i_interface_check = ‘‘ 接口一致性检查
i_callback_program = sy-repid 当前程序名
is_layout = layout 输出样式
it_fieldcat = fieldcat[] 字段定义描述表
i_callback_pf_status_set = ‘PF_STATUS_SET‘ 触发事件调用子程序
i_callback_user_command = ‘USER_COMMAND‘ 鼠标事件操作子程序
it_events = i_events[] 出口程序触发事件
i_callback_html_top_of_page = ‘ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE‘ ALV输出表头设置
i_grid_settings = wl_lvc_s_glay 打印表头设置
it_sort = sortable[] 排序设置
t_outtab = ig_out
program_error = 1
1. Fieldcat
data: fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line.
it_fieldcat = fieldcat[]
属性 (用来定义表单中的各个列的相关信息)
Fieldcat-col_pos = n. 输出列
Fieldcat-tabname = ‘FIELDNAME‘. 对应的内表字段名
Fieldcat-seltext_s/m/l = ‘列名‘. 输出列文本 (_s:短文本 _l:长文本)
Fieldcat-emphasize = ‘CX10‘. 带有颜色的高亮列 (其中X=(1-7) 颜色同format)
Fieldcat-hotspot = ‘X‘. 作为热点显示 可触发鼠标触发事件
Fieldcat-currency = ‘CURRKEY‘. 表 TCURX 中的货币名称
Fieldcat-quantity(3) 计量单位
Fieldcat-qfieldname 参考计量单位的字段名称
Fieldcat-round = n. 四舍五入至小数位数下 n 位
Fieldcat-exponent = n. 浮点数的幂指数为n
Fieldcat-key = ‘X‘. 关键字段
Fieldcat-icon = ‘X‘. 作为图标输出
Fieldcat-symbol = ‘X‘. 输出作为符号
Fieldcat-checkbox = ‘X‘. 作为复选框输出
Fieldcat-just = SPACE, ‘R‘, ‘L‘, ‘C‘. 对齐方式
Fieldcat-lzero = ‘X‘. 输出前导零
Fieldcat-no_sign = ‘X‘. 输出抑制符号
Fieldcat-no_zero = ‘X‘. 为输出隐藏零
Fieldcat-edit_mask = SPACE, mask.. 输出为mask的模式
Fieldcat-fix_column = ‘X‘. 固定列
Fieldcat-do_sum = ‘X‘. 总计列值总和
Fieldcat-no_out = ‘X‘. 列不输出
Fieldcat-tech = ‘X‘. 该字段为技术字段
Fieldcat-outputlen = n 列的字符宽度为n
Fieldcat-decimals_out = n 能控制小数点的位数为n
Fieldcat-datatype = C,I,N… 定义数据类型
2. Layout
data: layout type slis_layout_alv .
is_layout = layout
属性 (用于定义ALV表单的相关格式、属性)
info_fieldname = ‘LINE_COLOR‘. 设置特殊行颜色
(将LINE_COLOR增加到内表字段,写‘CX10‘到特殊行的LINE_COLOR, X为颜色值)
colwidth_optimize = ‘X‘. 优化列宽设置
no_colhead = ‘X‘. 不显示列名
no_vline = ‘X‘. 不显示列间竖线
f2code = ‘&ETA‘. 设置触发弹出详细信息窗口的功能码,这里是双击
no_vline 这个用来设置列间隔线
detail_popup 是否弹出详细信息窗口
detail_titlebar 设置弹出窗口的标题栏
types: begin of slis_fieldcat_main,
row_pos like sy-curow, " output in row
col_pos like sy-cucol, " position of the column
fieldname type slis_fieldname,
tabname type slis_tabname,
ref_fieldname like dd03p-fieldname,
ref_tabname like dd03p-tabname,
currency(5) type c,
cfieldname type slis_fieldname, " field with currency unit
ctabname type slis_tabname, " and table
quantity(3) type c,
qfieldname type slis_fieldname, " field with quantity unit
qtabname type slis_tabname, " and table
roundfieldname type slis_fieldname,
roundtabname type slis_tabname,
round type i, " round in write statement
decimalsfieldname type slis_fieldname,
decimalstabname type slis_tabname,
decimals_out(6) type c, " decimals in write statement
text_fieldname type slis_fieldname,
exponent(3) type c, " exponent for floats
key(1) type c, " column with key-color
icon(1) type c, " as icon
symbol(1) type c, " as symbol
checkbox(1) type c, " as checkbox
just(1) type c, " (R)ight (L)eft (C)ent.
lzero(1) type c, " leading zero
no_sign(1) type c, " write no-sign
no_zero(1) type c, " write no-zero
edit_mask type slis_edit_mask, "
emphasize(4) type c, " emphasize
fix_column(1) type c, " Spalte fixieren
do_sum(1) type c, " sum up
no_out(1) type c, " (O)blig.(X)no out
tech(1) type c, " technical field
outputlen like dd03p-outputlen,
offset type dd03p-intlen, " offset
seltext_l like dd03p-scrtext_l, " long key word
seltext_m like dd03p-scrtext_m, " middle key word
seltext_s like dd03p-scrtext_s, " short key word
reptext_ddic like dd03p-reptext, " heading (ddic)
ddictxt(1) type c, " (S)hort (M)iddle (L)ong
rollname like dd03p-rollname,
* domname like dd03p-domname, "Domname f黵 Checkbox
datatype like dd03p-datatype,
inttype like dd03p-inttype,
ddic_outputlen like dd03p-outputlen,
intlen like dd03p-intlen,
lowercase like dd03p-lowercase,
end of slis_fieldcat_main.
