64410: Invalid XPath.
Cause: The XPath string provided to the procedure was not valid.
Action: Check XPath string.
ORA-64411: Invalid collection table specified by XPath.
Cause: An invalid collection table was specified by the XPath string.
Action: Check XPath string.
ORA-64412: Procedure called on XML table with BINARY storage model.
Cause: The procedure renameCollectionTable did not work on binary storage
Action: .
ORA-64413: Cannot disable constraints/indexes for non-global schemas owned by
other users or a non schema based table/column.
Cause: An attempt was made to disable constraints or indexes for non-global
schemas owned by other users or a non schema based table/column.
Action: Use an OR schema based table/column or change users to disable
constraints or indexes.
ORA-64414: Cannot enable constraints/indexes for non-global schemas owned by
other users or a non schema based table/column.
Cause: An attempt was made to enable constraints or indexes for schemas owned
by other users or for a non schema based table/column.
Action: Use an OR schema based table/column or change users to enable
constraints or indexes.
ORA-64415: Error in namespace declaration.
Cause: The namespace declaration was invalid.
Action: Correct namespace declaration.
ORA-64416: Table does not exist.
Cause: The tab_name parameter provided the name of a table that did not exist..
Action: Correct the tab_name parameter.
ORA-64417: Column does not exist in table.
Cause: The col_name parameter provided the name of a column that did not exist
in the given table.
Action: Correct the col_name parameter.
ORA-64418: Column not of XMLType.
Cause: The col_name parameter provided the name of a column that was not an
XMLType column.
Action: Correct the col_name parameter.
ORA-64419: Name for collection table already exists.
Cause: The name for the collection table could not be used because it already
32-18 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Use another name for collection table.
ORA-64420: Table not of XMLType.
Cause: The table_name parameter provided the name of a table that was not an
XMLType table.
Action: Correct the table_name parameter or provide the name of an XMLType
column in the table.
ORA-64477: Multiple token tables are not supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a new token table. If encountered during
an import, a critical patch was possibly missing on the export database.
Action: Use the default token table. If encountered during an import, apply the
appropriate patch on the export database and try the export and import again.
ORA-64600: duplicate or conflicting PARTITION or NOPARTITION specifications
Cause: The specifications were either a duplicate of each other or were conflicting.
Action: Remove the duplicate or conflicting specification.
ORA-64601: duplicate RESTART specified
Cause: The specified RESTART was a duplicate.
Action: Remove the duplicate specification.
ORA-64620: duplicate user tablespace specification
Cause: An attempt was made to create more than one user tablespace during
database creation.
Action: Modify the command to contain only one user tablespace.
ORA-64621: SQL statement length (string) exceeds maximum allowed length
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a SQL statement that exceeded the
maximum allowed length of a statement.
Action: Modify the SQL statement or the views to which it refers to fit within the
maximum length or split the SQL statement.
ORA-64700: Recovery Appliance is shutting down
Cause: The Recovery Appliance was in the process of shutting down. This
message is recorded in the incident log for the Recovery Appliance. When the
shutdown completes, the incident is marked as FIXED.
Action: Wait for the Recovery Appliance to complete its shutdown.
ORA-64701: storage location string can no longer honor its reservations.
Cause: The specified storage location did not contain enough space to fulfill the
reservations of all of the databases assigned to it. This error will be seen if a
storage location lost part of its disk space and was in the process of being repaired.
Action: Either shrink the reservations for the databases contained within the
storage location or add additional disk space to the storage location.
ORA-64702: error repairing container files for storage location string: string
Cause: An error was returned while trying to rebuild or repair the container files
used to store data from protected databases.
Action: The subsequent error will identify the error that needs to be addressed
before the Recovery Appliance can be repaired.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-19
ORA-64703: resource error detected
Cause: A task needed to be interrupted because it detected a resource limitation
such as insufficient temporary table space or a snapshot being too old. It will be
retried once the contention for the resource decreases. The secondary messages
will identify the resource that has been exhausted.
Action: If this error occurs rarely, no user action is required. If the condition
becomes persistent, the Recovery Appliance administrator should increase the
resource that is exhausted.
ORA-64705: no destination in "string" at column string
Cause: The storage destination contained a syntax error.
Action: Correct the syntax error and retry the operation.
ORA-64708: more than one polling_location in "string" at column string
Cause: More than one polling_location was specified. Only one polling_location is
Action: Specify only one polling destination directory and retry the operation.
ORA-64709: ASM polling_location is not supported in "string" at column string
Cause: The polling_location specified an ASM-based location. Only
non-ASM-based polling_locations are supported.
Action: Specify one non-ASM polling destination and retry the operation.
ORA-64711: storage destination do not reference an ASM diskgroup
Cause: The storage destination referenced a non-ASM storage location. Only
ASM-based storage destinations are allowed. The operation has been rolled back.
Action: Correct the syntax error and retry the operation.
ORA-64713: requested size string for string was too small; already using string
Cause: The size requested for the storage destination was smaller than its current
Action: Increase the requested size and retry the operation.
ORA-64714: requested size string for string was larger than total available space
Cause: The size requested for the storage destination was larger than its current
used space plus its currect free space.
Action: Decrease the requested size and retry the operation.
ORA-64715: redundancy type "string" for diskgroup string is invalid
Cause: The redundancy type for the specified diskgroup was not one of
Action: Correct the redundancy type of the diskgroup and retry the operation.
ORA-64716: storage location string allocation size string does not equal diskgroup
string allocation size string
Cause: The minimum allocation size of the specified storage location was not the
same as the specified diskgroup allocation unit size.
