标签:互操作 war master hint art 而且 detail ocs ranch
1. GitHub上Create New Repos
2. 代码Check In到本地Git Repos
3. Push到GitHub远程Repos
一、GitHub上Create New Repos:N-Sharding
2. 代码Check In到本地Git Repos
3. Push到GitHub远程Repos
将分支推送到远程存储库时遇到错误: rejected Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes before pushing again. Error: failed to push some refs to ‘https://github.com/*****/N-Sharding.git‘ Error: hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: ‘git pull ...‘) before pushing again. hint: See the ‘Note about fast-forwards‘ in ‘git push --help‘ for details.
看中间第三句话:Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
突然想起来,在GitHub上Create New Repos时,增加了Readme.md。本地没有这个文件。
1. 打开Git Bash
2. Git拉取最新的代码到本地,一定要rebase,强制同步更新本地分支
git pull --rebase origin master
关于Git rebase,可以参考:https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase
3. 推送Push到Master主分支
git push -u origin master
Push 成功,代码成功提交到master。
Tips:关于git merge 与 git rebase
1. git merge 和 git rebase 都是将远程分支与本地分支合并的一种方法,git merge 会生成一个新的节点,例如A和B都位于同一个HEAD,A提交了2个commit C1和C2,B 提交了2个commit C3和C4,git merge的结果是在C3和C4之后合并生成C5,这样提交历史比较清晰,但多了一个C5 2. 假设A已经将C1和C2 push到了远程分支,那么B 使用git rebase则会将C3和C4缓存到.git/rebase中,恢复到之前的状态,更新C1和C2,然后再将C3和C4作为补丁应用到C2的状态上。结果如下: 原始状态->C1->C2->C3‘->C4‘,C3‘和C4‘为git 根据C3和C4生成的补丁,log是一条直线,而且没有多余的C5,但是平行信息丢失。
关于git pull 与 git pull --rebase
1. git pull = git fetch + git merge 2. git pull --rebase = git fetch + git rebase
Visual Studio Git本地Repos和GitHub远程Repos互操作
标签:互操作 war master hint art 而且 detail ocs ranch