标签:sele sel example express amp nbsp begin support category
For example we have those code:
<div class="course-category" [ngSwitch]="course.category"> <div class="category" *ngSwitchCase="‘BEGINNER‘">Beginner</div> <div class="category" *ngSwitchCase="‘INTERMEDIATE‘">Intermediate</div> <div class="category" *ngSwitchCase="‘ADVANCED‘">Advanced</div> </div>
ngSwith code, and we want to convert to i18n as well, we can use ‘select‘ keyword:
<div class="category" i18n> { course.category, select, BEGINNER {Beginner} INTERMEDIATE {Intermediate} ADVANCED {Advanced} } </div>
[Angular] Angular i18n Alternative Expressions Support (select)
标签:sele sel example express amp nbsp begin support category