Action: Specify a different diskgroup or a different storage location and retry the
32-20 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-64717: network chunk size string is not a multiple of diskgroup string
allocation size string
Cause: The configured network chunk size was not a multiple of the specified
diskgroup allocation unit size.
Action: Specify a different diskgroup or reconfigure the network chunk size and
retry the operation.
ORA-64718: diskgroup string allocation size string is not a power of two
Cause: The diskgroup allocation unit size was not a power of two.
Action: Specify a different diskgroup and retry the operation.
ORA-64719: diskgroup string allocation size string is less than two megabytes string
Cause: The diskgroup allocation unit size was less than two megabytes.
Action: Specify a different diskgroup and retry the operation.
ORA-64720: no containers were created for storage location string
Cause: No storage was allocated and initialized for the specified storage location.
Action: Specify a different diskgroup for the storage location, increase the size of
the diskgroup, or reduce the size of the storage location and retry the operation.
ORA-64721: reserved space string is less than the minimum reservation string
Cause: No storage was allocated and initialized for the specified storage location.
Action: Specify a different diskgroup for the storage location, increase the size of
the diskgroup, or reduce the size of the storage location and retry the operation.
ORA-64722: number of drives must be greater than zero
Cause: The specified number of tape drives was NULL or was less than or equal
to zero.
Action: Specify a number of tape drives greater than 0 and retry the operation.
ORA-64723: number of drives reserved for restore operations must be greater than
or equal to zero
Cause: The number of tape drives reserved for restore operations was NULL or
was less than zero.
Action: Specify a number of tape drives reserved for restore operations greater
than or equal to zero and retry the operation.
ORA-64724: number of restore drives string too large; must be less than string
Cause: The number of tape drives reserved for restore operations was at least as
large as the total number of drives available. The number of tape drives reserved
for restore operations must be at least one less than the total number of drives
Action: Specify a number of tape drives reserved for restore operations less than
the total number of drives available and retry the operation.
ORA-64725: number of streams must be greater than zero
Cause: The number of streams was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Specify a number of streams greater than zero and retry the operation.
ORA-64726: number of streams string too large; must be no larger than string
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-21
Cause: The number of streams was larger than the total number of drives
available. The number of streams must be no larger than the total number of
drives available.
Action: Reduce the number of available streams and retry the operation.
ORA-64727: number of copies string not in the range 1 through 4
Cause: The number of copies was either NULL or not in the range 1 through 4
Action: Specify a number of copies in the range 1 through 4 and retry the
ORA-64728: replication server name length string is too long
Cause: The replication server name was longer than 128 characters.
Action: Specify a replication server name shorter than 128 characters and retry the
ORA-64729: replication server proxy port string must be greater than zero
Cause: The replication server proxy port number was less than or equal to zero.
Action: Specify a replication server proxy port number greater than zero and retry
the operation.
ORA-64730: replication server proxy URL provided but proxy port is NULL
Cause: A replication server proxy URL was provided but a proxy port number
was not. If either a proxy URL or a proxy port are specified, both must be
Action: Specify both a replication server URL and a replication server proxy port
number and retry the operation.
ORA-64731: replication server proxy port provided but proxy URL is NULL
Cause: A replication server proxy port number was provided but a proxy URL
was not. If either a proxy URL or a proxy port are specified, both must be
Action: Specify both a replication server URL and a replication server proxy port
number and retry the operation.
ORA-64732: HTTP server not configured at replication host
Cause: The HTTP server at the replication host site has not been configured.
Action: Configure the HTTP server at the replication host site and retry the
ORA-64733: unable to move individual backup piece with BP_KEY string; not a
KEEP backup
Cause: An attempt was made to move an individual backup piece, but the backup
set of which this backup piece was a member was not a KEEP backup.
Action: Specify a backup piece key that is a member of a KEEP backup set and
retry the operation.
ORA-64735: unknown incarnation detected at Recovery Appliance, need catalog
Cause: A new archived log or backup set belonging to the new incarnation was
received at Recovery Appliance.
32-22 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: Using RMAN, connect to the Recovery Appliance as a recovery catalog,
primary database as target database and perform the resynchronization operation
using the RESYNC CATALOG RMAN command. If this error occurred at
downstream of the Recovery Appliance (in a replicated Recovery Appliance
setup), the reconcile operation fixes this error automatically when the same error is
fixed at the upstream Recovery Appliance.
ORA-64736: Task ID string of type string has been interrupted string times.
Cause: The specified task was restarted an unexpected number of times. Tasks get
interrupted when there is competition for resources. This is only a warning. It does
not necessarily indicate a problem with the Recovery Appliance.
Action: If these problems persist for long periods, contact Oracle Support
ORA-64737: unable to copy a full backup for database string because of missing
data files
Cause: While creating a full database backup to tape or to a Recovery Appliance,
level 0 backups of one or more data files were missing.
Action: Query the RA_SBT_TEMPLATE_MDF view to determine the data files for
which backups are missing. If using the "incremental forever" backup strategy,
perform a level-0 incremental backup for the given database and retry the
ORA-64738: guaranteed copy suspended for database string
Cause: One of the following operations was performed resulting in the database
using more than its allotted disk space:
- UPDATE_DB lowering the DISK_SPACE_RESERVE value.
- UPDATE_PROTECTION_POLICY setting the guaranteed_copy parameter to
- DELETE_SBT_LIBRARY where backup data for the given database existed. New
backup requests may be stalled until the system can recompute the safety of
allowing additional backup data or backup data may be lost.
Action: This event can be avoided by ensuring backups are written to tape in a
timely manner. Conversely, one should avoid the activities listed in the Cause
statement when backups are not being written to tape in a timely manner.
