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标签:als   ring   requests   电脑   工作原理   沙箱   upd   must   request方法   


Selenium是一个用于Web应用程序自动化测试工具。Selenium测试直接运行在浏览器中,就像真正的用户在操作一样。支持的浏览器包括IE(7, 8, 9, 10, 11),Mozilla Firefox,Safari,Google Chrome,Opera等。


测试系统功能——创建回归测试检验软件功能和用户需求。支持自动录制动作和自动生成 .Net、Java、Perl等不同语言的测试脚本(这里主要是针对selenium ide)


04年,诞生了Selenium Core,Selenium Core是基于浏览器并且采用JavaScript编程语言的测试工具,运行在浏览器的安全沙箱中,设计理念是将待测试产品、Selenium Core和测试脚本均部署到同一台服务器上来完成自动化测试的工作。

05年,Selenium RC诞生,就是selenium1 ,这个时候,Selenium Core其实是Selenium RC的核心。

Selenium RC让待测试产品、Selenium Core和测试脚本三者分散在不同的服务器上。(测试脚本只关心将HTTP请求发送到指定的URL上,selenium本身不需要关心HTTP请求由于什么程序编程语言编写而成)

Selenium RC包括两部分:一个是Selenium RC Server,一个是提供各种编程语言的客户端驱动来编写测试脚本


08/09年,selenium2诞生,selenium2其实是selenium rc和webdriver的合并,合并的根本原因是相互补充各自的缺点

09年,selenium3诞生,这个版本剔除了selenium rc , 主要由 selenium webdriver和selenium Grid组成, 我们日常使用的其实就是selenium webdriver,至于selenium grid是一个分布式实现自动化测试的工具

那么今天我们就要说说selenium3(selenium webdriver)的工作原理,下面简称selenium(以上具体时间可能不太准确,我也是通过网络资料了解到的,抛砖引玉^-^)




2.浏览器驱动, 这个驱动是根据不同的浏览器开发的,不同的浏览器使用不同的webdriver驱动程序且需要对应相应的浏览器版本,比如:geckodriver.exe(chrome)




@Time : 2019/6/29 8:16
@Auth : linux超
@File : seleniumWebdriver.py
@IDE  : PyCharm
@Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
@QQ   : 28174043@qq.com
@GROUP: 878565760
from selenium import webdriver

dr = webdriver.Chrome()  # 打开浏览器






 1 class WebDriver(RemoteWebDriver):
 2     """
 3     Controls the ChromeDriver and allows you to drive the browser.
 5     You will need to download the ChromeDriver executable from
 6     http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html
 7     """
 9     def __init__(self, executable_path="chromedriver", port=0,
10                  options=None, service_args=None,
11                  desired_capabilities=None, service_log_path=None,
12                  chrome_options=None, keep_alive=True):
13         """
14         Creates a new instance of the chrome driver.
16         Starts the service and then creates new instance of chrome driver.
18         :Args:
19          - executable_path - path to the executable. If the default is used it assumes the executable is in the $PATH
20          - port - port you would like the service to run, if left as 0, a free port will be found.
21          - options - this takes an instance of ChromeOptions
22          - service_args - List of args to pass to the driver service
23          - desired_capabilities - Dictionary object with non-browser specific
24            capabilities only, such as "proxy" or "loggingPref".
25          - service_log_path - Where to log information from the driver.
26          - chrome_options - Deprecated argument for options
27          - keep_alive - Whether to configure ChromeRemoteConnection to use HTTP keep-alive.
28         """
29         if chrome_options:
30             warnings.warn(use options instead of chrome_options,
31                           DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
32             options = chrome_options
34         if options is None:
35             # desired_capabilities stays as passed in
36             if desired_capabilities is None:
37                 desired_capabilities = self.create_options().to_capabilities()
38         else:
39             if desired_capabilities is None:
40                 desired_capabilities = options.to_capabilities()
41             else:
42                 desired_capabilities.update(options.to_capabilities())
44         self.service = Service(
45             executable_path,
46             port=port,
47             service_args=service_args,
48             log_path=service_log_path)
49         self.service.start()
51         try:
52             RemoteWebDriver.__init__(
53                 self,
54                 command_executor=ChromeRemoteConnection(
55                     remote_server_addr=self.service.service_url,
56                     keep_alive=keep_alive),
57                 desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)
58         except Exception:
59             self.quit()
60             raise
61         self._is_remote = False



