标签:parent absolute The 添加 dev coding 存在 sim oba
You’ll only need HTML and CSS to make this element.(这个方法只需要用到html和css)
The HTML is simple. All you need is a div element with a class name. Here’s what that looks like:(先写个div元素,再给他加个类,就像下边这样)
<div class="bottom-arrow"></div>
The style for the .bottom-arrow class is easy enough to write.(接下来是css的部分,首先通过类选择器给div元素加个底部边框样式,方便看出来他的存在,代码如下)
.bottom-arrow {
border-bottom: 5px solid #6A0136;
The way you make the arrow is where it gets interesting. you’ll start by using the pseudo-class selector, :after.(然后通过:after伪类选择器来制作箭头效果,添加如下样式代码)
.bottom-arrow:after {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-top: 25px solid #6A0136;
border-left: 50px solid transparent;
border-right: 50px solid transparent;
It’s not so bad. You just have to know how CSS works and how it can be manipulated. There are probably 100 other ways of doing this same thing, but this is the way I figured out how to do it.I hope this quick run through helps! (做出来的箭头还算可以,其实你只需要理解其中css是如何工作的就可以,做一个箭头有成百上千种方法,这是作者分享的方法,希望对你有所帮助)
How To Put Arrows at the Bottom of a Div(给一个div元素下边加个向下箭头的方法)
标签:parent absolute The 添加 dev coding 存在 sim oba