标签:int div ini com rem object index hashmap ant
题目让我们设计一个 hashset,有add,contains,remove 功能。
建立一个boolean array,index 是数字的值,具体看code。
Java Solution:
Runtime: 58 ms, faster than 90.21%
Memory Usage: 56.3 MB, less than 68.53%
关键点:boolean array
class MyHashSet { boolean [] set; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ public MyHashSet() { set = new boolean[1000001]; } public void add(int key) { set[key] = true; } public void remove(int key) { set[key] = false; } /** Returns true if this set contains the specified element */ public boolean contains(int key) { return set[key]; } } /** * Your MyHashSet object will be instantiated and called as such: * MyHashSet obj = new MyHashSet(); * obj.add(key); * obj.remove(key); * boolean param_3 = obj.contains(key); */
LeetCode 题目列表 - LeetCode Questions List
LeetCode 705. Design HashSet (设计哈希集合)
标签:int div ini com rem object index hashmap ant