 1  def start(self):
 2         """
 3         Starts the Service.
 5         :Exceptions:
 6          - WebDriverException : Raised either when it can‘t start the service
 7            or when it can‘t connect to the service
 8         """
 9         try:
10             cmd = [self.path]
11             cmd.extend(self.command_line_args())
12             self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=self.env,
13                                             close_fds=platform.system() != Windows,
14                                             stdout=self.log_file,
15                                             stderr=self.log_file,
16                                             stdin=PIPE)
17         except TypeError:
18             raise
19         except OSError as err:
20             if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
21                 raise WebDriverException(
22                     "‘%s‘ executable needs to be in PATH. %s" % (
23                         os.path.basename(self.path), self.start_error_message)
24                 )
25             elif err.errno == errno.EACCES:
26                 raise WebDriverException(
27                     "‘%s‘ executable may have wrong permissions. %s" % (
28                         os.path.basename(self.path), self.start_error_message)
29                 )
30             else:
31                 raise
32         except Exception as e:
33             raise WebDriverException(
34                 "The executable %s needs to be available in the path. %s\n%s" %
35                 (os.path.basename(self.path), self.start_error_message, str(e)))
36         count = 0
37         while True:
38             self.assert_process_still_running()
39             if self.is_connectable():
40                 break
41             count += 1
42             time.sleep(1)
43             if count == 30:
44                 raise WebDriverException("Can not connect to the Service %s" % self.path)


这里我们需要注意一点: 下载的浏览器驱动一定要配置到环境变量中,或者放到python的根目录下,便于程序在执行驱动的时候查找







我们继续看源码 C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages\selenium\webdriver\chrome\webdriver.py 的51-57行代码,调用了父类RemoteWebDriver 的初始化方法,我们看这个方法做了什么事?


 1 class WebDriver(object):
 2     """
 3     Controls a browser by sending commands to a remote server.
 4     This server is expected to be running the WebDriver wire protocol
 5     as defined at
 6     https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol
 8     :Attributes:
 9      - session_id - String ID of the browser session started and controlled by this WebDriver.
10      - capabilities - Dictionaty of effective capabilities of this browser session as returned
11          by the remote server. See https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/DesiredCapabilities
12      - command_executor - remote_connection.RemoteConnection object used to execute commands.
13      - error_handler - errorhandler.ErrorHandler object used to handle errors.
14     """
16     _web_element_cls = WebElement
18     def __init__(self, command_executor=,
19                  desired_capabilities=None, browser_profile=None, proxy=None,
20                  keep_alive=False, file_detector=None, options=None):
21         """
22         Create a new driver that will issue commands using the wire protocol.
24         :Args:
25          - command_executor - Either a string representing URL of the remote server or a custom
26              remote_connection.RemoteConnection object. Defaults to ‘‘.
27          - desired_capabilities - A dictionary of capabilities to request when
28              starting the browser session. Required parameter.
29          - browser_profile - A selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile.FirefoxProfile object.
30              Only used if Firefox is requested. Optional.
31          - proxy - A selenium.webdriver.common.proxy.Proxy object. The browser session will
32              be started with given proxy settings, if possible. Optional.
33          - keep_alive - Whether to configure remote_connection.RemoteConnection to use
34              HTTP keep-alive. Defaults to False.
35          - file_detector - Pass custom file detector object during instantiation. If None,
36              then default LocalFileDetector() will be used.
37          - options - instance of a driver options.Options class
38         """
39         capabilities = {}
40         if options is not None:
41             capabilities = options.to_capabilities()
42         if desired_capabilities is not None:
43             if not isinstance(desired_capabilities, dict):
44                 raise WebDriverException("Desired Capabilities must be a dictionary")
45             else:
46                 capabilities.update(desired_capabilities)
47         if proxy is not None:
48             warnings.warn("Please use FirefoxOptions to set proxy",
49                           DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
50             proxy.add_to_capabilities(capabilities)
51         self.command_executor = command_executor
52         if type(self.command_executor) is bytes or isinstance(self.command_executor, str):
53             self.command_executor = RemoteConnection(command_executor, keep_alive=keep_alive)
54         self._is_remote = True
55         self.session_id = None
56         self.capabilities = {}
57         self.error_handler = ErrorHandler()
58         self.start_client()
59         if browser_profile is not None:
60             warnings.warn("Please use FirefoxOptions to set browser profile",
61                           DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
62         self.start_session(capabilities, browser_profile)
63         self._switch_to = SwitchTo(self)
64         self._mobile = Mobile(self)
65         self.file_detector = file_detector or LocalFileDetector()

