前一篇文章对“Simplest Media Play”工程作了概括性介绍。后续几篇文章打算详细介绍每个子工程中的几种技术。在记录Direct3D,OpenGL这两种相对复杂的技术之前,打算先记录一种和它们属于同一层面的的简单的技术——GDI作为热身。
图形设备接口(Graphics Device Interface或Graphical Device Interface,缩写GDI),是微软公司视窗操作系统(Microsoft Windows)的三大核心部件(另外两个是kernel、user)之一。GDI是微软视窗系统表征图形对象及将其传送给诸如显示器、打印机之类输出设备的标准。其他系统也有类似GDI的东西,比如Macintosh的Quartz(传统的QuickDraw),和GTK的GDK/Xlib。我自己在之前做的码流分析程序《VideoEye》中的“单帧详细分析”模块中曾经大量使用了GDI,因为那个功能需要在窗口中绘制帧图像,量化参数,宏块类型,运动矢量等参数。因此对GDI这部分的函数还算熟悉。例如下图是当时画出的“量化参数”,“宏块划分”和“运动矢量”分析结果。图中的背景图像,数字,直线都是通过GDI画上去的。
YUV Player Deluxe: 只能播放YUV格式,但是确实很好使。
Vooya: 除了支持YUV之外,还支持各种各样的RGB数据,更加强大。
1. 构造一张BMP。
(1) 构造文件头2. 调用函数画上去。
//BMP Header BITMAPINFO m_bmphdr={0}; DWORD dwBmpHdr = sizeof(BITMAPINFO); m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biSize = dwBmpHdr; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biWidth = pixel_w; //注意BMP在y方向是反着存储的,一次必须设置一个负值,才能使图像正着显示出来 m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biHeight = -pixel_h; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
//change endian of a pixel (24bit) void CHANGE_ENDIAN_24(unsigned char *data){ char temp2=data[2]; data[2]=data[0]; data[0]=temp2; }
//change endian of a pixel (32bit) void CHANGE_ENDIAN_32(unsigned char *data){ char temp3,temp2; temp3=data[3]; temp2=data[2]; data[3]=data[0]; data[2]=data[1]; data[0]=temp3; data[1]=temp2; }
//Change endian of a picture void CHANGE_ENDIAN_PIC(unsigned char *image,int w,int h,int bpp){ unsigned char *pixeldata=NULL; for(int i =0;i<h;i++) for(int j=0;j<w;j++){ pixeldata=image+(i*w+j)*bpp/8; if(bpp==32){ CHANGE_ENDIAN_32(pixeldata); }else if(bpp==24){ CHANGE_ENDIAN_24(pixeldata); } } }
inline byte CONVERT_ADJUST(double tmp) { return (byte)((tmp >= 0 && tmp <= 255)?tmp:(tmp < 0 ? 0 : 255)); } //YUV420P to RGB24 void CONVERT_YUV420PtoRGB24(unsigned char* yuv_src,unsigned char* rgb_dst,int nWidth,int nHeight) { unsigned char *tmpbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(nWidth*nHeight*3); unsigned char Y,U,V,R,G,B; unsigned char* y_planar,*u_planar,*v_planar; int rgb_width , u_width; rgb_width = nWidth * 3; u_width = (nWidth >> 1); int ypSize = nWidth * nHeight; int upSize = (ypSize>>2); int offSet = 0; y_planar = yuv_src; u_planar = yuv_src + ypSize; v_planar = u_planar + upSize; for(int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < nWidth; j ++) { // Get the Y value from the y planar Y = *(y_planar + nWidth * i + j); // Get the V value from the u planar offSet = (i>>1) * (u_width) + (j>>1); V = *(u_planar + offSet); // Get the U value from the v planar U = *(v_planar + offSet); // Cacular the R,G,B values // Method 1 R = CONVERT_ADJUST((Y + (1.4075 * (V - 128)))); G = CONVERT_ADJUST((Y - (0.3455 * (U - 128) - 0.7169 * (V - 128)))); B = CONVERT_ADJUST((Y + (1.7790 * (U - 128)))); /* // The following formulas are from MicroSoft‘ MSDN int C,D,E; // Method 2 C = Y - 16; D = U - 128; E = V - 128; R = CONVERT_ADJUST(( 298 * C + 409 * E + 128) >> 8); G = CONVERT_ADJUST(( 298 * C - 100 * D - 208 * E + 128) >> 8); B = CONVERT_ADJUST(( 298 * C + 516 * D + 128) >> 8); R = ((R - 128) * .6 + 128 )>255?255:(R - 128) * .6 + 128; G = ((G - 128) * .6 + 128 )>255?255:(G - 128) * .6 + 128; B = ((B - 128) * .6 + 128 )>255?255:(B - 128) * .6 + 128; */ offSet = rgb_width * i + j * 3; rgb_dst[offSet] = B; rgb_dst[offSet + 1] = G; rgb_dst[offSet + 2] = R; } } free(tmpbuf); }