types: begin of slis_fieldcat_alv_spec,
key_sel(1) type c, " field not obligatory
no_sum(1) type c, " do not sum up
sp_group(4) type c, " group specification
reprep(1) type c, " selection for rep/rep
input(1) type c, " input
hotspot(1) type c, " hotspot
end of slis_fieldcat_alv_spec.
col_pos 输出列
tabname 标签名称
currency(5) 货币单位
quantity(3) 计量单位
qfieldname 参考计量单位的字段名称
round ROUND 值
exponent(3) 流动表示的指数
key(1) 关键字段
icon(1) 作为图标输出
symbol(1) 输出作为符号
checkbox(1) 作为复选框输出
just(1) 对齐
lzero(1) 输出前导零
no_sign(1) 输出抑制符号
no_zero(1) 为输出隐藏零
edit_mask 为输出编辑掩码
emphasize(4) 带有颜色的高亮列
fix_column(1) 固定列
do_sum(1) 总计列值
no_out(1) 列没有输出
tech(1) 技术字段
outputlen 列的字符宽度
decimals_out(6) = 0 不会有小数点了
types: begin of slis_layout_main,
end of slis_layout_main.
types: begin of slis_layout_main,
end of slis_layout_main.
types: begin of slis_layout_alv_spec0,
no_colhead(1) type c, " no headings 没有标题
no_hotspot(1) type c, " headings not as hotspot 标题不作为hotspot
zebra(1) type c, " striped pattern 镶边样式
no_vline(1) type c, " columns separated by space 行由空间隔
no_hline(1) type c, "rows separated by space B20K8A0N5D 列由空间分隔
cell_merge(1) type c, " not suppress field replication 不压制领域复制
edit(1) type c, " for grid only 仅为grid
edit_mode(1) type c, " for grid only 仅为grid
numc_sum(1) type c, " totals for NUMC-Fields possib. 数字型字段可集计
no_input(1) type c, " only display fields 仅显示
f2code like sy-ucomm, "
reprep(1) type c, " report report interface active 报告接口激活
no_keyfix(1) type c, " do not fix keycolumns 不固定关键字列
expand_all(1) type c, " Expand all positions 扩展所有位置
no_author(1) type c, " No standard authority check 没有标准用户检查
* PF-status 菜单项
def_status(1) type c, " default status space or ‘A‘ 缺省状态空间或‘A‘
item_text(20) type c, " Text for item button 文本为项目按钮
countfname type lvc_fname,
end of slis_layout_alv_spec0.
types: begin of slis_layout_alv_spec1,
* Display options 显示属性
colwidth_optimize(1) type c,
no_min_linesize(1) type c, " line size = width of the list
min_linesize like sy-linsz, " if initial min_linesize = 80
max_linesize like sy-linsz, " Default 250
window_titlebar like sy-title,
no_uline_hs(1) type c,
* Exceptions 扩展
lights_fieldname type slis_fieldname," fieldname for exception 扩展字段名
lights_tabname type slis_tabname, " fieldname for exception 扩展字段名
lights_rollname like dfies-rollname," rollname f. exceptiondocu
lights_condense(1) type c, " fieldname for exception 扩展字段名
* Sums 合计
no_sumchoice(1) type c, " no choice for summing up 无可选择总计
no_totalline(1) type c, " no total line 没有合计行
no_subchoice(1) type c, " no choice for subtotals 无可选择子合计
no_subtotals(1) type c, " no subtotals possible 没有子合计
no_unit_splitting type c, " no sep. tot.lines by inh.units
totals_before_items type c, " diplay totals before the items 在明细前显示合计
totals_only(1) type c, " show only totals 只显示合计
totals_text(60) type c, " text for 1st col. in total line 合计行第一列文本
subtotals_text(60) type c, " text for 1st col. in subtotals 子合计行第一列文本
* Interaction 继承
box_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname for checkbox
box_tabname type slis_tabname," tabname for checkbox
box_rollname like dd03p-rollname," rollname for checkbox
expand_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag ‘expand‘
hotspot_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag hotspot
confirmation_prompt, " confirm. prompt when leaving
key_hotspot(1) type c, " keys as hotspot " K_KEYHOT
flexible_key(1) type c, " key columns movable,...
group_buttons(1) type c, " buttons for COL1 - COL5
get_selinfos(1) type c, " read selection screen
group_change_edit(1) type c, " Settings by user for new group
no_scrolling(1) type c, " no scrolling
* Detailed screen 屏幕详细
detail_popup(1) type c, " show detail in popup 弹出显示明细
detail_initial_lines(1) type c, " show also initial lines 显示初始行
detail_titlebar like sy-title," Titlebar for detail 详细标题栏
* Display variants 显示变量
header_text(20) type c, " Text for header button 标题按钮文本
default_item(1) type c, " Items as default 默认明细
* colour 颜色
info_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " infofield for listoutput
coltab_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " colors
* others 其它
list_append(1) type c, " no call screen
xifunckey type aqs_xikey, " eXtended interaction(SAPQuery)
xidirect type flag, " eXtended INTeraction(SAPQuery)
dtc_layout type dtc_s_layo, "Layout for configure the Tabstip
allow_switch_to_list(1) type c, "ACC: Switch Fullscreen to List
end of slis_layout_alv_spec1.
本文出自 “小恐龙” 博客,谢绝转载!