标签:name info img void eal i++ 4.6 oid sort
#include <iostream> #include <complex> using namespace std; typedef complex<double>name; struct Complex { double real; double imaginary; }; int add(int a, int b) {return a+b; } double add(double a,double b) {return a+b; } name add(name a, name b) {return a+b; } int main() {int m,n; cout<<"Enter two integer:"; m=2,n=5; cout<<"Their sum of square:"<<add(m,n)<<endl; double x,y; cout<<"Enter two integer:"; x=12.4;y=2.1; cout<<"Their sum of square:"<<add(x,y)<<endl; name i,j; cout<<"Enter two integer:"; i=1+2i;j=3+6i; cout<<"Their sum of square:"<<add(i,j)<<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; template<typename T> void QuickSort(T i[],int left,int right) {if(left<right) {int low=left; int high=right; T x=i[low]; while(low<high) {while(low<high&&i[high]>x)high--; if(low<high) {i[low]=i[high]; low++; } while(low<high&&i[low]<x)low++; if(low<high) { i[high]=i[low]; high--; } } i[low]=x; QuickSort(i,left,low-1); QuickSort(i,low+1,right); } } int main() { int i; int a[10]={6,54,51,34,8,38,24,74,10,2}; cout<<"a[10]={6,54,51,34,8,38,24,74,10,2}"<<endl; QuickSort(a,0,9); cout<<"before:"<<endl; for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<a[i]<<ends; cout<<endl; float b[10]={5.3,4.2,8.2,7.3,6.2,1.9,9.4,4.6,3.2,5.4}; cout<<"b[10]={5.3,4.2,8.2,7.3,6.2,1.9,9.4,4.6,3.2,5.4}"<<endl; cout<<"after:"<<endl; QuickSort(b,0,9); for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<b[i]<<ends; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class user{ public: user(){}; void setinfo(string name0,string passwd0="111111",string email0=" "); void changepasswd(); void printinfo(); private: string name; string passwd; string email; }; void user::setinfo(string name0,string passwd0,string email0) { name=name0; passwd=passwd0; email=email0; } void user::changepasswd() {int c=1; string passwd1; cout<<"please enter the old passward:\n"; cin>>passwd1; while(passwd1!=passwd) {cout<<"Password error, Please enter again:\n"; c++; cin>>passwd1; if(c>3) cout<<"You have entered three errors in a row, please try later!\n"; } cout<<"Please enter a new password:\n"; cin>>passwd1; passwd=passwd1; } void user::printinfo() {cout<<"name:"<<name<<endl; cout<<"passwd:******"<<endl; cout<<"email:"<<email<<endl; } int main() {cout<<"testing1..."<<endl; user user1; user1.setinfo("Leonard"); user1.printinfo(); user1.changepasswd(); user1.printinfo(); cout<<endl<<"testing2..."<<endl<<endl; user user2; user2.setinfo("Jonny","92197","xyz@hotmail.com"); user2.printinfo(); return 0; }
标签:name info img void eal i++ 4.6 oid sort