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1. pcread: 输入文件名,返回pointCloud类(用于存储点云)。eg: pcloud = pcread(“filename.ply”)
2. pcshow: 输入pointCloud类,展示该点云图。eg: pcshow(pcloud)
3. pcshowpair: 输入两个pointCloud类,一起展示两个点云图。eg: pcshowpair(pcloud1,pcloud2)。
4. pcregrigid: ICP算法求取两个点云图之间的转移矩阵,输入两个点云图,返回一个转移矩阵。eg: trans = pcregrigid(moving_pcloud, fixed_pcloud)。
returns a rigid transformation that registers a moving point cloud to a fixed point cloud.tform
= pcregrigid(moving
additionally returns the transformed point cloud that aligns with the fixed point cloud.tform
] = pcregrigid(moving
5. pctransform: 旋转一个点云图,输入一个需要旋转的点云图,以及旋转矩阵,返回旋转之后的点云图。eg: tranformed_cloud=pctransform(pcloud,trans)。
6. findNearestNeighbors: 在给定点云图中寻找指定点的k个最近邻,返回在点云图中的索引值以及距离。eg: [indice, dist] = findNearestNeighbors(pcloud, pointCloud.Location, k)
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