标签:ret 代码 rev 位置 sel return pre span and
1 class Solution: 2 def prevPermOpt1(self, A: ‘List[int]‘) -> ‘List[int]‘: 3 n = len(A) 4 for i in range(n-1,0,-1): 5 if A[i-1] > A[i]: 6 cur = A[i-1] 7 B = A[i:] 8 maxB = 0 9 maxIndex = i 10 for j in range(len(B)): 11 if cur > B[j] and B[j] >= maxB: 12 maxB = max(maxB,B[j]) 13 maxIndex = j 14 A[i-1],A[i+maxIndex] = A[i+maxIndex],A[i-1] 15 return A 16 return A
标签:ret 代码 rev 位置 sel return pre span and