标签:config out app art Once tin ati normal director
1) Modify the ActiveMQ configuration file to clear out the messages queues. Note that after the broker restart, the parameter should be set back to ‘false’ (normal setting).
Make a backup and edit the /opt/teradata/tdactivemq/config/td-broker.xml file.
Change the deleteAllMessagesOnStartup from false to true.
<broker xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core"
2) Once the change is applied restart the broker and all the components:
Stop Sequence:
/etc/init.d/clienthandler stop (on all client servers)
/etc/init.d/dsc stop
/etc/init.d/tdactivemq stop
Start Sequence:
/etc/init.d/tdactivemq start
/etc/init.d/dsc start
/etc/init.d/clienthandler start (on all client servers)
3) Put back the original td-broker.xml file.
标签:config out app art Once tin ati normal director