标签:isp amp load method new range lse .com ima
Private Sub btnSplit_Click() Dim StartRow As Long, KeyCol As String StartRow = CLng(Trim(Me.cbStart.Text)) KeyCol = Trim(Me.cbKey.Text) DelCol = Trim(Me.cbDel.Text) indexCol = Trim(Me.cbIndex.Text) If DelCol <> "" Then del = Range(DelCol & "1").Column Else del = 0 End If method = Me.cbMethod.Text Select Case method Case "单簿多表" , "多簿单表" Splitsheet ActiveSheet, StartRow, Range(KeyCol & "1").Column, 1, del, indexCol Case Else MsgBox "拆分方式错误!" End Select End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With Me.cbMethod .Clear .AddItem "单簿多表" .AddItem "多簿单表" .Text = "单簿多表" End With With Me.cbKey .Clear For I = 1 To 26 .AddItem Split(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, I).Address(1, 0), "$")(0) Next I .Text = "A" End With With Me.cbDel .Clear For I = 1 To 26 .AddItem Split(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, I).Address(1, 0), "$")(0) Next I End With With Me.cbIndex .Clear For I = 1 To 26 .AddItem Split(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, I).Address(1, 0), "$")(0) Next I End With With Me.cbStart .Clear For I = 1 To 10 .AddItem I Next I .Text = "2" End With End Sub
Public Sub showfrm() UserForm1.Show End Sub Sub Splitsheet(ByVal sht As Worksheet, ByVal StartRow As Long, ByVal KeyColumn As Long, ByVal method As Long, ByVal DelCol As Long, ByVal indexCol As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set wb = Application.ThisWorkbook FolderPath = wb.Path & "\" Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") With sht EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Rows.Count, KeyColumn).End(xlUp).Row For I = StartRow To EndRow Key = .Cells(I, KeyColumn).Value If Key <> "" Then dic(Key) = "" Next I End With If method = 1 Then For Each onekey In dic.keys Set desSheet = wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.Count) CopySheetAndRetainRows sht, desSheet, StartRow, KeyColumn, onekey, DelCol, indexCol Next onekey Else For Each onekey In dic.keys Filename = onekey & ".xlsx" FilePath = FolderPath & Filename On Error Resume Next Kill FilePath On Error GoTo 0 Set newwb = Application.Workbooks.Add newwb.SaveAs FilePath Set desSheet = newwb.Worksheets(1) CopySheetAndRetainRows sht, desSheet, StartRow, KeyColumn, onekey, DelCol, indexCol Next onekey End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True MsgBox "拆分结束" Unload UserForm1 End Sub Sub CopySheetAndRetainRows(ByVal scrSheet As Worksheet, ByVal desSheet As Worksheet, ByVal StartRow As Long, ByVal KeyColumn As Long, ByVal Retain As String, ByVal DelCol As Long, ByVal indexCol As String) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim wb As Workbook Dim newSheet As Worksheet, Rng As Range Dim RetainStart, RetainEnd scrSheet.Copy after:=desSheet Set wb = desSheet.Parent For Each onesht In wb.Worksheets If onesht.Name = Retain Then onesht.Delete Next onesht Set newSheet = wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.Count) newSheet.Name = Retain With newSheet EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Rows.Count, KeyColumn).End(xlUp).Row For I = StartRow To EndRow If .Cells(I, KeyColumn).Value = Retain Then If RetainStart = 0 Then RetainStart = I RetainEnd = I End If Next I If RetainEnd < EndRow Then Set Rng = .Rows(RetainEnd + 1 & ":" & EndRow) Rng.Delete Shift:=xlUp End If Set Rng = Nothing If RetainStart > StartRow Then Set Rng = .Rows(StartRow & ":" & RetainStart - 1) Rng.Delete Shift:=xlUp End If Set Rng = Nothing If indexCol <> "" Then X = 1 For I = StartRow To StartRow + RetainEnd - RetainStart + 1 .Cells(I, indexCol).Value = X X = X + 1 Next I End If If DelCol <> 0 Then .Columns(DelCol).Delete End With If ThisWorkbook.Name <> wb.Name Then wb.Worksheets(1).Delete wb.Close True End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub
标签:isp amp load method new range lse .com ima