标签:slots any for str range close class long nts
In Zhejiang University, there are N different courses labeled from 1 to N. Each course has its own time slot during the week. We can represent the time slot of a course by an left-closed right-open interval [s, t).
Now we are going to arrange the final exam time of all the courses.
The final exam period will contain multiple days. In each day, multiple final exams will be held simultaneously. If two courses‘ time slots are not overlapped, there may be students who are attending both of them, so we cannot arrange their final exams at the same day.
Now you‘re to arrange the final exam period, to make the total days as small as possible.
There are multiple test cases separated by blank lines.
For each ease, the 1st line contains one integer N(1<=N<=100000).
Then N lines, the i+1th line contains s and t of the interval [s, t) for the ith course.(0<=s<t<=231-1)
There is a blank line after each test case.
For each case, the 1st line contains the days P in the shortest final exam period.
Next P lines, the i+1th line contains the numbers of courses whose final exam is arranged on the ith day separated by one space.
Output a blank line after each test case.
Sample Input
4 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 0 4 1 5 2 4 3 6
Sample Output
4 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4
#include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <vector> /** 简直有毒,行末空格wa一天 **/ using namespace std; const int MAXN = 100000 + 5; typedef long long ll; inline void Read(ll &x) { x=0; static char ch=getchar(); while (ch<‘0‘||ch>‘9‘) ch=getchar(); while (ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘) { x=x*10+ch-‘0‘; ch=getchar(); } } typedef struct NODE { int num; ll l, r; }node; node arr[MAXN]; inline bool cmp(const node &a, const node &b) { if(a.l != b.l) { return a.l < b.l; } else { return a.r > b.r; } return -1; } inline bool judge(const node &a, const node &b) { if(b.l < a.r) return true; else return false; } vector<int>vec[MAXN]; int n; int main() { //freopen("test.in" ,"r",stdin); //freopen("test1.out","w",stdout); int sum, num; while(~scanf("%d", &n)) { sum = num = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { vec[i].clear(); } memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr)); for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { //scanf("%lld%lld", &arr[i].l, &arr[i].r); Read(arr[i].l); Read(arr[i].r); arr[i].num = i + 1; } sort(arr, arr + n, cmp); node temp = arr[0]; int num, sum; num = sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++) { if(judge(temp, arr[i])) { temp.l = max(temp.l, arr[i].l); temp.r = min(temp.r, arr[i].r); vec[num].push_back(arr[i].num); } else { temp = arr[i]; sum ++; num ++; vec[num].push_back(arr[i].num); } } printf("%d\n", sum + 1); for(int i = 0; i < num + 1; i ++) { for(int j = 0; j < vec[i].size(); j ++) { if(j != vec[i].size() - 1) printf("%d ", vec[i][j]); else printf("%d", vec[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } } return 0; }
BNUOJ 33535 Final Exam Arrangement
标签:slots any for str range close class long nts