标签:comm open etop span and color command code remote
/** * 命令模式:将方法的请求者跟方法的实现者进行分开,常见的例子:遥控器(命令发送者Invoker) 通过按钮(具体的命令Command) 来操作电视机(Receiver 命令接收者或者说是命令实现者) * 这样做的话,方法的请求者(遥控器)跟实现者(电视机)就分开了,解耦合了 * * */ //创建遥控器(命令发送者Invoker) public class RemoteControl { //具体的命令Command private IButton openButton; private IButton closeButton; public IButton getOpenButton() { return openButton; } public void setOpenButton(IButton openButton) { this.openButton = openButton; } public IButton getCloseButton() { return closeButton; } public void setCloseButton(IButton closeButton) { this.closeButton = closeButton; } public void openTV(){ openButton.action(); } public void closeTV(){ closeButton.action(); } } //命令 public interface IButton { void action(); } //关闭命令 public class CloseButton implements IButton { private TV tv; public CloseButton(TV tv) { this.tv = tv; } @Override public void action() { tv.close(); } } //开关按钮 public class OpenButton implements IButton { //Receiver 命令接收者或者说是命令实现者 private TV tv; public OpenButton(TV tv) { this.tv = tv; } @Override public void action() { tv.open(); } } //Receiver 命令接收者或者说是命令实现者 public class TV { public void open(){ System.out.println("开电视机"); } public void close(){ System.out.println("关电视机"); } } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建调用者遥控器 RemoteControl remoteControl = new RemoteControl(); //创建接收者TV TV tv = new TV(); //创建开机按钮 IButton openButton = new OpenButton(tv); //创建关机按钮 IButton closeButton = new CloseButton(tv); //绑定按钮 remoteControl.setCloseButton(closeButton); remoteControl.setOpenButton(openButton); //开机 remoteControl.openTV(); //关机 remoteControl.closeTV(); } }
标签:comm open etop span and color command code remote