标签:sha The tran soft span mil port document within
Server Software: Apache/2.2.15
Server Hostname:
Server Port: 4000
Document Path: /abc
Document Length: 506662912 bytes
Concurrency Level: 2 #并发数
Time taken for tests: 19.017 seconds #测试的总时间
Complete requests: 2 #完成的请求数
Failed requests: 0 #失败的请求数
Write errors: 0
Total transferred: 1013326424 bytes #总的下载大小
HTML transferred: 1013325824 bytes #HTML数据的下载大小
Requests per second: 0.11 [#/sec] (mean) #每秒可以处理的请求数,即每秒可以处理0.11个请求(即每秒可以下载0.11个Document Length)。
Time per request: 19016.986 [ms] (mean) #平均每个请求的耗时,即平均每个请求用了多少ms(每个请求的时间和/完成的请求数)
Time per request: 9508.493 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) #完成一个请求需要的平均时间(总时间/完成的请求数)
Transfer rate: 52036.46 [Kbytes/sec] received #传输速率,即52M/s左右
Connection Times (ms) #连接每个阶段的处理时间
min mean[+/-sd] median max
Connect: 100 100 0.1 100 100 #连接时间
Processing: 18662 18663 1.9 18664 18664 #处理时间
Waiting: 152 153 1.4 154 154 #等待时间
Total: 18762 18764 1.9 18765 18765 #总时间
Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) #百分比请求耗时
50% 18765 #表示50%的请求在18765ms内完成
66% 18765
75% 18765
80% 18765
90% 18765 #表示90%的请求在18765ms内完成
95% 18765
98% 18765
99% 18765
100% 18765 (longest request)
标签:sha The tran soft span mil port document within