ORA-64739: RECOVERY_WINDOW_GOAL is lost for database string
Cause: The recovery window goal in the protection policy indicates a desire to be
able to restore and recover to any point in time within that range. This is not
possible given the current set of backups. Possible reasons are missing archive log
backups, missing data file backups or lack of reserved disk space.
Action: Ensure that backups are done regularly. Ensure that your disk reserved
space value is set high enough to support your goals. Query RA_DATABASE view
and compare these two parameters to ensure enough space has been provisioned
to meet your goals. However, you may use the DBMS_RA.UPDATE_
value to ensure additional backups are saved. Also, check for KEEP backups
consuming space on the disk and decide if they should be moved to tape or other
disk storage.
ORA-64740: Backups from database string have not been seen for more than
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-23
Cause: An UNPROTECTED_WINDOW parameter in protection policy has been
specified and the Recovery Appliance has not received sufficient archive log
backups or data file backups from the given target database for at least that period.
Action: Ensure that backups are being performed in a timely manner and that, if
set up, redo logs or backups are being sent to the Recovery Appliance.
ORA-64741: Scheduler string running task string of type string did not stop after
string requests.
Cause: The specified Recovery Appliance scheduler process could not be stopped.
Action: If these problems persist for long periods, contact Oracle Support
ORA-64744: Argument string is null, invalid, or out of range.
Cause: The argument was expecting a non-null, valid value but the argument
value passed in was null, invalid, or out of range.
Action: Check your program and correct the caller of the routine to not pass a
null, invalid or out-of-range argument value.
ORA-64745: Name length is string characters; maximum length is string characters.
Cause: The length of the name exceeded the limit.
Action: Specify a shorter name and retry the operation.
ORA-64746: Name contains invalid characters.
Cause: The name incorrectly started with "_", "-", ":" or digits or contained
non-alphanumeric characters. Verify that all other double quotation marks, if any,
in the string are adjacent pairs of double quotation marks. Double quotation marks
must not be used in the middle of the name.
Action: Change the name and exclude the invalid characters.
ORA-64747: Name contains invalid character "string" at the position [string].
Cause: The name incorrectly started with "_", "-", ":" or digits or contained
non-alphanumeric characters. Verify that all other double quotation marks, if any,
in the string are adjacent pairs of double quotation marks. Double quotation marks
must not be used in the middle of the name.
Action: Change the name and exclude the invalid characters.
ORA-64750: Instance string is unable to access string.
Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to find a file that is required for its
Action: Ensure that the file system of the specified file is available on the specified
ORA-64751: Replication setup error during string. replication server:string
Cause: The Recovery Appliance was unable to complete the configuration and
setup of replication for the database specified.
Action: Validate that the downstream replication server is properly configured
and all network communication paths are valid.
ORA-64752: storage unavailable for new redo or backups for database string
Cause: There was a failure while backing up redo or copying backups from a
polling location. This condition may be due to one of the following reasons:
32-24 Oracle Database Error Messages
* An individual backup piece exceeded the database protection policy DISK_
RESERVE_SPACE value. * Guaranteed_copy is enabled but not enough data has
been spooled to tape. * Misconfiguration of the storage location size.
Action: Check for the value of DISK_RESERVED_SPACE and storage location
ORA-64753: Incorrect object type specified; specified string, expected string
Cause: An incorrect object type was given to an API command.
Action: Use the object-specific API. For example, use ‘resume_replication_server‘
instead of ‘resume_sbt_library‘.
ORA-64754: unable to perform operation with associated tape or replication objects
Cause: An attempt to execute ‘update_db‘ or ‘update_protection_policy‘ and
change storage locations with a replication server or tape job associated with the
protection policy failed.
Action: Create a temporary protection policy that has the same storage location as
the current protection policy with the tape and replication attributes of the target
protection policy, Update to the temporary protection policy then finally update to
the target protection policy.
ORA-64755: failed to delete database string; the Recovery Appliance is not running
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a database, but the Recovery Appliance
has been deactivated by the administrator.
Action: Have the Recovery Appliance administrator execute DBMS_
RA.STARTUP_RECOVERY_APPLIANCE and retry the delete_db() operation.
ORA-64756: failed to delete database string; error completing delete job
Cause: The database could not be deleted because the background delete job
failed unexpectedly.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services for additional information.
ORA-64757: unable to restore backup piece with BP_KEY string
Cause: An attempt was made to restore the specified backup piece which resulted
in an error. An explanation of the error appears in the following messages.
Action: Verify the correctness of the backup piece. If it is corrupt, either delete it
or replace it.
ORA-65000: missing or invalid pluggable database name
Cause: A valid pluggable database name was not present where required.
Action: Reissue the statement with a valid pluggable database name.
ORA-65001: missing or invalid administrative user name
Cause: A valid administrative user name was not present where required by the
syntax of CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.
Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid
administrative user name.
ORA-65002: missing or invalid administrative user password
Cause: A valid administrative user password was not present where required by
the syntax of CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.
Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid
administrative user password.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-25
ORA-65003: missing or invalid XML file name
Cause: A valid XML file name was not present where required by the syntax of
Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid
XML file name.
ORA-65004: missing or invalid database link name
Cause: A valid database link name was not present where required by the syntax
Action: Reissue the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement with a valid
database link name.
ORA-65005: missing or invalid file name pattern for file - string
Cause: Either source or replacement file name pattern was missing or invalid in a
CONVERT clause and reissue the statement.
ORA-65006: missing or invalid ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause
Cause: An ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause was not present where
required by the syntax of CREATE DATABASE statement.
