标签:app please 知识点 dig ali The select format pytho
str.isdigit() 可以判断字符串能否被转换为int类型
enumerate() 枚举list里边的内容
product_list = [ (‘Iphone‘,5800), (‘Mac Pro‘,9800), (‘Bike‘,800), (‘Watch‘,10600), (‘Coffee‘,31), (‘Alex Python‘,120), ] shopping_cart = [] salary = input(‘Please input your salary:‘) #isdigit函数可以判断字符串能否被转换为int类型 if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) #使用enumerate枚举product_list里边的内容 for index,item in enumerate(product_list): print(index,item) while True: select_num = input(‘Please select the product_num:‘) if select_num.isdigit(): select_num = int(select_num) if salary >= product_list[select_num][1]: salary -= product_list[select_num][1] shopping_cart.append(product_list[select_num]) #高亮显示,31为字体红色高亮,32为绿色 print(‘%s has been put in your shopping cart. You salary remain \033[32;1m%s\033[0m‘%(product_list[select_num],salary)) else: # 高亮显示,41为底色红色高亮42为绿色 print(‘\033[41;1mYour acount balance is not enough\033[0m,you remain balance is {0}‘.format(salary)) break elif select_num == ‘q‘: break else: print(‘Your input is invalid.‘) break print(‘Shopping is end, you have bought:‘) for i in shopping_cart: print(i)
Please input your salary:5555 0 (‘Iphone‘, 5800) 1 (‘Mac Pro‘, 9800) 2 (‘Bike‘, 800) 3 (‘Watch‘, 10600) 4 (‘Coffee‘, 31) 5 (‘Alex Python‘, 120) Please select the product_num:2 (‘Bike‘, 800) has been put in your shopping cart. You salary remain 4755 Please select the product_num:3 Your acount balance is not enough,you remain balance is 4755 Shopping is end, you have bought: (‘Bike‘, 800)
标签:app please 知识点 dig ali The select format pytho