标签:element ... with ext toc 分布 play 平滑 clear
@(Major Study)
\(z\) : a random variable denoting intensity
\(p(z_i), i = 0,1,2,...,L - 1\) : the corresponding histogram 第 \(i\) 个灰度值 \(z_i\) 出现的频度
\(L\) : the number of distinct intensity levels 图像的灰度级
the \(n\)th moment of \(z\) about the mean:
\mu_n(z) = \sum_{i=0}^{L - 1}(z_i - m)^n p(z_i)\\mu_0 = 1\\mu_1 = 0
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\(\mathcal{Q}\) : an operator that defines the position of two pixels relative to each other
\(f\) : an image
\(L\) : possible intensity levels
\(G\) : a matrix whose element \(g_{ij}\) is the number of times that pixel pairs with intensities \(z_i\) and \(z_j\) occur in \(f\) in the position specified by \(Q\), where \(i \leq i, j \leq L\).
标签:element ... with ext toc 分布 play 平滑 clear