int StretchDIBits(HDC hdc, int XDest , int YDest , int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int XSrc, int Ysrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, CONST VOID *lpBits, CONST BITMAPINFO * lpBitsInfo, UINT iUsage, DWORD dwRop);
//将RGB数据画在控件上 int nResult = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0,0, screen_w,screen_h, 0, 0, pixel_w, pixel_h, raw_buffer, &m_bmphdr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
HDC hdc=GetDC(hwnd); //画图… ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc);
/** * 最简单的GDI播放视频的例子(GDI播放RGB/YUV) * Simplest Video Play GDI (GDI play RGB/YUV) * * 雷霄骅 Lei Xiaohua * leixiaohua1020@126.com * 中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 * Communication University of China / Digital TV Technology * http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020 * * 本程序使用GDI播放RGB/YUV视频像素数据。GDI实际上只能直接播放RGB数据。 * 因此如果输入数据为YUV420P的话,需要先转换为RGB数据之后再进行播放。 * * 函数调用步骤如下: * GetDC():获得显示设备的句柄。 * 像素数据格式的转换(如果需要的话) * 设置BMP文件头... * StretchDIBits():指定BMP文件头,以及像素数据,绘制。 * ReleaseDC():释放显示设备的句柄。 * * 在该示例程序中,包含了像素转换的几个工具函数,以及“大端”, * “小端”(字节顺序)相互转换的函数。 * * This software plays RGB/YUV raw video data using GDI. * In fact GDI only can draw RGB data. So If input data is * YUV420P, it need to be convert to RGB first. * It‘s the simplest GDI tutorial (About video playback). * * The process is shown as follows: * * GetDC():retrieves a handle to a device context (DC). * Convert pixel data format(if needed). * Set BMP Header... * StretchDIBits():Set pixel data and BMP data and begin to draw. * ReleaseDC():release the handle. * * In this program there are some functions about conversion * between pixel format and conversion between "Big Endian" and * "Little Endian". */ #include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <Windows.h> //set ‘1‘ to choose a type of file to play #define LOAD_BGRA 0 #define LOAD_RGB24 0 #define LOAD_BGR24 0 #define LOAD_YUV420P 1 //Width, Height const int screen_w=500,screen_h=500; const int pixel_w=320,pixel_h=180; //Bit per Pixel #if LOAD_BGRA const int bpp=32; #elif LOAD_RGB24|LOAD_BGR24 const int bpp=24; #elif LOAD_YUV420P const int bpp=12; #endif FILE *fp=NULL; //Storage frame data unsigned char buffer[pixel_w*pixel_h*bpp/8]; unsigned char buffer_convert[pixel_w*pixel_h*3]; //Not Efficient, Just an example //change endian of a pixel (32bit) void CHANGE_ENDIAN_32(unsigned char *data){ char temp3,temp2; temp3=data[3]; temp2=data[2]; data[3]=data[0]; data[2]=data[1]; data[0]=temp3; data[1]=temp2; } //change endian of a pixel (24bit) void CHANGE_ENDIAN_24(unsigned char *data){ char temp2=data[2]; data[2]=data[0]; data[0]=temp2; } //RGBA to RGB24 (or BGRA to BGR24) void CONVERT_RGBA32toRGB24(unsigned char *image,int w,int h){ for(int i =0;i<h;i++) for(int j=0;j<w;j++){ memcpy(image+(i*w+j)*3,image+(i*w+j)*4,3); } } //RGB24 to BGR24 void CONVERT_RGB24toBGR24(unsigned char *image,int w,int h){ for(int i =0;i<h;i++) for(int j=0;j<w;j++){ char temp2; temp2=image[(i*w+j)*3+2]; image[(i*w+j)*3+2]=image[(i*w+j)*3+0]; image[(i*w+j)*3+0]=temp2; } } //Change endian of a picture void CHANGE_ENDIAN_PIC(unsigned char *image,int w,int h,int bpp){ unsigned char *pixeldata=NULL; for(int i =0;i<h;i++) for(int j=0;j<w;j++){ pixeldata=image+(i*w+j)*bpp/8; if(bpp==32){ CHANGE_ENDIAN_32(pixeldata); }else if(bpp==24){ CHANGE_ENDIAN_24(pixeldata); } } } inline unsigned char CONVERT_ADJUST(double tmp) { return (unsigned char)((tmp >= 0 && tmp <= 255)?tmp:(tmp < 0 ? 