标签:北京 频率 序列 nal 理论 csdn omega 增加 情况下
在实际中,对基本小波往往不仅要求满足容许条件,对还要施加所谓的消失矩(Vanishing Moments)条件,使尽量多的小波系数为零或者产生尽量少的非零小波系数,这样有利于数据压缩和消除噪声。消失矩越大,就使更多的小波系数为零。但在一般情况下,消失矩越高,支撑长度也越长。所以在支撑长度和消失矩上,我们必须要折衷处理。
小波函数 |
Haar |
Daubechies |
Biorthogonal |
Coiflets |
Symlets |
Morlet |
Mexican Hat |
Meyer |
小波缩写名 |
haar |
db |
bior |
coif |
sym |
morl |
mexh |
meyr |
表示形式 |
haar |
db N |
biorNr.Nd |
coif N |
sym N |
morl |
mexh |
meyr |
举例 |
haar |
db3 |
bior2.4 |
coif3 |
sym2 |
morl |
mexh |
meyr |
正交性 |
有 |
有 |
无 |
有 |
有 |
无 |
无 |
有 |
双正交性 |
有 |
有 |
有 |
有 |
有 |
无 |
无 |
有 |
紧支撑性 |
有 |
有 |
有 |
有 |
有 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
连续小波变换 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
离散小波变换 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
可以 但无FWT |
支撑长度 |
1 |
2N-1 |
重构:2Nr+1 分解:2Nd+1 |
6N-1 |
2N-1 |
有限长度 |
有限长度 |
有限长度 |
滤波器长度 |
2 |
2N |
Max(2Nr, 2Nd)+2 |
6N |
2N |
[-4, 4] |
[-5, 5] |
[-8, 8] |
对称性 |
对称 |
近似对称 |
不对称 |
近似对称 |
近似对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
小波函数 消失矩阶数 |
1 |
N |
Nr-1 |
2N |
N |
- |
- |
- |
尺度函数 消失矩阶数 |
- |
- |
2N-1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
小波函数 |
Gaus |
Dmeyer |
ReverseBior |
Cgau |
Cmor |
Fbsp |
Shan |
小波缩写名 |
gaus |
dmey |
rbioNr.Nd |
cgau |
cmor |
fbsp |
shan |
表示形式 |
gaus N |
dmey |
rbioNr.Nd |
cgau N |
cmor |
fbsp |
shan |
举例 |
gaus3 |
dmey |
rbio2.4 |
cgau3 |
cmor |
fbsp |
shan |
紧支撑正交性 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
紧支撑双正交性 |
无 |
无 |
有 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
无 |
连续小波变换 |
可以 |
不可以 |
可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
离散小波变换 |
不可以 |
可以 |
可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
不可以 |
对称性 |
对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
对称 |
小波函数 消失矩阶数 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
尺度函数 消失矩阶数 |
- |
- |
Nr-1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
General characteristics: Compactlysupported
wavelet, the oldest and the simplestwavelet.
scaling function phi = 1 on [0 1] and 0otherwise.
wavelet function psi = 1 on [0 0.5], = -1on [0.5 1] and 0 otherwise.
Family Haar
Short name haar
Examples haar is the same as db1
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 1
Filters length 2
Regularity haar is not continuous
Symmetry yes
Number of vanishing
moments for psi 1
Daubechies小波是由世界著明的小波分析学者Ingrid Daubechies(一般音译为英格丽·多贝西)构造的小波函数,我们一般简写成dbN,N是小波的阶数。小波函数Ψ(t)和尺度函数φ(t)中的支撑区为2N-1,Ψ(t)的消失矩为N。dbN小波具有较好的正则性,即该小波作为稀疏基所引入的光滑误差不容易被察觉,使得信号重构过程比较光滑。dbN小波的特点是随着阶次(序列N)的增大消失矩阶数越大,其中消失矩越高光滑性就越好,频域的局部化能力就越强,频带的划分效果越好,但是会使时域紧支撑性减弱,同时计算量大大增加,实时性变差。另外,除N=1外,dbN小波不具有对称性(即非线性相位),即在对信号进行分析和重构时会产生一定的相位失真。dbN没有明确的表达式(除了N=1外,N=1时即为Haar小波)。
General characteristics: Compactlysupported
wavelets with extremal phase and highest
number of vanishing moments for a given
support width. Associated scaling filtersare
minimum-phase filters.
