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Balance the cost vs. ROI well and come up with a bare minimum working solution at the start.
A test automation backlog could contain a prioritized list of items such as:
Tools Are Just the Means And Not The End
If you focus on the big picture, the real goal is to support new development efforts by providing rapid feedback to the team.
It is also important to keep your tests and test data independent of the selected test automation tool as much as possible.
The most important part of your test solution is the “tests”.
Test Early
Minimum regression sanity test as a start.
Involve users at the beginning.
Test Often
Corresponding scope of regression set up for each updated build.
Test Automatically
Build up automated SIT with auto-select production data/cases.
Automated meaningful test instead of everything. Note: we need manual effort for automated test building up.
To apply 80/20 rule.
【Agile123】Automated Test in Agile
标签:str www precise solution inf flow big new parameter