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If you are looking for more information about BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) in handouts, or even articles and BPMN pdf tutorials, know that here are 10 excellent materials to download, read, study and consult when needed!
There are several types of materials: BPMN pdf posters for quick reference, BPMN pdf seminars/tutorials, BPMN pdf books, and brochures.
The texts are separated by categories, with the name, a summary and a link for you to download.
Come on, take the opportunity to have access to all of this information from qualified sources and choose your BPMN pdf brochures, books, and tutorials.
See other articles about BPMN: Why and how to use the most widely accepted BPMN 2.0 notation.
Most of the BPMN files are in PDF, but you will also find relevant BPMN information in other formats.
Also check Process modeling: 6 PDFs, 5 videos, and 4 Slideshare.
Fully intuitive, this BPMN PDF poster is a practical query guide that you should always have on hand. In addition to being very easy to see, it is beautiful enough for you to put on your wall. If you need, on the same page there are versions in several languages, to share with friends around the world!
Download here: http://www.bpmb.de/images/BPMN2_0_Poster_EN.pdf
A couple of useful and complete posters that allow you to quickly check event notations, activities, gateways, process diagrams, and more, quickly and expeditiously.
Download right now: https://www.nomagic.com/images/guides/no_magic_quick_reference_guide_bpmn.pdf
This BPMN PDF tutorial in the form of a series of slides provides valuable information about process diagrams, private processes, start and end events, activities and sequence flow, gateways, intermediate events, public processes, pools, message flows, collaborative processes, sub-processes and many others.
Get access to this text here: http://www.cragsystems.co.uk/bpmn_tutorial/bpmn_2_0_tutorial.pdf
These two works on BPMN are in PDF and can be of great help for those who want to expand their understanding of the topic, check them out:
This paper presents new process diagram features in BPMN version 2.0, providing a view of processes and how things are done through flowcharts adapted to business processes and their interactions. It shows a wide range of issues worth getting to know.
See all of this by accessing this link: http://www.conradbock.org/white-bpmn2-process-bookmark-web.pdf
This book is a brief introduction that aims to assist in the interpretation of various aspects of BPMN 2.0. Rich in examples, they are all based on executable processes, which will help a lot in learning.
Check them out here: BPMN 2.0 by Example
Check out this tool and create your free account>> Tour HEFLO BPM <<
These three BPMN Pdf booklets are very complementary to each other and worth a read:
Interesting and beautiful BPMN pdf slideshow created for a seminar by the computer department of the University of Rome, taught by Andrea Marrella. It introduces business process modeling using BPMN and shows how it can support different methodologies, areas of knowledge, as well as different model objectives (for example in orchestration and choreography), using real business processes as examples.
Get access to this content through this link: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~marrella/slides/Sem_PM_11-12_BPMN.pdf
A guide to the key elements of Business Process Modeling Notation, addressing the anatomy of a process model, the three levels of BPMN and also its basic concepts.
Here this BPMN PDF guide: http://www.temida.si/~bojan/UNG-PIS-2013/Introduction%20to%20BPMN.pdf
This brochure shows the evolution of notation through the following topics: Introduction to Business Process BPMN 1.2 elements, examples, BPMN 2.0, what’s new in BPMN notation and tools.
Click the link to download the BPMN PDF article: http://ccsl.ime.usp.br/baile/files/IntroductionToBPMN.pdf
Directly from the site – http://www.bpmn.org/ – download the app or remotely access the best of BPMN 2.0 references covering all elements, basic rules, best practices and more.
A link to the quick guide: http://www.bpmnquickguide.com/get-bpmn-quick-guide/
There we have it! 10 articles on BPMN for you to deepen your knowledge.
In addition to keeping up to date with reading and study, another way to make the best use of BPM in organizations is to have modern tools and resources to not only analyze, map and model processes, but to also generate reports, alerts, and allow an agile and transparent information flow.
10 BPMN PDF books, articles and brochures
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