0 : 255)); } //YUV420P to RGB24 void CONVERT_YUV420PtoRGB24(unsigned char* yuv_src,unsigned char* rgb_dst,int nWidth,int nHeight) { unsigned char *tmpbuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(nWidth*nHeight*3); unsigned char Y,U,V,R,G,B; unsigned char* y_planar,*u_planar,*v_planar; int rgb_width , u_width; rgb_width = nWidth * 3; u_width = (nWidth >> 1); int ypSize = nWidth * nHeight; int upSize = (ypSize>>2); int offSet = 0; y_planar = yuv_src; u_planar = yuv_src + ypSize; v_planar = u_planar + upSize; for(int i = 0; i < nHeight; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < nWidth; j ++) { // Get the Y value from the y planar Y = *(y_planar + nWidth * i + j); // Get the V value from the u planar offSet = (i>>1) * (u_width) + (j>>1); V = *(u_planar + offSet); // Get the U value from the v planar U = *(v_planar + offSet); // Cacular the R,G,B values // Method 1 R = CONVERT_ADJUST((Y + (1.4075 * (V - 128)))); G = CONVERT_ADJUST((Y - (0.3455 * (U - 128) - 0.7169 * (V - 128)))); B = CONVERT_ADJUST((Y + (1.7790 * (U - 128)))); /* // The following formulas are from MicroSoft‘ MSDN int C,D,E; // Method 2 C = Y - 16; D = U - 128; E = V - 128; R = CONVERT_ADJUST(( 298 * C + 409 * E + 128) >> 8); G = CONVERT_ADJUST(( 298 * C - 100 * D - 208 * E + 128) >> 8); B = CONVERT_ADJUST(( 298 * C + 516 * D + 128) >> 8); R = ((R - 128) * .6 + 128 )>255?255:(R - 128) * .6 + 128; G = ((G - 128) * .6 + 128 )>255?255:(G - 128) * .6 + 128; B = ((B - 128) * .6 + 128 )>255?255:(B - 128) * .6 + 128; */ offSet = rgb_width * i + j * 3; rgb_dst[offSet] = B; rgb_dst[offSet + 1] = G; rgb_dst[offSet + 2] = R; } } free(tmpbuf); } bool Render(HWND hwnd) { //Read Pixel Data if (fread(buffer, 1, pixel_w*pixel_h*bpp/8, fp) != pixel_w*pixel_h*bpp/8){ // Loop fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(buffer, 1, pixel_w*pixel_h*bpp/8, fp); } HDC hdc=GetDC(hwnd); //Note: //Big Endian or Small Endian? //ARGB order:high bit -> low bit. //ARGB Format Big Endian (low address save high MSB, here is A) in memory : A|R|G|B //ARGB Format Little Endian (low address save low MSB, here is B) in memory : B|G|R|A //Microsoft Windows is Little Endian //So we must change the order #if LOAD_BGRA CONVERT_RGBA32toRGB24(buffer,pixel_w,pixel_h); //we don‘t need to change endian //Because input BGR24 pixel data(B|G|R) is same as RGB in Little Endian (B|G|R) #elif LOAD_RGB24 //Change to Little Endian CHANGE_ENDIAN_PIC(buffer,pixel_w,pixel_h,24); #elif LOAD_BGR24 //In fact we don‘t need to do anything. //Because input BGR24 pixel data(B|G|R) is same as RGB in Little Endian (B|G|R) //CONVERT_RGB24toBGR24(buffer,pixel_w,pixel_h); //CHANGE_ENDIAN_PIC(buffer,pixel_w,pixel_h,24); #elif LOAD_YUV420P //YUV Need to Convert to RGB first //YUV420P to RGB24 CONVERT_YUV420PtoRGB24(buffer,buffer_convert,pixel_w,pixel_h); //Change to Little Endian CHANGE_ENDIAN_PIC(buffer_convert,pixel_w,pixel_h,24); #endif //BMP Header BITMAPINFO m_bmphdr={0}; DWORD dwBmpHdr = sizeof(BITMAPINFO); //24bit m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biSize = dwBmpHdr; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biWidth = pixel_w; //Notice: BMP storage pixel data in opposite direction of Y-axis (from bottom to top). //So we must set reverse biHeight to show image correctly. m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biHeight = -pixel_h; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; m_bmphdr.