Action: Reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid ENABLE
ORA-65007: duplicate ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause
Cause: A duplicate ENABLE PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause was specified in a
Action: Reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid ENABLE
ORA-65008: missing or invalid SEED clause
Cause: A SEED clause was not present where required by the syntax of CREATE
DATABASE statement.
Action: Reissue the CREATE DATABASE statement with a valid SEED clause.
ORA-65010: maximum number of pluggable databases created
Cause: User attempted to create more than supported number of pluggable
Action: Avoid creating too many pluggable databases.
ORA-65011: Pluggable database string does not exist.
Cause: User attempted to specify a pluggable database that does not exist.
Action: Check DBA_PDBS to see if it exists.
ORA-65012: Pluggable database string already exists.
Cause: User attempted to create a pluggable database with a name that already
Action: Check DBA_PDBS to see if the name exists.
ORA-65013: invalid CONTAINER clause
Cause: An invalid CONTAINER clause was encountered.
Action: Reissue the DDL statement with a valid CONTAINER clause.
32-26 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-65014: invalid SHARING clause
Cause: An invalid SHARING clause was encountered.
Action: Reissue the DDL statement with a valid SHARING clause.
ORA-65015: missing or invalid container name
Cause: A valid container name was not present where required by the syntax of
Action: Reissue the statement with a valid container name.
ORA-65016: FILE_NAME_CONVERT must be specified
Cause: Data files, and possibly other files, needed to be copied as a part of
creating a pluggable database. However, Oracle Managed Files (OMF) was not
enabled, PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT was not defined, and there was a failure
to specify the FILE_NAME_CONVERT clause.
Action: Enable OMF or define PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT system parameter
before issuing CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, or specify FILE_
NAME_CONVERT clause as a part of the statement.
ORA-65017: seed pluggable database may not be dropped or altered
Cause: User attempted to drop or alter the Seed pluggable database which is not
Action: Specify a legal pluggable database name.
ORA-65018: FILE_NAME_CONVERT or NOCOPY must be specified
Cause: Oracle Managed Files (OMF) was not enabled and PDB_FILE_NAME_
CONVERT was not defined. The FILE_NAME_CONVERT or the NOCOPY clause
was not specified as a part of creating a pluggable database using data files.
Action: Enable OMF or define PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT system parameter
before issuing CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement, or specify FILE_
NAME_CONVERT clause or NOCOPY as a part of the statement.
ORA-65019: pluggable database string already open
Cause: An attempt was made to open a pluggable database that was already
Action: Check the OPEN_MODE column in V$PDBS view.
ORA-65020: pluggable database string already closed
Cause: An attempt was made to close a pluggable database that was already
Action: Check the OPEN_MODE column in V$PDBS view.
ORA-65021: illegal use of SHARING clause
Cause: A SHARING clause was encountered in unexpected context.
Action: Do not use SHARING clause outside of Oracle-supplied scripts.
ORA-65022: CONTAINER clause already specified
Cause: A statement contained multiple CONTAINER clauses.
Action: Eliminate redundant CONTAINER clauses.
ORA-65023: active transaction exists in container string
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-27
Cause: A statement attempted to create a new transaction in the current container
while there was an active transaction in another container.
Action: Switch to the container with the active transaction and commit, rollback
or detach the active transaction before attempting to issue any statement that will
attempt to create a new transaction in another container.
ORA-65024: Pluggable database string is not open.
Cause: An operation was attempted on a pluggable database that was not open.
Action: Open the pluggable database using appropriate open mode.
ORA-65025: Pluggable database string is not closed on all instances.
Cause: An operation was attempted on a pluggable database that was not closed
on all Oracle RAC instances.
Action: Close the pluggable database on all instances and retry the operation.
ORA-65026: XML metadata file error : string
Cause: An error occurred while trying to parse or write to the XML metadata file.
Action: Check that the XML metadata file exists and is readable.
ORA-65027: XML metadata file error while getting node or value for (string - string)
Cause: An error occurred while trying to parse the XML metadata file.
Action: Check and correct the XML metadata file.
ORA-65028: Unable to open plugin data file at path string
Cause: Error occurred while trying to open the datafile.
Action: Check that the datafile exists at the path.
ORA-65029: a Local User may not grant or revoke a Common Privilege or Role
Cause: A Local User issued a GRANT or REVOKE statement specifying
CONTAINER=ALL, which is illegal.
Action: Remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement.
ORA-65030: one may not grant a Common Privilege to a Local User or Role
Cause: A Common User issued a GRANT statement specifying
CONTAINER=ALL and naming a Local User or Role as a grantee, which is illegal.
Action: If trying to grant a Local Privilege, remove CONTAINER=ALL from the
statement. If trying to grant a Common Privilege, remove Local Users and Roles
from the list of grantees.
ORA-65031: one may not revoke a Common Privilege from a Local User or Role
Cause: A Common User issued a REVOKE statement specifying
CONTAINER=ALL and naming a Local User or Role as a grantee, which is illegal.
Action: If trying to revoke a Local Privilege, remove CONTAINER=ALL from the
statement. If trying to revoke a Common Privilege, remove Local Users and Roles
from the list of grantees.
ORA-65032: a Local Role may only be granted or revoked within the current
Cause: A user issued a GRANT or REVOKE statement specifying
CONTAINER=ALL and listing a Local Role among roles to be granted or revoked,
which is illegal.
32-28 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: If trying to revoke a Local Role, remove CONTAINER=ALL from the
statement. If trying to revoke Common Privileges and/or Roles, remove Local
Roles from the list of roles being granted or revoked.
