标签:oop pos you res batch delete parameter mount 实现
<delete id= "batchDeleteByIds" parameterType= "list">
delete from instance where instance_id in
<foreach collection="list" item= "item" index ="index"
open= "(" close =")" separator=",">
</foreach >
</delete >
<update id= "updateUpdateTimeByIds" parameterType= "map">
update instance
set update_time = #{ updateTime } where instance_id in
<foreach collection="idlist" item= "uid" index ="index"
open= "(" close =")" separator=",">
#{ uid}
</foreach >
</update >
<select id="selectByIds" resultType="list" parameterType="map">
SELECT infos, create_time, update_time FROM instance WHERE instance_id in
<foreach collection="ids" item="id" index="index" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
List<Instance> selectByIds (Map<String, Object> map);
void batchDeleteByIds (List<Long> list);
void updateUpdateTimeByIds(Map<String, Object> map);
Of course don‘t combine ALL of them, if the amount is HUGE. Say you have 1000 rows you need to insert, then don‘t do it one at a time. You shouldn‘t equally try to have all 1000 rows in a single query. Instead break it into smaller sizes.
Insert inside MyBatis foreach is not batch, this is a single (could become giant) SQL statement and that brings drawbacks:
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type.
SqlSession session = sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);
for (Model model : list) {
session.insert("insertStatement", model);
Unlike default ExecutorType.SIMPLE, the statement will be prepared once and executed for each record to insert.
SqlSession session = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);
try {
SimpleTableMapper mapper = session.getMapper(SimpleTableMapper.class);
List<SimpleTableRecord> records = getRecordsToInsert(); // not shown
BatchInsert<SimpleTableRecord> batchInsert = insert(records)
} finally {
标签:oop pos you res batch delete parameter mount 实现