标签:throws sample The 创建 family win sam png get
public class Robot { private String name; public void sayHi(String helloSentence){ System.out.println(helloSentence + " " + name); } private String throwHello(String tag){ return "Hello " + tag; } static { System.out.println("Hello Robot"); } }
public class ReflectSample { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ Class rc = Class.forName("com.interview.javabasic.reflect.Robot"); Robot r = (Robot) rc.newInstance(); System.out.println("Class name is " + rc.getName()); //调用私有方法rc.getDeclaredMethod Method getHello = rc.getDeclaredMethod("throwHello", String.class); getHello.setAccessible(true); Object str = getHello.invoke(r, "Bob"); System.out.println("getHello result is " + str); //调用PUBLIC方法rc.getMethod Method sayHi = rc.getMethod("sayHi", String.class); sayHi.invoke(r, "Welcome"); //设置私有属性 Field name = rc.getDeclaredField("name"); name.setAccessible(true); name.set(r, "Alice"); sayHi.invoke(r, "Welcome"); } }
标签:throws sample The 创建 family win sam png get