标签:not .com hat 次数 coding src 绝对路径 处理 temp
ID=input("输入你的身份证号:") shengfen = ID[0:2] year = ID[6:10] month = ID[10:12] day = ID[12:14] sex=ID[-2] print(‘你的省份信息为:‘+shengfen) print(‘出生日期为:‘+year+‘年‘+day+‘月‘+day+‘日‘) if (int(sex) % 2) == 0: print(‘性别为:女性‘) else: print(‘性别为:男性‘)
from idna import unichr a=‘‘ s=input(‘输入要加密的信息:‘) num=input(‘输入加密数字:‘) print(‘密文为:‘) for i in s: a+=unichr(ord(i)+int(num)); print(a) print(‘还原信息:‘) for i in a: print(unichr(ord(i)-int(num)),end=‘‘);
import operator text=‘‘‘It was a cold winter day in 1919. A small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. He was very hungry. He wanted to buy some bread, but he had no money. What could he do? When he was very young, he wanted to be a great man in the world of films. So he worked to sing and dance well. Thirty years later, the boy became one of the famous people in the world.‘‘‘ text1=text.replace(‘.‘,‘ ‘).replace(‘?‘,‘ ‘).replace(‘,‘,‘ ‘).lower().split(); dic = {} for word in text1: if word not in dic: dic[word] = 1; else: dic[word] = dic[word] + 1; swd = sorted(dic.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print(swd)
from idna import unichr def openFile(i): if i ==1: return open(r‘C:\Users\Shinelon\Desktop\123.txt‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘gb2312‘); else: return open(r‘C:\Users\Shinelon\Desktop\234.txt‘, ‘a‘, encoding=‘utf8‘); a=‘‘ f=openFile(1) text=f.read(); f.close(); num=3 print(‘密文为:‘) for i in text: a+=unichr(ord(i)+int(num)); print(a) j=openFile(2) j.seek(0) j.truncate() j.write(a) j.close() print(‘还原信息:‘) for i in a: print(unichr(ord(i)-int(num)),end=‘‘);
import operator f=open(r‘C:\Users\Shinelon\Desktop\123.txt‘,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf8‘); text=f.read(); f.close(); text1=text.replace(‘.‘,‘ ‘).replace(‘?‘,‘ ‘).replace(‘,‘,‘ ‘).lower().split(); dic = {} for word in text1: if word not in dic: dic[word] = 1; else: dic[word] = dic[word] + 1; swd = sorted(dic.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print(swd)
def jiami(xinxi,num): temp=‘‘ for i in xinxi: temp+=unichr(ord(i)+int(num)); return temp;
def jiemi(xinxi,num): temp=‘‘ for i in xinxi: temp+=unichr(ord(i)-int(num)); return temp;
def openFile(): return open(r‘C:\Users\Shinelon\Desktop\123.txt‘, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf8‘);
标签:not .com hat 次数 coding src 绝对路径 处理 temp