标签:move removes while hat and call following elf rom
Implement the following operations of a queue using stacks.
MyQueue queue = new MyQueue(); queue.push(1); queue.push(2); queue.peek(); // returns 1 queue.pop(); // returns 1 queue.empty(); // returns false
push to top
, peek/pop from top
, size
, and is empty
operations are valid.
Note:时间复杂度在这里不是看的最坏时间复杂度,而是average 时间复杂度,虽然一次pop的最坏情况可能是 O(n), 但是平均的时间是O(1).
tips:看每一步时间复杂度时不太明确的时候,可以看每一个data,比如这个两个stack中的每个num,最多会进出stack一次,进出queue一次,共4次,是O(1) 的时间复杂度, 所以每次操作就是O(1) 的时间复杂度。
class MyQueue: def __init__(self): self.stack = [] self.queue = [] def push(self, x) -> None: self.stack.append(x) def pop(self) -> int: if not self.queue: while self.stack: self.queue.append(self.stack.pop()) if self.queue: return self.queue.pop() def peek(self) -> int: return self.queue[-1] if self.queue else self.stack[0] def empty(self) -> bool: return not self.queue and not self.stack
[LeetCode] 232. Implement Queue using Stacks_Easy tag: stack
标签:move removes while hat and call following elf rom