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; //Draw data #if LOAD_YUV420P //YUV420P data convert to another buffer int nResult = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0,0, screen_w,screen_h, 0, 0, pixel_w, pixel_h, buffer_convert, &m_bmphdr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); #else //Draw data int nResult = StretchDIBits(hdc, 0,0, screen_w,screen_h, 0, 0, pixel_w, pixel_h, buffer, &m_bmphdr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); #endif ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc); return true; } LRESULT WINAPI MyWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparma, LPARAM lparam) { switch(msg){ case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparma, lparam); } int WINAPI WinMain( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in_opt HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, __in LPSTR lpCmdLine, __in int nShowCmd ) { WNDCLASSEX wc; ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc)); wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)MyWndProc; wc.lpszClassName = _T("GDI"); wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; RegisterClassEx(&wc); HWND hwnd = NULL; hwnd = CreateWindow(_T("GDI"), _T("Simplest Video Play GDI"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 100, 100, 500, 500, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); if (hwnd==NULL){ return -1; } ShowWindow(hwnd, nShowCmd); UpdateWindow(hwnd); #if LOAD_BGRA fp=fopen("../test_bgra_320x180.rgb","rb+"); #elif LOAD_RGB24 fp=fopen("../test_rgb24_320x180.rgb","rb+"); #elif LOAD_BGR24 fp=fopen("../test_bgr24_320x180.rgb","rb+"); #elif LOAD_YUV420P fp=fopen("../test_yuv420p_320x180.yuv","rb+"); #endif if(fp==NULL){ printf("Cannot open this file.\n"); return -1; } MSG msg; ZeroMemory(&msg, sizeof(msg)); while (msg.message != WM_QUIT){ //PeekMessage() is not same as GetMessage if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)){ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else{ Sleep(40); Render(hwnd); } } UnregisterClass(_T("GDI"), hInstance); return 0; }
//set ‘1‘ to choose a type of file to play #define LOAD_BGRA 0 #define LOAD_RGB24 0 #define LOAD_BGR24 0 #define LOAD_YUV420P 1
//Width, Height const int screen_w=500,screen_h=500; const int pixel_w=320,pixel_h=180;
代码位于“Simplest Media Play”中
simplest_audio_play_directsound: 使用DirectSound播放PCM音频采样数据。
simplest_audio_play_sdl2: 使用SDL2播放PCM音频采样数据。
simplest_video_play_direct3d: 使用Direct3D的Surface播放RGB/YUV视频像素数据。
simplest_video_play_direct3d_texture: 使用Direct3D的Texture播放RGB视频像素数据。
simplest_video_play_gdi: 使用GDI播放RGB/YUV视频像素数据。
simplest_video_play_opengl: 使用OpenGL播放RGB/YUV视频像素数据。
simplest_video_play_opengl_texture: 使用OpenGL的Texture播放YUV视频像素数据。
simplest_video_play_sdl2: 使用SDL2播放RGB/YUV视频像素数据。