标签:cti style current The custom div 面向 money anti
anti-money laundering反洗钱[?ænti][?l??nd?r??] misconduct不当行为[?m?s?kɑ?nd?kt]
in particular尤其是[?n p?r?t?kj?l?r] future-proof customers面向未来客户[?fju?t??r pru?f] risk and resilience perspective风险和弹性角度 [r??z?lj?ns][p??sp?kt?v]
Currently, she is focusing on anti-money laundering and misconduct within the banking industry,
and in particular, how Teradata can help future-proof customers from a risk and resilience perspective.
标签:cti style current The custom div 面向 money anti