 这里有一行最重要的代码,62行self.start_session(capabilities, browser_profile) 这个方法,继续看一下这个方法的源码做了什么工作

 1     def start_session(self, capabilities, browser_profile=None):
 2         """
 3         Creates a new session with the desired capabilities.
 5         :Args:
 6          - browser_name - The name of the browser to request.
 7          - version - Which browser version to request.
 8          - platform - Which platform to request the browser on.
 9          - javascript_enabled - Whether the new session should support JavaScript.
10          - browser_profile - A selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile.FirefoxProfile object. Only used if Firefox is requested.
11         """
12         if not isinstance(capabilities, dict):
13             raise InvalidArgumentException("Capabilities must be a dictionary")
14         if browser_profile:
15             if "moz:firefoxOptions" in capabilities:
16                 capabilities["moz:firefoxOptions"]["profile"] = browser_profile.encoded
17             else:
18                 capabilities.update({firefox_profile: browser_profile.encoded})
19         w3c_caps = _make_w3c_caps(capabilities)
20         parameters = {"capabilities": w3c_caps,
21                       "desiredCapabilities": capabilities}
22         response = self.execute(Command.NEW_SESSION, parameters)
23         if sessionId not in response:
24             response = response[value]
25         self.session_id = response[sessionId]
26         self.capabilities = response.get(value)
28         # if capabilities is none we are probably speaking to
29         # a W3C endpoint
30         if self.capabilities is None:
31             self.capabilities = response.get(capabilities)
33         # Double check to see if we have a W3C Compliant browser
34         self.w3c = response.get(status) is None
35         self.command_executor.w3c = self.w3c





51         try:
52             RemoteWebDriver.__init__(
53                 self,
54                 command_executor=ChromeRemoteConnection(
55                     remote_server_addr=self.service.service_url,
56                     keep_alive=keep_alive),
57                 desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities)


 1 from selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection import RemoteConnection
 4 class ChromeRemoteConnection(RemoteConnection):
 6     def __init__(self, remote_server_addr, keep_alive=True):
 7         RemoteConnection.__init__(self, remote_server_addr, keep_alive)
 8         self._commands["launchApp"] = (POST, /session/$sessionId/chromium/launch_app)
 9         self._commands["setNetworkConditions"] = (POST, /session/$sessionId/chromium/network_conditions)
10         self._commands["getNetworkConditions"] = (GET, /session/$sessionId/chromium/network_conditions)
11         self._commands[executeCdpCommand] = (POST, /session/$sessionId/goog/cdp/execute)



