标签:class amp end asi define efi begin -- code
1: the basic operation
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZHANSEN28 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZHANSEN28. DATA: BEGIN OF linv Occurs 0, "define the internal table. Name(20) TYPE C, ID_Number TYPE I, END OF linv. DATA table1 LIKE TABLE OF linv. "define a variable of linv. linv-Name = ‘Melissa‘. linv-ID_Number = 105467. APPEND linv TO table1. "append the data to table. linv-Name = ‘Melissb‘. linv-ID_Number = 105468. APPEND linv TO table1. "append again. LOOP AT table1 INTO linv. "loop print the data of table. Write: / linv-name, linv-ID_Number. ENDLOOP.
标签:class amp end asi define efi begin -- code