标签:tps activate fine ddl class rspec rip osi code
JOINs in CDS View
In ABAP CDS, Join between two data sources is allowed. Allowed joins are:-
The post shows a simple Inner Join between data sources form SCARR & SPFLI table.
In HANA studio, open ABAP perspective. From Project explorer, right click on the package and choose New->Other ABAP Repository Object
Choose DDL Source & select Next
Provide a name & description & select finish
Provide aSQL View Name & code lines. Save & Activate.
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: ‘ZFLIGHT_JOIN’ @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED @EndUserText.label: ‘Flight with Inner Join CDS View’ define view Zflight_Join_Vw as select from spfli join scarr on spfli.carrid = scarr.carrid { key spfli.carrid, key scarr.carrname, key spfli.connid, spfli.countryfr, spfli.cityfrom, spfli.airpfrom, spfli.countryto, spfli.cityto, spfli.airpto }
Execute it or by right click choose Data Preview.
标签:tps activate fine ddl class rspec rip osi code