标签:lse rev limit tla nim floor solution 集中 范围
其中,p为置信度,一般取0.995;w为"内点"的比例 ; m为计算模型所需要的最少样本数=4;
template <typename NUMTYPE> bool RANSAC_Template<NUMTYPE>::execute( const CMatrixDynamic<NUMTYPE>& data, const TRansacFitFunctor& fit_func, const TRansacDistanceFunctor& dist_func, const TRansacDegenerateFunctor& degen_func, const double distanceThreshold, const unsigned int minimumSizeSamplesToFit, std::vector<size_t>& out_best_inliers, CMatrixDynamic<NUMTYPE>& out_best_model, const double p, const size_t maxIter) const { MRPT_START ASSERT_(minimumSizeSamplesToFit >= 1); // 作者参考 http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk/ 的 matlab代码 const size_t D = data.rows(); // 维度 const size_t Npts = data.cols(); ASSERT_(D >= 1); ASSERT_(Npts > 1); const size_t maxDataTrials = 100; // 原数据集随机抽样的最大尝试次数。 out_best_model.setSize( 0, 0); // 初始化 out_best_inliers.clear(); size_t trialcount = 0; size_t bestscore = std::string::npos; //内点的个数 npos will mean "none" 原文件是初始化为零 size_t N = 1; // 整个流程迭代次数 std::vector<size_t> ind(minimumSizeSamplesToFit);//随机采样的数据 while (N > trialcount) { // Select at random s datapoints to form a trial model, M. // In selecting these points we have to check that they are not in // a degenerate configuration. bool degenerate = true; size_t count = 1; std::vector<CMatrixDynamic<NUMTYPE>> MODELS; ////////////////////////1随机从数据集中随机抽出s个样本数据,拟合多个模型//////////////////////////// while (degenerate) { // 在1到npts范围内生成s个随机指标 ind.resize(minimumSizeSamplesToFit); // The +0.99... is due to the floor rounding afterwards when // converting from random double samples to size_t getRandomGenerator().drawUniformVector( ind, 0.0, Npts - 1 + 0.999999); // 测试这些点是否是退化,如果为true,那么不能退化 degenerate = degen_func(data, ind); if (!degenerate) { //通过随机采样的数据点拟合模型,这里拟合了很多模型 fit_func(data, ind, MODELS); //模型为空则继续此过程 degenerate = MODELS.empty(); } // 循环次数判断,最大为100次 if (++count > maxDataTrials) { MRPT_LOG_WARN("Unable to select a nondegenerate data set"); break; } } //运行到这里已经有很多模型了,下面计算点与模型之间的距离,返回的bestModelIdx是元素的索引。 //////////////////////////////////////2计算数据集中所有数据与模型M的投影误差,若误差小于阈值,加入内点集 I ;/////////////////////////////// unsigned int bestModelIdx = 1000; std::vector<size_t> inliers; if (!degenerate) { dist_func( data, MODELS, NUMTYPE(distanceThreshold), bestModelIdx, inliers); ASSERT_(bestModelIdx < MODELS.size()); } // Find the number of inliers to this model. const size_t ninliers = inliers.size(); bool update_estim_num_iters = (trialcount == 0); // 即使是内点为零,也要更新 /////////////////////////////////////////////3如果当前内点集 I 元素个数大于最优内点集 I_best , 则更新 I_best = I,同时更新迭代次数k ;/////////////////////////////////// if (ninliers > bestscore || (bestscore == std::string::npos && ninliers != 0))//内点的个数大于0,将找到的最优模型赋值到全局变量 { bestscore = ninliers; // Record data for this model out_best_model = MODELS[bestModelIdx]; out_best_inliers = inliers; update_estim_num_iters = true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////4如果迭代次数大于k,则退出 ; 否则迭代次数加1,并重复上述步骤;///////////////////////////// if (update_estim_num_iters) { // 更新n试验次数,以确保我们用概率p选择一个没有异常值的数据集。 double fracinliers = ninliers / static_cast<double>(Npts); double pNoOutliers = 1 - pow(fracinliers, static_cast<double>(minimumSizeSamplesToFit)); pNoOutliers = std::max( std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), pNoOutliers); // 避免负无穷 pNoOutliers = std::min( 1.0 - std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), pNoOutliers); // 避免除数为零 N = static_cast<size_t>(log(1 - p) / log(pNoOutliers)); MRPT_LOG_DEBUG(format( "Iter #%u Estimated number of iters: %u pNoOutliers = %f " "#inliers: %u\n", (unsigned)trialcount, (unsigned)N, pNoOutliers, (unsigned)ninliers)); } ++trialcount; MRPT_LOG_DEBUG(format( "trial %u out of %u \r", (unsigned int)trialcount, (unsigned int)ceil(static_cast<double>(N)))); // Safeguard against being stuck in this loop forever if (trialcount > maxIter) { MRPT_LOG_WARN(format( "Warning: maximum number of trials (%u) reached\n", (unsigned)maxIter)); break; } } if (out_best_model.rows() > 0) { // We got a solution MRPT_LOG_INFO( format("Finished in %u iterations.\n", (unsigned)trialcount)); return true; } else { MRPT_LOG_WARN("Finished without any proper solution!"); return false; } MRPT_END }
标签:lse rev limit tla nim floor solution 集中 范围