ORA-65033: a common privilege may not be granted or revoked on a local object
Cause: A GRANT or REVOKE statement was issued specifying
CONTAINER=ALL and naming a local object on which privileges are to be
granted or revoked, which is illegal.
Action: Remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement.
ORA-65034: PDB describe output file not specified
Cause: User attempted to describe a pluggable database without specifying an
output XML file location.
Action: Specify an output file location for describe
ORA-65035: unable to create pluggable database from string
Cause: The pluggable database had ongoing or active transactions that need to be
Action: Open the pluggable database in read/write mode before cloning again so
that transaction recovery can be performed.
ORA-65036: pluggable database string not open in required mode
Cause: Attempted to perform an operation on a pluggable database in incorrect
open mode.
Action: Open the pluggable database in the mode required for this operation
ORA-65037: a common privilege may not be granted or revoked on a local user
Cause: A GRANT or REVOKE statement was issued specifying
CONTAINER=ALL and naming a local user on which privileges are to be granted
or revoked, which is illegal.
Action: Remove CONTAINER=ALL from the statement.
ORA-65039: container identifier column missing or is of unexpected type in a
definition of a CONTAINER_DATA object
Cause: Table or view whose definition contained a CONTAINER_DATA clause
lacked a column used to identify a container to which data belongs or the column
was of unexpected type.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.
ORA-65040: operation not allowed from within a pluggable database
Cause: An operation was attempted that can only be performed in the root
Action: Switch to the root container to perform the operation.
ORA-65041: CONTAINER_DATA attribute for this user cannot be modified
Cause: An attempt was made to modify CONTAINER_DATA attribute for user
SYS or SYSBACKUP which is disallowed.
Action: Do not attempt to modify CONTAINER_DATA attribute for users SYS or
ORA-65042: name is already used by an existing container
Cause: The name was already used by another container.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-29
Action: Specify a valid name.
ORA-65043: TABLESPACE keyword expected
Cause: TABLESPACE keyword was missing.
Action: Specify a TABLESPACE keyword.
ORA-65044: missing or invalid option following STORAGE keyword
Cause: An option other than MAXSIZE or MAX_SHARED_TEMP_SIZE was
Action: Specify only legal options.
ORA-65045: pluggable database not in a restricted mode
Cause: An operation was attempted on a pluggable database that was not in
restricted mode.
Action: Open the pluggable database in a restricted mode.
ORA-65046: operation not allowed from outside a pluggable database
Cause: An operation was attempted that can only be performed from within a
pluggable database.
Action: Switch to a pluggable database to perform the operation.
ORA-65047: object string.string is invalid or compiled with errors in CDB$ROOT
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a metadata link ddl for an object that was
invalid or compiled with errors in CDB$ROOT.
Action: Check the validity of the object in CDB$ROOT.
ORA-65048: error encountered when processing the current DDL statement in
pluggable database string
Cause: An error was encountered when executing a statement in one of the
pluggable databases.
Action: Examine the cause of failure in the pluggable database.
ORA-65049: creation of local user or role is not allowed in CDB$ROOT
Cause: An attempt was made to create a local user or role in CDB$ROOT.
Action: If trying to create a common user or role, specify CONTAINER=ALL.
ORA-65050: Common DDLs only allowed in CDB$ROOT
Cause: An attempt was made to issue a Common DDL in a pluggable database.
Action: Switch to CDB$ROOT and issue the Common DDL there.
ORA-65051: missing valid container identifier
Cause: A valid container identifer was not specified.
Action: Specify a valid container identifier.
ORA-65052: statement involves operations with different container scope
Cause: An attempt was made to combine one operation that applies to all
containers with another that only applies to the local container into one statement.
Action: Execute the operations in separate statements.
ORA-65053: A global user cannot change the container in the session.
Cause: An attempt was made by a global user to change the container using the
32-30 Oracle Database Error Messages
Action: This operation is not allowed for global users.
ORA-65054: Cannot open a pluggable database in the desired mode.
Cause: An attempt was made to open a pluggable database in a mode
incompatible with that of the CDB.
Action: Open the CDB in a compatible mode first and retry the operation.
ORA-65056: CONTAINER_DATA attribute is not used in a pluggable database.
Cause: User connected to a pluggable database attempted to modify a
CONTAINER_DATA attribute which is illegal.
Action: User connected to a pluggable database may only see rows of
CONTAINER_DATA objects on which he has been granted appropriate privilege
and which pertain to that pluggable database or to the CDB as a whole. Ability to
see this data is not controlled by CONTAINER_DATA attribute, which is only
used to control ability to see rows pertaining to certain Containers while
connected to CDB$ROOT in a CDB.
ORA-65057: CONTAINER_DATA attribute must always include the current
Cause: User issuing ALTER USER ... SET|REMOVE CONTAINER_DATA = ...
statement attempted to exclude the current container from a CONTAINER_DATA
Action: Ensure that a CONTAINER_DATA attribute always includes the current
ORA-65058: object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute may only be specified
for a CONTAINER_DATA object
Cause: Object referenced in an ALTER USER statement modifying an
object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute is not a CONTAINER_DATA table or
Action: Ensure that an object referenced in the statement is a CONTAINER_DATA
table or view.
ORA-65059: duplicate container name in CONTAINER_DATA clause
Cause: Duplicate references to a name of some container was encountered in a
Action: Ensure that no container name appears more than once.
ORA-65060: CONTAINER_DATA attribute is not set
Cause: User attempted to add container(s) to an object-specific CONTAINER_
DATA attribute which has not been explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT or
remove containers from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute which has not been
explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT.
