标签:blog http io os ar for strong sp div
无向图:图连通,所有顶点都是偶数度。#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <cstdio> #include <queue> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 30; int in[MAXN]; // 对应入度 int out[MAXN]; //对应出度 int used[MAXN]; bool vis[MAXN]; int Find( int n ){ if( n!=used[n] ) used[n] = Find( used[n] ); return used[n]; } void Merge( int A, int B ){ // 合并 int x = Find(A); int y = Find(B); if( x!=y ) used[y] = x; return ; } int main() { int T, N; int i,pos; int inJudge, outJudge; bool bug; string temp; cin>>T; while( T-- ){ cin>>N; for( i=0;i<MAXN;i++ ) used[i] = i; memset( in, 0, sizeof(in) ); memset( out, 0, sizeof(out) ); memset( vis, false, sizeof(vis) ); // 初始化 while( N-- ){ cin >> temp; pos = temp.length() - 1; out[ temp[0]-‘a‘ ]++; in[ temp[pos]-‘a‘ ]++; Merge( temp[0]-‘a‘, temp[pos]-‘a‘ ); vis[ temp[0]-‘a‘ ] = vis[ temp[pos]-‘a‘ ] =true; } int counter = 0; // 用于判断有几个图,如果大于1个,那不能满足题目要求 for( i=0;i<=‘z‘-‘a‘;i++ ) if( vis[i] && used[i]==i ) counter ++; if( counter>1 ){ cout << "The door cannot be opened.\n"; continue; } inJudge = outJudge = 0; bug = false; for( i=0;i<=‘z‘-‘a‘;i++ ) if( vis[i] ){ if( in[i]==out[i] ) continue; else if( in[i]-out[i]==1 ) inJudge ++; // 有多少个入度大于出度大1 else if( out[i]-in[i]==1 ) outJudge ++; // 有多少个出度比入度大1 else bug = true; } if( bug ){ cout << "The door cannot be opened.\n"; continue; } if( inJudge==1 && outJudge==1 ){ cout << "Ordering is possible.\n"; continue; } if( !inJudge && !outJudge ){ cout << "Ordering is possible.\n"; continue; } cout << "The door cannot be opened.\n"; } return 0; }
标签:blog http io os ar for strong sp div