标签:conda rgs date 版本 time gets think xls 整数
Excel 支持两个日期系统:1900年日期系统(推荐)和 1904年日期系统。每个日期系统使用日期作为计算的所有其他工作簿中的唯一开始日期。所有版本的 Excel for Windows 都计算基于 1900年日期系统中的日期。Excel 2008 for Mac 和早期 Excel for Mac 版本计算基于 1904年日期系统的日期。Excel 2016 for Mac 和 Excel for Mac 2011 使用 1900年日期系统,保证日期与 Excel for Windows 的兼容性。
// excelDateAnalysis.java
package ms.excelDateAnalysis;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
public class excelDateAnalysis {
private static final int SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60;
private static final int MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60;
private static final int HOURS_PER_DAY = 24;
private static final int SECONDS_PER_DAY = (HOURS_PER_DAY *
private boolean onlyTime = false;
private double excelDate;
private int sumDay, sumSecond;
private int year, month, day, week;
private int hour, minute, second;
public boolean onlyTime() { return this.onlyTime; }
public int getSumDay () { return this.sumDay; }
public int getSumSecond() { return this.sumSecond; }
public int getYear () { return this.year; }
public int getMonth () { return this.month; }
public int getDay () { return this.day; }
public int getWeek () { return this.week; }
public int getHour () { return this.hour; }
public int getMinute () { return this.minute; }
public int getSecond () { return this.second; }
public void test() {
excelDateAnalysis eDate = new excelDateAnalysis(this.excelDate);
System.out.println("sum second in one day: " + eDate.getSumSecond());
System.out.println("sum days: "+eDate.getSumDay());
if (!eDate.onlyTime) {
System.out.println("Date: " + eDate.getYear() +
"/" + eDate.getMonth() +
"/" + eDate.getDay());
System.out.println("Time: " + eDate.getHour() +
":" + eDate.getMinute() +
":" + eDate.getSecond());
public excelDateAnalysis(double excelDate) {
this.excelDate = excelDate;
this.sumDay = (int)Math.floor(excelDate);
this.sumSecond = (int)Math.floor((excelDate-(double)this.sumDay)*SECONDS_PER_DAY+0.5);
private void sumDayAnalysis(int wholeDays) {
if (wholeDays==0) {
this.onlyTime = true;
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
boolean use1904windowing = false;
int startYear = 1900;
int dayAdjust = -1; // Excel thinks 2/29/1900 is a valid date, which it isn't
if (use1904windowing) {
startYear = 1904;
dayAdjust = 1; // 1904 date windowing uses 1/2/1904 as the first day
} else if (wholeDays < 61) {
// Date is prior to 3/1/1900, so adjust because Excel thinks 2/29/1900 exists
// If Excel date == 2/29/1900, will become 3/1/1900 in Java representation
dayAdjust = 0;
calendar.set(startYear,0, wholeDays + dayAdjust, 0, 0, 0);
calendar.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, this.sumSecond*1000);
this.year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
this.month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1;
this.day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
this.week = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)-1;
private void sumSecondAnalysis(int sumSecond) {
this.hour = sumSecond / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE / MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
this.minute = sumSecond / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE - this.hour * MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
this.second = sumSecond % SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
// Main.java
import ms.excelDateAnalysis.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
excelDateAnalysis eDate = new excelDateAnalysis(43529.50258);
eDate.test(); // 测试输出
Sheet4.B1 <- {自定义}[13:49:38
60*24 = 1440
步骤 | 公式 | 解释 |
1 | B1*1440 | 总分钟数 |
2 | Round(B1*1440/15,0)*15 | 让总分钟数变成15分钟的倍数 |
3 | Round(B1*1440/15,0)*15/1440 | 将变成更改后的总分钟数变回默认时间约定 |
Sheet4.C1 <- {自定义}[=Round(B1*1440/15,0)*15/1440
13:49:38 === 0.576134259
excelDateAnalysis eDatePI = new excelDateAnalysis(Math.PI);
excelDateAnalysis eDateE = new excelDateAnalysis(Math.E);
sum second in one day: 12234
sum days: 3
Date: 1900/1/3
Time: 3:23:54
sum second in one day: 62060
sum days: 2
Date: 1900/1/2
Time: 17:14:20
标签:conda rgs date 版本 time gets think xls 整数