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English trip V2 - 5 Technology Teacher:Taylor Key:adjective + preposition

时间:2019-04-24 00:27:17      阅读:122      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:eth   ges   learn   really   ack   设备   most   ext   you   

In this lesson you will learn to talk about technology and innovation.  




What is your favorite brand of mobile phone, laptop and TV?

I like Iphone of mobile, Apple of laptop and Sony TV.


Do you spend a lot of money on technology?

Yes , I do. It‘s My Person Computer.


What electronic product would you like to buy next?  下一步你想买什么电子产品?

I want to buy a new PC.Because I need upgrade old PC.


词汇(Key Word )

electronic devices.  电子设备




Mobile Phone

Thirty year ago almost nobody had a cell phone. Nowadays it seems everybody has one, from the youngest to the oldest. 

Cell phones can be useful for a number of reasons. Firstly, they allow  us to communicate quickly in almost and situation.

This can be really useful in emergencies, and they have many other uses, such as listening to music, playing games and taking photos.

However cell phones have disadvantages  ,too. It can be very annoying when  someone is speaking loudly on their phones in a public place.

In Japan you are not allowed to make calls while on the subway for this reason .

Also, it hurts relationships when friends spend their time together texting others or answering calls on their cell phones.

Nowadays the choice of cell phones is huge.Some of them are quite expensive too, but I always like to have a nicephone, 

so I often end up spending a lot of money.








English trip V2 - 5 Technology Teacher:Taylor Key:adjective + preposition

标签:eth   ges   learn   really   ack   设备   most   ext   you   


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