标签:tar null obj content class opened sop selected existing
if( !myAISContext->HasOpenedContext()) { wxMessageBox(_T("It is necessary to activate the edges selection mode\n\and select edges on an object before \nrunning this function"),_T("Error!")); return; } myAISContext->InitSelected(); if (myAISContext->MoreSelected()) { Handle(AIS_Shape) S = Handle(AIS_Shape)::DownCast(myAISContext->SelectedInteractive()); if (S.IsNull()){ wxMessageBox(_T("It is necessary to activate the edges selection mode\n\and select edges on an object before \nrunning this function"),_T("Error!")); return; } TopoDS_Shape Sh=S->Shape();
Open Cascade:如何从AIS_Shape导出TopoDS_Shape?
标签:tar null obj content class opened sop selected existing