标签:rman type context pre vol review sprintf exists rect
msg="Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: createdDateTime, modifiedDateTime."
msg="The ‘browser‘ pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 280, 283."
msg="The VARIANT_BOOL type is utilized incorrectly. The true value (VARIANT_TRUE) is defined as -1. Check: ((& isPreview)->boolVal) = m_isPreview."
msg="Decreased performance. Excessive type casting: string -> char * -> string. Consider inspecting first argument of the function fileExists."
msg="Expression ‘j >= 0‘ is always true. Unsigned type value is always >= 0."
msg="Suspicious type conversion in assign expression: ‘BOOL = HRESULT‘."
msg="A ‘wchar_t *‘ type string is incorrectly converted to ‘BSTR‘ type string. Consider using ‘SysAllocString‘ function."
msg="Type slicing. An exception should be caught by reference rather than by value."
msg="Converting type ‘int‘ to type ‘VARIANT_BOOL‘ can lead to a loss of high-order bits. Non-zero value can become ‘FALSE‘."
msg="Decreased performance. Calls to the ‘wcslen‘ function have being made multiple times when a condition for the loop‘s continuation was calculated."
msg="The null pointer is passed into ‘memcpy‘ function. Inspect the second argument."
msg="There are identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of the ‘!=‘ operator: m_fitMode != m_fitMode"
msg="A call of the ‘memset‘ function will lead to underflow of the buffer ‘lpszHeadInfo‘."
msg="The ‘then‘ statement is equivalent to the ‘else‘ statement."
msg="Undefined behavior. The ‘m_pixmapIndex‘ variable is modified while being used twice between sequence points."
msg="The ‘height‘ variable is assigned to itself."
msg="Incorrect format. Consider checking the third actual argument of the ‘wsprintfW‘ function. To print the value of pointer the ‘%p‘ should be used."
msg=‘this == nullptr‘ expression should be avoided - this expression is always false on newer compilers, because ‘this‘ pointer can never be NULL.
msg="Parameter ‘handle‘ is always rewritten in function body before being used."
msg="The ‘Format‘ function is not expected to receive class-type variable as second actual argument."
msg="Dereferencing of the null pointer ‘pTask‘ might take place. Check the logical condition."
msg="The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the ‘KAutoSaveItem‘ class contains virtual functions."
msg="Ownerless expression ‘Download_Fail‘.
msg="There is probably no need in creating the new ‘context‘ variable here. One of the function‘s arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference.
msg="The use of ‘if (A) {...} else if (A) {...}‘ pattern was detected. There is a probability of logical error presence. Check lines: 47, 59."
msg="It‘s probably better to assign value to ‘hr‘ variable than to declare it anew. Previous declaration: kolfontqhbcommand.cpp, line 343."
msg="Recurring check. The ‘if (!layout)‘ condition was already verified in line 1032
msg="The memory was allocated using ‘new T[]‘ operator but was released using the ‘delete‘ operator. Consider inspecting this code. It‘s probably better to use ‘delete [] buffer;‘.
msg="The literal ‘10.5‘ of ‘double‘ type is being implicitly cast to ‘int‘ type while calling the ‘setPointSize‘ function. Inspect the first argument."
msg="It is dangerous to print the string ‘strParam‘ into itself."
msg="Consider inspecting an odd type cast: ‘unsigned short‘ to ‘wchar_t *‘."
msg="Consider inspecting the ‘0x1 << (- * pStateBase[curState])‘ expression. Bit shifting of the 32-bit value with a subsequent expansion to the 64-bit type."
msg="Such expressions using the ‘,‘ operator are dangerous. Make sure the expression is correct."
msg="Incorrect use of unique_ptr. The memory allocated with ‘new []‘ will be cleaned using ‘delete‘."
msg="An excessive check. Examine the conditions containing search for the substrings "*.dot" and "*.dotm"."
msg="It is odd that pointer to ‘wchar_t‘ type is compared with the L‘\0‘ value. Probably meant: *pPath == L‘\0‘."
msg="Consider inspecting the ‘lResult == 0L && lResult != 234L‘ expression. The expression is excessive or contains a misprint."
msg="Consider inspecting the condition. The ‘SizeY_FitContent‘ argument of the ‘|‘ bitwise operation contains a non-zero value."
msg="Be advised that compiler may delete this cycle or make it infinity. Use volatile variable(s) or synchronization primitives to avoid this."
msg="Perhaps the ‘?:‘ operator works in a different way than it was expected. The ‘?:‘ operator has a lower priority than the ‘==‘ operator."
msg="Array overrun is possible. The ‘16‘ index is pointing beyond array bound."
msg="Consider inspecting the ‘for‘ operator. Initial and final values of the iterator are the same."
msg="Suspicious literal is present: ‘/0‘. It is possible that a backslash should be used here instead: ‘\0‘."
msg="An item with the same key ‘L"secretKey"‘ has already been added."
msg="Suspicious access to element of ‘fileList‘ array by a constant index inside a loop.
标签:rman type context pre vol review sprintf exists rect