Action: Avoid adding containers to object-specific CONTAINER_DATA attribute
which has not been explicitly set or has been set to DEFAULT or removing
containers from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute which has not been explicitly set
or has been set to DEFAULT.
ORA-65061: some of specified containers do not belong to the CONTAINER_DATA
Cause: User attempted to remove from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute
container(s) which do not belong to it.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-31
Action: Do not attempt to remove from a CONTAINER_DATA attribute
container(s) which do not belong to it.
ORA-65062: CONTAINER_DATA attribute is set to ALL
Cause: User attempted to add/remove container(s) to/from a CONTAINER_
DATA attribute whose current value is ALL, which is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to add/remove container(s) to/from a CONTAINER_
DATA attribute whose current value is ALL.
ORA-65063: CONTAINER_DATA clause has already been specified
Cause: The CONTAINER_DATA clause was specified twice.
Action: Specify only one CONTAINER_DATA clause.
ORA-65064: incorrect contents of XML metadata file
Cause: The contents of the XML metadata file were different from the actual file
Action: Check and correct the XML metadata file.
ORA-65065: A local user or role can only be altered within the current container
Cause: The ALTER USER or ALTER ROLE statement was issued specifying
CONTAINER=ALL and listing a local user or role among the users or roles to be
altered, which is illegal.
Action: If trying to alter a local user or role, specify CONTAINER=CURRENT. If
trying to alter common users or roles, remove local users or roles from the list of
roles being altered.
ORA-65066: The specified changes must apply to all containers
Cause: An attempt was made to apply the specified changes to the current
Action: Specify CONTAINER=ALL.
ORA-65067: DEFAULT ROLE clause referencing a local role can only apply to the
current container
Cause: An attempt was made to reference a local role across all containers using
the DEFAULT ROLE clause.
Action: If you are trying to set a local role as the default role, specify
CONTAINER=CURRENT. If trying to set common roles as the default roles,
remove local roles from the list of roles referenced in the DEFAULT ROLE clause.
ORA-65068: cannot define a trigger that fires after a pluggable database is
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires after a pluggable
database has been unplugged. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires after a pluggable database has
been unplugged.
ORA-65069: AFTER DB_ROLE_CHANGE triggers cannot be defined on a
pluggable database
Cause: An attempt was made to create a pluggable database trigger that fires after
a role change occurs from a standby database to primary or vice versa. This type of
trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not specify AFTER DB_ROLE_CHANGE when creating a trigger on a
pluggable database.
32-32 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-65070: AFTER CLONE trigger can only be created on a pluggable database
Cause: An attempt was made to create an AFTER CLONE trigger on a schema or
a database. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not specify AFTER CLONE when creating a trigger on a schema or a
ORA-65071: BEFORE UNPLUG trigger can only be created on a pluggable database
Cause: An attempt was made to create a BEFORE UNPLUG trigger on a schema
or a database. This type of triggers is not supported.
Action: Do not specify BEFORE UNPLUG when creating a trigger on a schema or
a database.
ORA-65072: user must be connected to a pluggable database on which a trigger is
being created
Cause: An attempt was made to create a database event trigger on a pluggable
database while not connected to a pluggable database. This is not supported.
Action: Connect to the pluggable database on which a database event trigger
needs to be created before attempting to create such a trigger.
ORA-65073: cannot define a trigger that fires before a pluggable database is cloned
Cause: An attempt was made to create a trigger that fires before a pluggable
database has been cloned. This type of trigger is not supported.
Action: Do not attempt to create a trigger that fires before a pluggable database
has been cloned.
ORA-65074: editions not supported for common users
Cause: An attempt was made to support editions for common users.
Action: Do not attempt to enable editions for common users.
ORA-65080: cannot determine pluggable database name
Cause: An attempt was made to map the database ID to the pluggable database
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-65081: database or pluggable database is not open in read only mode
Cause: An operation was attempted on a database or pluggable database that is
not open in read only mode
Action: Open the database or pluggable database in read only mode and then
retry the operation.
ORA-65082: cannot add any more pluggable databases: limit of string exceeded
Cause: There was no more room in the control file for adding pluggable
Action: Recreate the control file.
ORA-65083: pluggable database (PDB) shutdown in progress
Cause: The pluggable database is in the middle of shutdown abort
Action: Retry the operation later.
ORA-65084: object string.string does not exist in root
Cause: An attempt was made to create a common object that does not exist in
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-33
Action: Invoke the script using catcon.pl to create the object in all containers.
ORA-65085: cannot open pluggable database in read-only mode
Cause: The pluggable database has been created and not opened.
Action: The pluggable database needs to be opened in read/write or restricted
mode first.
ORA-65086: cannot open/close the pluggable database
Cause: The pluggable database has been unplugged.
Action: The pluggable database can only be dropped.
ORA-65087: Oracle-supplied operation not allowed from within a pluggable
Cause: An operation in an Oracle-supplied script was attempted that can only be
performed in the root container.
Action: Confirm that the operation is needed in the root container, and switch to
the root container to perform the operation.
ORA-65088: database open should be retried
Cause: An inconsistency between the control file and the data dictionary was
found and fixed during the database open. The database open needs to be
executed again.
Action: Retry the database open.
ORA-65089: pluggable database is not clean
Cause: The pluggable database was not open anywhere but was not marked as
clean yet.
Action: Wait until the cleanup is done and retry.
ORA-65090: operation only allowed in a container database
Cause: User attempted an operation that is only allowed in a CDB
Action: Connect to a CDB to perform this operation
ORA-65091: operation on string not allowed in a pluggable database
Cause: An undo tablespace or rollback segment operation was attempted that can
only be performed in the root container.
