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时间:2014-10-22 11:04:36      阅读:115      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:blog   io   ar   java   for   sp   数据   2014   on   


   * Executes a mapped SQL SELECT statement that returns data to populate
   * the supplied result object.
   * <p/>
   * The parameter object is generally used to supply the input
   * data for the WHERE clause parameter(s) of the SELECT statement.
   * @param id              The name of the statement to execute.
   * @param parameterObject The parameter object (e.g. JavaBean, Map, XML etc.).
   * @param resultObject    The result object instance that should be populated with result data.
   * @return The single result object as supplied by the resultObject parameter, populated with the result set data,
   *         or null if no result was found
   * @throws java.sql.SQLException If more than one result was found, or if any other error occurs.
  Object queryForObject(String id, Object parameterObject, Object resultObject) throws SQLException;



   * Executes a mapped SQL SELECT statement that returns data to populate
   * a number of result objects within a certain range.
   * <p/>
   * This overload assumes no parameter is needed.
   * @param id              The name of the statement to execute.
   * @param skip            The number of results to ignore.
   * @param max             The maximum number of results to return.
   * @return A List of result objects.
   * @throws java.sql.SQLException If an error occurs.
  List queryForList(String id, int skip, int max) throws SQLException;



   * Executes a mapped SQL SELECT statement that returns data to populate
   * a number of result objects that will be keyed into a Map.
   * <p/>
   * The parameter object is generally used to supply the input
   * data for the WHERE clause parameter(s) of the SELECT statement.
   * @param id              The name of the statement to execute.
   * @param parameterObject The parameter object (e.g. JavaBean, Map, XML etc.).
   * @param keyProp         The property to be used as the key in the Map.
   * @return A Map keyed by keyProp with values being the result object instance.
   * @throws java.sql.SQLException If an error occurs.
  Map queryForMap(String id, Object parameterObject, String keyProp) throws SQLException;

网上有不少帖子说这个方法只能返回一条记录是不对的,还有说是把resultClass的所有属性放到一个map中返回来也是不对的。这个方法是对queryForList的一个补充,大部分情况下我们用的都是queryForList返回对象的列表,但有时候放到Map里用起来可能更方便,如果没有这个方法还得自己进行转换,同样的一个<select ...>配置,不用做任何更改即可以用queryForList访问也可以用queryForMap访问。



标签:blog   io   ar   java   for   sp   数据   2014   on   


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