标签:yield ping pool gets main code pre parser group
import asyncio
import re
import typing
from concurrent.futures import Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor
from urllib.request import urlopen
DEFAULT_EXECUTOR = ThreadPoolExecutor(4)
ANCHOR_TAG_PATTERN = re.compile(b"<a.+?href=[\"|\'](.*?)[\"|\'].*?>", re.RegexFlag.MULTILINE | re.RegexFlag.IGNORECASE)
async def wrap_async(generator: typing.Generator,
executor: Executor = DEFAULT_EXECUTOR,
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None):
We wrap a generator and return an asynchronous generator instead
:param iterator:
:param executor:
:param sentinel:
:param loop:
if not loop:
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
while True:
# 相当于执行next(generator)
result = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, next, generator, sentinel)
if result == sentinel:
# 如果链接为空跳出
yield result
def follow(*links):
:param links:
return ((link, urlopen(link).read()) for link in links)
def get_links(text: str):
Get back an iterator that gets us all the links in a text iteratively and safely
:param text:
# Always grab the last match, because that is how a smart http parser would interpret a malformed
# anchor tag
return (match.groups()[-1]
for match in ANCHOR_TAG_PATTERN.finditer(text)
# This portion is a safeguard against None matches and zero href matches
if hasattr(match, "groups") and len(match.groups()))
async def main(*links):
async for current, body in wrap_async(follow(*links)):
print("Current url:", current)
print("Content:", body)
async for link in wrap_async(get_links(body)):
标签:yield ping pool gets main code pre parser group