Action: Switch to the root container to perform the undo tablespace or rollback
segment operation.
ORA-65092: system privilege granted with a different scope to ‘string‘
Cause: An attempt to revoke a system privilege that was granted with a different
scope has been made. The user tried to either revoke a common privilege in the
current container or to revoke a local privilege in a container database (CDB).
Action: Specify the correct value for the CONTAINER clause.
ORA-65093: multitenant container database not set up properly
Cause: An attempt was made to open a multitenant container database without
the correct parameter set for a multitenant container database in the initialization
parameter file.
Action: Set the ‘enable_pluggable_database=true‘ parameter for the multitenant
container database in the initialization parameter file and restart the database.
32-34 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-65094: invalid local user or role name
Cause: An attempt was made to create a local user or role with a name that was
not valid for local users or roles. In addition to the usual rules for user and role
names, local user and role names cannot start with C## or c##.
Action: Specify a valid local user or role name.
ORA-65095: invalid common object name
Cause: An attempt was made to create a common object with a name that was not
valid for common objects. In addition to the usual rules for object names, common
object names must consist only of ASCII characters.
Action: Specify a valid common object name.
ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
Cause: An attempt was made to create a common user or role with a name that
was not valid for common users or roles. In addition to the usual rules for user
and role names, common user and role names must start with C## or c## and
consist only of ASCII characters.
Action: Specify a valid common user or role name.
ORA-65097: Invalid argument supplied to CDB$VIEW function
Cause: CDB$VIEW may be applied to a valid table name of the form
Action: Correct the statement
ORA-65098: Datatype not supported with CDB$VIEW function
Cause: Column with unsupported datatype was selected from a CDB View.
Action: Remove the column from the select list
ORA-65099: Operation cannot be performed when the CDB is not open
Cause: An operation was attemped inside a pluggable database that requires the
container database (CDB) to be open. *Aciton: Open the CDB and then reissue the
Action: None
ORA-65100: missing or invalid path prefix - string
Cause: Path prefix was missing or invalid.
Action: Correct the PATH_PREFIX clause and reissue the statement.
ORA-65101: container database set up incorrectly
Cause: An attempt was made to use a non container database control file to
startup a container database (CDB).
Action: Create a new control file for the CDB.
ORA-65102: missing or invalid instance name
Cause: A valid instance name was not present where required by the syntax of a
Action: Reissue the statement with a valid instance name.
ORA-65103: UPGRADE cannot be specified for PDBs being open in READ ONLY
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-35
the root is open READ ONLY, so the specified PDBs will also be opened READ
ONLY, and UPGRADE cannot be specified for PDBs being opened READ ONLY.
Action: Reissue the statement without specifying UPGRADE or reopen the root in
READ WRITE mode and then reissue the statement.
ORA-65104: operation not allowed on an inactive pluggable database
Cause: The pluggable database status was INACTIVE. It was still being created or
there was an error during the create operation.
Action: Wait until the status is changed to CREATED or, in case of errors, drop the
pluggable database and re-create it.
ORA-65105: SYSTEM data file for pluggable database #string not found
Cause: Data files were not specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILE statement in
the SYSTEM tablespace of a pluggable database.
Action: Locate the data files and resubmit the CREATE CONTROLFILE
ORA-65106: Pluggable database #string (string) is in an invalid state.
Cause: Data files were not specified in a CREATE CONTROLFILE statement of a
pluggable database.
Action: Drop the pluggable database or locate the data files and resubmit the
ORA-65107: Error encountered when processing the current task on instance:string
Cause: An error was encountered when executing a pluggable database task on
one of the Oracle RAC instances.
Action: Examine the cause of failure on the instance.
ORA-65108: invalid use of a cursor belonging to another container
Cause: An attempt was made to use a cursor that was parsed or executed in a
different container.
Action: Check if there are any incorrect uses of the SET CONTAINER statement.
Parse, execute, fetch, and close a cursor only all in the same container.
ORA-65109: operation not allowed in CDB$ROOT
Cause: An operation was attempted that is not supported in the Container
Database root.
Action: Switch to a pluggable database to perform the operation.
ORA-65110: Invalid instance name specified
Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid or inactive instance name in the
instance clause to alter the state of a pluggable database.
Action: Specify a valid and active instance name.
ORA-65111: Cannot relocate to the same instance
Cause: An attempt was made to relocate a pluggable database to the current
Action: Specify an instance which is different then the current instance.
ORA-65112: pluggable database string not closed on all instances of the standby
32-36 Oracle Database Error Messages
Cause: Media recovery stopped because the pluggable database was either
unplugged, dropped or renamed on the primary database.
Action: Close the pluggable database on all instances and restart the recovery.
ORA-65113: value of MAX_PDB_STORAGE property for the PDB is too low
Cause: The value of MAX_PDB_STORAGE specified in the ALTER or CREATE
PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement is less than the current space usage of data
files and temporary files of the container.
Action: Specify a higher value for MAX_PDB_STORAGE.
ORA-65114: space usage in container is too high
Cause: Space usage in the current container exceeded the value of MAX_PDB_
STORAGE for the container.
Action: Specify a higher value for MAX_PDB_STORAGE using the ALTER
ORA-65115: CDB resource plan string has more than string PDB directives.
Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the specified multitenant
container database (CDB) resource plan to use more than the supported number of
Action: Remove the directives for pluggable databases (PDBs) that are not active
on this database.
