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How to change SAPABAP1 schema password In HANA

时间:2019-06-05 19:52:35      阅读:124      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:blink   dbus   can   further   cpp   cat   sid   env   tar   

How to change SAPABAP1 schema password

HANA 1.x
HANA 2.x
Shutdown the SAP Application server

Change the password for SAPABAP1 in HANA Studio

Update the hdbuserstore on SAP Application server

The hdbuserstore can be updated like e.g.
su - sidadm
hdbuserstore -u SAP set default :

In case of the error:
Error 91007: Impersonation not supported, use sudo on this platform.

please use:
hdbuserstore set default :

The SET and DELETE commands implicitly execute the CHANGEKEY command.

After updating the hdbuserstore, verify the connection from SAP AApplication server with:
R3trans -d

In case of a failed connection with no connect possible: "DBMS = HDB --- SERVER = ‘‘ PORT = ‘‘"
plase verify the "trans.log" for further details.

In case of the following error:
4 SAP000 [dbhdbsql.cpp,00000] *** ERROR => Connect to database failed, rc=1, rcSQL=10
4 SAP000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLCODE : 10
4 SAP000 [ dev trc,00000] SQLERRTEXT : authentication failed
4 SAP000 [ dblink ,00000] LOG BY2=>sql error 10 performing CON
4 SAP000 [ dblink ,00000]
LOG BY0=>authentication failed
2ESAP169 no connect possible: "DBMS = HDB --- SERVER = ‘‘ PORT = ‘‘"

either the user/password is not correct or the user (SAPABAP1) is locked.

Start SAP Application Server
See Also

2250144 - FAQ: SAP HANA Secure User Store

2505925 - R3trans-d - invalid username or password

2413487 - Command R3trans -d after System copy returns authentication sql error 10413487 - Command R3trans -d after System copy returns authentication sql error 10

2455684 - Update of the secure storage is locked for update by user xxx from host xxx since

2490597 - Error 91007: Impersonation not supported, use sudo on this platform when trying to create a key in hdbuserstore

SAP HANA Security Guide

How to manage password in BW on HANA?

DB, SAPABAP1, hdbuserstore, SSFS, R3trans, password, change, rcSQL=10, trans.log,Impersonation, 91007

How to change SAPABAP1 schema password In HANA

标签:blink   dbus   can   further   cpp   cat   sid   env   tar   


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