标签:style http color io os ar for strong sp
下面的demo主要是利用反射获取layoutOption所有值,然后为每一个值建一个Label,达到展示LayoutOption的目的,效果图从书上截的,其中StackLayout 是一个布局容器
class VerticalOptionsDemoPage : ContentPage { public VerticalOptionsDemoPage() { Color[] colors = { Color.Yellow, Color.Blue}; int flipFlopper = 0; //Create Label sorted by LayoutAlignment property IEnumerable<Label> labels = from field in typeof(LayoutOptions).GetRuntimeFields() where field.IsPublic && field.IsStatic orderby ((LayoutOptions)field.GetValue(null)).Alignment select new Label { Text = "VerticalOption = " + field.Name, VerticalOptions = (LayoutOptions)field.GetValue(null), XAlign = TextAlignment.Center, Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Large), TextColor = colors[flipFlopper], BackgroundColor = colors[flipFlopper = 1 - flipFlopper] }; //Transfer to Stacklayout StackLayout stackLayout = new StackLayout(); foreach (Label label in labels) { stackLayout.Children.Add(label); } this.Padding = new Thickness(0, Device.OnPlatform(20,0,0),0,0); this.Content = stackLayout; } }
// Summary: // A Xamarin.Forms.Layout<T> that positions child elements in a single line // which can be oriented vertically or horizontally. // // Remarks: // This layout will set the child bounds automatically during a layout cycle. // User assigned bounds will be overwritten and thus should not be set on a // child element by the user. public class StackLayout : Layout<View>
2.Frame and BoxView
The Frame displays a rectangular border surrounding some content.
The BoxViewis a simple filled rectangle.
Frame ,BoxView,StackLayout 可相互嵌套,示例的CreateColorView返回一个嵌套着StackLayout,里面再放着BoxView和label
class ColorBlockPage : ContentPage { View CreateColorView(Color color, string name) { return new Frame { Content = new StackLayout { Spacing = 15, Children = { new BoxView { Color = color }, new Label { Text = name } } } }; } }
标签:style http color io os ar for strong sp