  1 self._commands = {
  2             Command.STATUS: (GET, /status),
  3             Command.NEW_SESSION: (POST, /session),
  4             Command.GET_ALL_SESSIONS: (GET, /sessions),
  5             Command.QUIT: (DELETE, /session/$sessionId),
  6             Command.GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE:
  7                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window_handle),
  8             Command.W3C_GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE:
  9                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window),
 10             Command.GET_WINDOW_HANDLES:
 11                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window_handles),
 12             Command.W3C_GET_WINDOW_HANDLES:
 13                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window/handles),
 14             Command.GET: (POST, /session/$sessionId/url),
 15             Command.GO_FORWARD: (POST, /session/$sessionId/forward),
 16             Command.GO_BACK: (POST, /session/$sessionId/back),
 17             Command.REFRESH: (POST, /session/$sessionId/refresh),
 18             Command.EXECUTE_SCRIPT: (POST, /session/$sessionId/execute),
 19             Command.W3C_EXECUTE_SCRIPT:
 20                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/execute/sync),
 21             Command.W3C_EXECUTE_SCRIPT_ASYNC:
 22                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/execute/async),
 23             Command.GET_CURRENT_URL: (GET, /session/$sessionId/url),
 24             Command.GET_TITLE: (GET, /session/$sessionId/title),
 25             Command.GET_PAGE_SOURCE: (GET, /session/$sessionId/source),
 26             Command.SCREENSHOT: (GET, /session/$sessionId/screenshot),
 27             Command.ELEMENT_SCREENSHOT: (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/screenshot),
 28             Command.FIND_ELEMENT: (POST, /session/$sessionId/element),
 29             Command.FIND_ELEMENTS: (POST, /session/$sessionId/elements),
 30             Command.W3C_GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT: (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/active),
 31             Command.GET_ACTIVE_ELEMENT:
 32                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/active),
 33             Command.FIND_CHILD_ELEMENT:
 34                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/element),
 35             Command.FIND_CHILD_ELEMENTS:
 36                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/elements),
 37             Command.CLICK_ELEMENT: (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/click),
 38             Command.CLEAR_ELEMENT: (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/clear),
 39             Command.SUBMIT_ELEMENT: (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/submit),
 40             Command.GET_ELEMENT_TEXT: (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/text),
 41             Command.SEND_KEYS_TO_ELEMENT:
 42                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/value),
 43             Command.SEND_KEYS_TO_ACTIVE_ELEMENT:
 44                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/keys),
 45             Command.UPLOAD_FILE: (POST, "/session/$sessionId/file"),
 46             Command.GET_ELEMENT_VALUE:
 47                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/value),
 48             Command.GET_ELEMENT_TAG_NAME:
 49                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/name),
 50             Command.IS_ELEMENT_SELECTED:
 51                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/selected),
 52             Command.SET_ELEMENT_SELECTED:
 53                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/selected),
 54             Command.IS_ELEMENT_ENABLED:
 55                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/enabled),
 56             Command.IS_ELEMENT_DISPLAYED:
 57                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/displayed),
 58             Command.GET_ELEMENT_LOCATION:
 59                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/location),
 61                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/location_in_view),
 62             Command.GET_ELEMENT_SIZE:
 63                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/size),
 64             Command.GET_ELEMENT_RECT:
 65                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/rect),
 66             Command.GET_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE:
 67                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/attribute/$name),
 68             Command.GET_ELEMENT_PROPERTY:
 69                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/property/$name),
 70             Command.GET_ALL_COOKIES: (GET, /session/$sessionId/cookie),
 71             Command.ADD_COOKIE: (POST, /session/$sessionId/cookie),
 72             Command.GET_COOKIE: (GET, /session/$sessionId/cookie/$name),
 73             Command.DELETE_ALL_COOKIES:
 74                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/cookie),
 75             Command.DELETE_COOKIE:
 76                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/cookie/$name),
 77             Command.SWITCH_TO_FRAME: (POST, /session/$sessionId/frame),
 78             Command.SWITCH_TO_PARENT_FRAME: (POST, /session/$sessionId/frame/parent),
 79             Command.SWITCH_TO_WINDOW: (POST, /session/$sessionId/window),
 80             Command.CLOSE: (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/window),
 81             Command.GET_ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_CSS_PROPERTY:
 82                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/element/$id/css/$propertyName),
 83             Command.IMPLICIT_WAIT:
 84                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/timeouts/implicit_wait),
 85             Command.EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT: (POST, /session/$sessionId/execute_async),
 86             Command.SET_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT:
 87                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/timeouts/async_script),
 88             Command.SET_TIMEOUTS:
 89                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/timeouts),
 90             Command.DISMISS_ALERT:
 91                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/dismiss_alert),
 92             Command.W3C_DISMISS_ALERT:
 93                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/alert/dismiss),
 94             Command.ACCEPT_ALERT:
 95                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/accept_alert),
 96             Command.W3C_ACCEPT_ALERT:
 97                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/alert/accept),
 98             Command.SET_ALERT_VALUE:
 99                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/alert_text),
100             Command.W3C_SET_ALERT_VALUE:
101                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/alert/text),
102             Command.GET_ALERT_TEXT:
103                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/alert_text),
104             Command.W3C_GET_ALERT_TEXT:
105                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/alert/text),
