# tachyon Usage: tachyon COMMAND where COMMAND is one of: format [-s] 格式化Format Tachyon (如果指定 -s 参数,表示在 underfs 不存在时进行) bootstrap-conf 生成一个配置文件,如果不存在 tfs 命令行客户端 loadufs 加载三、Tachyon命令行操作现有的底层文件系统到Tachyon runTest 运行一个终端到终端的测试中的Tachyon集群 runTests 运行所有的终端到终端的测试中的Tachyon集群上 killAll <WORD> 杀死包WORD进程 copyDir <PATH> 复制PATH到所有节点 clearCache 清除操作系统缓存 thriftGen 生成所有 thrift 代码 version 打印Tachyon版本 Commands print help wheninvoked without parameters. #
# tachyon tfs Usage: java TFsShell [cat <path>] [count <path>] [ls <path>] [lsr <path>] [mkdir <path>] [rm <path>] [tail <path>] [touch <path>] [mv <src> <dst>] [copyFromLocal <src><remoteDst>] [copyToLocal <src><localDst>] [fileinfo <path>] [location <path>] [report <path>] [request <tachyonaddress><dependencyId>] [pin <path>] [unpin <path>] #
PATH变量格式 tachyon://<masternode address>:<master node port>/<path> 或者,如果没有提供标头,默认主机名和端口(在env文件中)将被使用。 /<path>
Operation | Syntax | Description |
cat | cat "path" | Print the content of the file to the console. |
count | count "path" | Display the number of folders and files matching the specified prefix in "path". |
ls | ls "path" | List all the files and directories directly under the given path with information such as size. |
lsr | lsr "path" | Recursively list all the files and directories directly under the given path with information such as size. |
mkdir | mkdir "path" | Create a directory under the given path, along with any necessary parent directories. Will fail if the path already exists. |
rm | rm "path" | Remove a file or directory and all folders and files under that directory. |
tail | tail "path" | Print the last 1KB of the specified file to the console. |
touch | touch "path" | Create a 0 byte file at the specified location. |
mv | mv "source" "destination" | Move a file or directory specified by "source" to a new path "destination". Will fail if "destination" already exists. |
copyFromLocal | copyFromLocal "source path" "remote path" | Copy the specified file to the path specified by "remote path". Will fail if "remote path" already exists. |
copyToLocal | copyToLocal "remote path" "local path" | Copy the specified file from the path specified by "remote source" to a local destination. |
fileinfo | fileinfo "path" | Print the information of the blocks of a specified file. |
pin | pin "path" | Pins the given file, such that Tachyon will never evict it from memory. If called on a folder, it recursively pins all contained files and any new files created within this folder. |
unpin | unpin "path" | Unpins the given file to allow Tachyon to start evicting it again. If called on a folder, it recursively unpins all contained files and any new files created within this folder. |
# tachyon tfs mkdir /test Successfully created directory /test # tachyon tfs mkdir /test/one Successfully created directory /test/one # tachyon tfs mkdir /test/two Successfully created directory /test/two #
# tachyon tfs touch /test/one/one.txt /test/one/one.txt has been created # tachyon tfs touch /test/two/two.txt /test/two/two.txt has been created #
# tachyon tfs copyFromLocal /etc/passwd /test/passwd Copied /etc/passwd to /test/passwd #
# tachyon tfs ls /test 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:18:525 /test/one 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:21:952 /test/two 1671.00 B 09-30-201414:52:18:574 In Memory /test/passwd # tachyon tfs lsr /test 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:18:525 /test/one 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:44:00:167 In Memory /test/one/one.txt 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:21:952 /test/two 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:44:14:956 In Memory /test/two/two.txt 1671.00 B 09-30-201414:52:18:574 In Memory /test/passwd #
# tachyon tfs fileinfo /test/passwd /test/passwd with file id 82 have following blocks: ClientBlockInfo(blockId:88046829568,offset:0, length:1671, locations:[NetAddress(mHost:hadoop01, mPort:29998)]) #
# tachyon tfs cat /test/passwd |head -n 2 root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin # tachyon tfs tail /test/passwd |head -n 2 n/nologin usbmuxd:x:113:113:usbmuxd user:/:/sbin/nologin #
# tachyon tfs count/test File Count Folder Count Total Bytes 3 3 1671 #
# tachyon tfs pin /test File ‘/test‘ was successfully pinned. # tachyon tfs unpin /test File ‘/test‘ was successfully unpinned. #
# tachyon tfs mv/test/one/one.txt /test/one.txt Renamed/test/one/one.txt to /test/one.txt # tachyon tfs lsr /test 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:18:525 /test/one 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:21:952 /test/two 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:44:14:956 In Memory /test/two/two.txt 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:44:00:167 In Memory /test/one.txt 1671.00 B 09-30-201414:52:18:574 In Memory /test/passwd #
# tachyon tfs copyToLocal /test/passwd /tmp/tachyon.txt Copied /test/passwd to /tmp/tachyon.txt # head -n 2 /tmp/tachyon.txt root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin #
# tachyon tfs rm /test/two /test/two has beenremoved # tachyon tfs lsr /test 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:42:18:525 /test/one 0.00 B 09-30-2014 14:44:00:167 In Memory /test/one.txt 1671.00 B 09-30-201414:52:18:574 In Memory /test/passwd #
本文出自 “tachyon” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://ucloud.blog.51cto.com/3869454/1564173
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