ORA-65116: incompatible database character set
Cause: The database character set of the container database was not a superset of
the database character set of the pluggable database being plugged in.
Action: Plug the pluggable database into a container database having a
compatible database character set.
ORA-65117: CONTAINER clause may only be specified when connected to a
container database
Cause: The CONTAINER clause was specified when not connected to a container
database (CDB).
Action: Reenter the statement without the CONTAINER clause.
ORA-65118: operation affecting a pluggable database cannot be performed from
another pluggable database
Cause: An attempt was made to perform an operation affecting a pluggable
database while connected to a different pluggable database.
Action: Connect to the desired pluggable database and perform the operation.
ORA-65119: incompatible national character set
Cause: The national character set of the container database was not the same as
the national character set of the pluggable database being plugged in.
Action: Plug the pluggable database into a container database having the same
national character set.
ORA-65120: illegal character set ID in XML metadata file
Cause: The XML metadata file for the pluggable database being plugged in
contained a database or national character set ID that was not valid for the
container database. This can happen if the XML file is manually modified, if it is
corrupted on disk, or if the set of supported character sets differs between the
container database and the source database of the pluggable database because a
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-37
user-defined character set has not been installed in the Oracle Home directory of
the container database.
Action: If you have manually modified the XML metadata file of the pluggable
database, restore the original file or re-create the pluggable database from its
source database. Manual modifications of the XML file are not supported. If the
pluggable database uses a user-defined character set, make sure the character set is
installed in the Oracle Home directory of the container database. Otherwise,
contact Oracle Support Services.
ORA-65121: ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER not allowed from this client
Cause: Clients earlier than Oracle Database 12c Release 1 do not support this
Action: Upgrade the client to Oracle Database 12c Release 1 or later.
ORA-65122: Pluggable database GUID conflicts with the GUID of an existing
Cause: While creating a pluggable database, the GUID conflicted with the GUID
of an existing container in the container database.
Action: Retry creating the pluggable database or consider using the AS CLONE
clause for CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE if plugging in a copy of another
pluggable database.
ORA-65123: cannot perform a SET CONTAINER operation in this context
Cause: An attempt was made to set the container inside a context where such an
operation is prohibited.
Action: Do not set the container from inside a system trigger or a DML context.
ORA-65125: valid XML file name is required
Cause: An attempt was made to provide a file name that did not have an XML
Action: Specify an XML file.
ORA-65126: pluggable database string cannot be unplugged.
Cause: The pluggable database was not closed cleanly and there are active
transactions that need to be recovered.
Action: Open the pluggable database in read/write mode before unplugging
again so that transaction recovery can be performed.
ORA-65127: PDB recover output file not specified
Cause: An attempt was made torecover a pluggable database (PDB) without
specifying an output XML file location.
Action: Specify an output file location for recovery.
ORA-65128: PDB recover data file name not specified
Cause: An attempt was made to recover a pluggable database (PDB) without
specifying a data file location.
Action: Specify a data file location for recovery.
ORA-65129: Pluggable database string cannot be relocated.
Cause: The pluggable database was already opened on all instances.
Action: Close the pluggable database without RELOCATE clause or close the
pluggable database on another instance.
32-38 Oracle Database Error Messages
ORA-65130: cannot relocate more than one pluggable database.
Cause: An attempt was made to relocate more than one pluggable database.
Action: RELOCATE pluggable database one at a time.
ORA-65131: The feature string is not supported in a pluggable database.
Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature that is not supported in a pluggable
Action: Do not use this feature in a pluggable database.
ORA-65134: endian mismatch
Cause: The endian of the container database was not the same as the endian of the
pluggable database being plugged in.
Action: Plug the pluggable database into a container database having the same
ORA-65135: cannot perform ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER operation in this
Cause: An ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER operation was attempted in a
context where such an operation is prohibited.
Action: Do not perform the ALTER SESSION SET CONTAINER operation from a
session that can be migrated or a session from an OCI connection pool.
ORA-65136: SPFILE name cannot be specified for a pluggable database
Cause: An attempt was made to specify an SPFILE name for a pluggable
Action: Remove the SPFILE name and retry the operation in the pluggable
ORA-65137: Pluggable database string is in the middle of Pluggable Database
RESETLOGS operation.
Cause: The pluggable database is in the middle of a Pluggable Database (PDB)
RESETLOGS operation.
Action: If possible, recover the Container Database further so that this Pluggable
database is not in the middle of a PDB RESETLOGS operation. Another alternative
is to perform PDB point-in-time recovery. A message is logged in the alert log
indicating SCN and time until which the pluggable database can be point-in-time
ORA-65138: Data file string of pluggable database string belongs to an orphan PDB
Cause: Either the specified data file was restored from a backup that was taken
during a period of time that was discarded by a RESETLOGS operation, or Oracle
could not identify which pluggable database incarnation the file belongs to. The
alert log contains more information.
Action: Restore a backup of this file that belonged to either the current or a prior
incarnation of the pluggable database. If you are using RMAN to restore, RMAN
will automatically select a correct backup.
ORA-65139: Mismatch between XML metadata file and data file string for value of
string (string)
Cause: Either the XML metadata file or the data file was corrupt.
ORA-60001 to ORA-65535 32-39
Action: Verify that the XML metadata file and the data file are consistent as of the
point when the unplug was done and retry the operation.
ORA-65140: invalid common profile name
Cause: An attempt was made to create a common profile with a name that is not
valid for comm


12C ORA-错误汇总18 ORA-57000 to ORA-65535 EXP-00000 to EXP-00114

标签:called   errors   glob   critical   middle   compile   instance   elements   measure   


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