Family Daubechies
Short name db
Order N N strictly positive integer
Examples db1 or haar, db4, db15
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 2N-1
Filters length 2N
Regularity about 0.2 N for large N
Symmetry far from
Number of vanishing
moments for psi N
Symlet小波函数是IngridDaubechies提出的近似对称的小波函数,它是对db函数的一种改进。Symlet小波系通常表示为symN (N=2,3,…,8)。symN小波的支撑范围为2N-1,消失矩为N,同时也具备较好的正则性。该小波与dbN小波相比,在连续性、支集长度、滤波器长度等方面与dbN小波一致,但symN小波具有更好的对称性,即一定程度上能够减少对信号进行分析和重构时的相位失真。
General characteristics: Compactlysupported wavelets with
least asymmetry and highest number ofvanishing moments
for a given support width.
Associated scaling filters are nearlinear-phase filters.
Family Symlets
Short name sym
Order N N = 2, 3, ...
Examples sym2, sym8
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 2N-1
Filters length 2N
Symmetry near from
Number of vanishing
moments for psi N
根据R.Coifman的要求,Daubechies构造了Coiflet小波,它具有coifN (N=1,2,3,4,5)这一系列。Coiflet的小波函数Ψ(t)的2N阶矩为零,尺度函数φ(t)的2N-1阶矩为零。Ψ(t)和φ(t)的支撑长度为6N-1。Coiflet的Ψ(t)和φ(t)具有比dbN更好的对称性。
General characteristics: Compactlysupported
wavelets with highest number of vanishing
moments for both phi and psi for a given
support width.
Family Coiflets
Short name coif
Order N N = 1, 2, ..., 5
Examples coif2, coif4
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 6N-1
Filters length 6N
Symmetry near from
Number of vanishing
moments for psi 2N
Number of vanishing
moments for phi 2N-1
双正交小波与正交小波的区别在于正交小波满足<Ψj,k ,Ψl,m>=δj,kδl,m,也就是对小波函数的伸缩和平移构成的基函数完全正交,而双正交小波满足的正交性为<Ψj,k ,Ψl,m>=δj,k,也就是对不同尺度伸缩下的小波函数之间有正交性,而同尺度之间通过平移得到的小波函数系之间没有正交性,所以用于分解与重构的小波不是同一个函数,相应的滤波器也不能由同一个小波生成。
General characteristics: Compactly supported
biorthogonal spline wavelets for which
symmetry and exact reconstruction are possible
withFIR filters (in orthogonal case it is
impossible except for Haar).
Family Biorthogonal
Shortname bior
OrderNr,Nd Nr = 1 , Nd = 1, 3, 5
r forreconstruction Nr = 2 , Nd = 2, 4, 6,8
d fordecomposition Nr = 3 , Nd = 1, 3, 5,7, 9
Nr = 4 , Nd = 4
Nr = 5 , Nd = 5
Nr = 6 , Nd = 8
Examples bior3.1,bior5.5
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 2Nr+1 forrec., 2Nd+1 for dec.
Filters length max(2Nr,2Nd)+2 but essentially
biorNr.Nd ld lr
effective length effective length
of Lo_D of Hi_D
bior1.1 2 2
bior1.3 6 2
bior1.5 10 2
bior2.2 5 3
bior2.4 9 3
bior2.6 13 3
bior2.8 17 3
bior3.1 4 4
bior3.3 8 4
bior3.5 12 4
bior3.7 16 4
bior3.9 20 4
bior 4.4 9 7
bior5.5 9 11
bior6.8 17 11
Regularity for
psirec. Nr-1 and Nr-2 at theknots
Symmetry yes
Numberof vanishing
moments for psi dec. Nr
Remark: bior 4.4 , 5.5 and 6.8 are such that reconstruction and
decomposition functions and filters are close in value.
General characteristics: Compactly supported
biorthogonal spline wavelets for which
symmetry and exact reconstruction are possible
withFIR filters (in orthogonal case it is
impossible except for Haar).
Family Biorthogonal
Shortname rbio
OrderNd,Nr Nd = 1 , Nr = 1, 3, 5
r forreconstruction Nd = 2 , Nr = 2, 4, 6,8
d fordecomposition Nd = 3 , Nr = 1, 3, 5,7, 9
Nd = 4 , Nr = 4
Nd = 5 , Nr = 5
Nd = 6 , Nr = 8
Examples rbio3.1,rbio5.5
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Support width 2Nd+1 forrec., 2Nr+1 for dec.
Filters length max(2Nd,2Nr)+2 but essentially
rbioNd.Nr lr ld
effective length effective length
of Hi_D of Lo_D
rbio1.1 2 2
rbio1.3 6 2
rbio1.5 10 2
rbio2.2 5 3
rbio2.4 9 3
rbio2.6 13 3
rbio2.8 17 3
rbio3.1 4 4
rbio3.3 8 4
rbio3.5 12 4
rbio3.7 16 4
rbio3.9 20 4
rbio4.4 9 7
rbio5.5 9 11
rbio6.8 17 11
Regularity for
psirec. Nd-1 and Nd-2 at theknots
Symmetry yes
Numberof vanishing
moments for psi dec. Nd
Remark: rbio 4.4 , 5.5 and 6.8 are such that reconstruction and
decomposition functions and filters are close in value.
