标签:android style http color io os ar 使用 for
在visual studio + Genymobile 的调试环境下,遇到连不上虚机的情况,在Xamarin官方论坛上找到解决方案,如下:
Couldn‘t connect to logcat, GetProcessId returned: 0
Open your application properties Android Manifest -->Required Permission -->Enable ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and INTERNET(tick) Android Options --> Supported Architecture -->Enable armeabi and armeabi-v7a
Button的properties并不是每个都支持所有平台(iOS Android WP),需要参考下API doc
class ButtonLoggerPage: ContentPage { StackLayout loggerLayout = new StackLayout(); public ButtonLoggerPage() { //Create the Button and attach Clicked handler Button button = new Button { Text = "Log the Click Time" }; button.Clicked += button_Clicked; this.Padding = new Thickness(5,Device.OnPlatform(20,0,0),5,0); //Assemble the page this.Content = new StackLayout { Children = { button, new ScrollView { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Content = loggerLayout } } }; } void button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Add Laabel to scrollable StackLayout loggerLayout.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "Button clicked at" + DateTime.Now.ToString("T") }); } }
walking the tree
类似HTML 或 XAML,控件之间可以通过visual tree查询,上面例子的事件处理函数中,直接使用了loggerLayout变量,也可以通过sender参数找过去,示例如下
//another way to find loggerLatout Button button = (Button)sender; StackLayout outerLayout = (StackLayout)button.ParentView; //second one is scrollView ScrollView scrollView = (ScrollView)outerLayout.Children[1]; StackLayout loggerLayout_2 = (StackLayout)scrollView.Content;
例子主要用来说明visual tree的使用,就示例本身来说,来回的强制转换肯定影响性能,同时如果改变了layout结构,相应的代码也要调整,不过还没有去查API有没有支持find by id之类的方式
Sharing button clicks
Anonymous event handlers
button.Clicked += (sender,args) => { //statement }
Distinguishing views with IDs
Element 基类定义了一个string类型的StyleId,用来设置用户自定义的id,有点value/tag的意思吧
public abstract class Element : BindableObject, IElement, INameScope { // // Summary: // Gets or sets a user defined value to uniquely identify the element. // // Remarks: // Use the StyleId property to identify individual elements in your application // for identification in ui testing and in theme engines. public string StyleId { get; set; }
明天进入 Infrastructure部分!!
标签:android style http color io os ar 使用 for