General characteristics: Infinitely regular orthogonal wavelet.
Family Meyer
Shortname meyr
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support no
DWT possiblebut without FWT
FIR based approximation provides FWT
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-8 8]
Regularity indefinitely derivable
Symmetry yes
Definition: FIR based approximation of theMeyer Wavelet.
Family DMeyer
Short name dmey
Orthogonal yes
Biorthogonal yes
Compact support yes
DWT possible
CWT possible
Definition: derivatives of the Gaussian
probability density function.
gaus(x,n) = Cn * diff(exp(-x^2),n) wherediff denotes
the symbolic derivative and where Cn issuch that
the 2-norm of gaus(x,n) = 1.
Family Gaussian
Short name gaus
Wavelet name gaus"n"
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-5 5]
Symmetry yes
n even ==> Symmetry
n odd ==> Anti-Symmetry
Mexican Hat函数为Gauss函数的二阶导数。因数它的形状像墨西哥帽的截面,所以我们称这个函数为墨西哥草帽函数。它在时域和频率都有很好的局部化,但不存在尺度函数,所以此小波函数不具有正交性。
Definition: second derivative of theGaussian
probability density function
mexh(x) = c * exp(-x^2/2) * (1-x^2)
where c = 2/(sqrt(3)*pi^{1/4})
Family Mexican hat
Short name mexh
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-5 5]
Symmetry yes
morl(x) = exp(-x^2/2) * cos(5x)
Family Morlet
Short name morl
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
CWT possible
Support width infinite
Effective support [-4 4]
Symmetry yes
Definition: derivatives of the complexGaussian
cgau(x) = Cn * diff(exp(-i*x)*exp(-x^2),n)where diff denotes
the symbolic derivative and where Cn is aconstant
Family Complex Gaussian
Short name cgau
Wavelet name cgau"n"
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
Complex CWT possible
Support width infinite
Symmetry yes
n even ==> Symmetry
n odd ==> Anti-Symmetry
Definition: a complex Shannon wavelet is
shan(x) =Fb^{0.5}*sinc(Fb*x)*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*x)
depending on two parameters:
Fb is a bandwidth parameter
Fc is a wavelet center frequency
The condition Fc > Fb/2 is sufficient toensure that
zero is not in the frequency supportinterval.
Family Complex Shannon
Short name shan
Wavelet name shan"Fb"-"Fc"
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
complex CWT possible
Support width infinite
Definition: a complex Frequency B-Splinewavelet is
fbsp(x) = Fb^{0.5}*(sinc(Fb*x/M))^M*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*x)
depending on three parameters:
M is an integer order parameter(>=1)
Fb is a bandwidth parameter
Fc is a wavelet center frequency
For M = 1, the condition Fc > Fb/2 issufficient to ensure
that zero is not in the frequency supportinterval.
Family Complex Frequency B-Spline
Short name fbsp
Wavelet name fbsp"M"-"Fb"-"Fc"
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
complex CWT possible
Support width infinite
Definition: a complex Morlet wavelet is
cmor(x) =(pi*Fb)^{-0.5}*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*x)*exp(-(x^2)/Fb)
depending on two parameters:
Fb is a bandwidth parameter
Fc is a wavelet center frequency
Family Complex Morlet
Short name cmor
Wavelet name cmor"Fb"-"Fc"
Orthogonal no
Biorthogonal no
Compact support no
DWT no
complex CWT possible
Support width infinite
【1】葛哲学,沙威.小波分析理分与MATLAB R2007实现[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2007.
【3】董长虹. Matlab小波分析工具箱原理与应用[M].北京:国防工业出版社,2004.
【4】张颖超,茅丹,胡凯.压缩传感理论在心电图信号恢复问题上的研究[J]. 计算机研究发展,2014,51(5):1018-1027.
【6】zhaodong584584. 消失矩阶数,百度百科
【7】well3216. 对消失矩的理解(转载自matwav),CSDN博客
【8】小米. 小波消失矩,新浪博客
【9】muchi1234. 正则性,百度百科
【10】洋务大臣. 样条函数,百度百科
转自:https://blog.csdn.net/u013346007/article/details/53462359 多谢且仅用于学习
标签:北京 频率 序列 nal 理论 csdn omega 增加 情况下