106             Command.SET_ALERT_CREDENTIALS:
107                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/alert/credentials),
108             Command.CLICK:
109                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/click),
110             Command.W3C_ACTIONS:
111                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/actions),
112             Command.W3C_CLEAR_ACTIONS:
113                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/actions),
114             Command.DOUBLE_CLICK:
115                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/doubleclick),
116             Command.MOUSE_DOWN:
117                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/buttondown),
118             Command.MOUSE_UP:
119                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/buttonup),
120             Command.MOVE_TO:
121                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/moveto),
122             Command.GET_WINDOW_SIZE:
123                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window/$windowHandle/size),
124             Command.SET_WINDOW_SIZE:
125                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/$windowHandle/size),
126             Command.GET_WINDOW_POSITION:
127                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window/$windowHandle/position),
128             Command.SET_WINDOW_POSITION:
129                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/$windowHandle/position),
130             Command.SET_WINDOW_RECT:
131                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/rect),
132             Command.GET_WINDOW_RECT:
133                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/window/rect),
134             Command.MAXIMIZE_WINDOW:
135                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/$windowHandle/maximize),
136             Command.W3C_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW:
137                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/maximize),
138             Command.SET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION:
139                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/orientation),
140             Command.GET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION:
141                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/orientation),
142             Command.SINGLE_TAP:
143                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/click),
144             Command.TOUCH_DOWN:
145                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/down),
146             Command.TOUCH_UP:
147                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/up),
148             Command.TOUCH_MOVE:
149                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/move),
150             Command.TOUCH_SCROLL:
151                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/scroll),
152             Command.DOUBLE_TAP:
153                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/doubleclick),
154             Command.LONG_PRESS:
155                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/longclick),
156             Command.FLICK:
157                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/touch/flick),
158             Command.EXECUTE_SQL:
159                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/execute_sql),
160             Command.GET_LOCATION:
161                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/location),
162             Command.SET_LOCATION:
163                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/location),
164             Command.GET_APP_CACHE:
165                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/application_cache),
166             Command.GET_APP_CACHE_STATUS:
167                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/application_cache/status),
168             Command.CLEAR_APP_CACHE:
169                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/application_cache/clear),
170             Command.GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION:
171                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/network_connection),
172             Command.SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION:
173                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/network_connection),
174             Command.GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM:
175                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/local_storage/key/$key),
176             Command.REMOVE_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM:
177                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/local_storage/key/$key),
178             Command.GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEYS:
179                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/local_storage),
180             Command.SET_LOCAL_STORAGE_ITEM:
181                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/local_storage),
182             Command.CLEAR_LOCAL_STORAGE:
183                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/local_storage),
184             Command.GET_LOCAL_STORAGE_SIZE:
185                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/local_storage/size),
186             Command.GET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM:
187                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/session_storage/key/$key),
188             Command.REMOVE_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM:
189                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/session_storage/key/$key),
190             Command.GET_SESSION_STORAGE_KEYS:
191                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/session_storage),
192             Command.SET_SESSION_STORAGE_ITEM:
193                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/session_storage),
194             Command.CLEAR_SESSION_STORAGE:
195                 (DELETE, /session/$sessionId/session_storage),
196             Command.GET_SESSION_STORAGE_SIZE:
197                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/session_storage/size),
198             Command.GET_LOG:
199                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/log),
200             Command.GET_AVAILABLE_LOG_TYPES:
201                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/log/types),
202             Command.CURRENT_CONTEXT_HANDLE:
203                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/context),
204             Command.CONTEXT_HANDLES:
205                 (GET, /session/$sessionId/contexts),
206             Command.SWITCH_TO_CONTEXT:
207                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/context),
208             Command.FULLSCREEN_WINDOW:
209                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/fullscreen),
210             Command.MINIMIZE_WINDOW:
211                 (POST, /session/$sessionId/window/minimize)
212         }


其中 Command.GET: (‘POST‘, ‘/session/$sessionId/url‘) 这个地址就是实现访问一个网址的url ,我们先记录一下后面有用


 1     def execute(self, command, params):
 2         """
 3         Send a command to the remote server.
 5         Any path subtitutions required for the URL mapped to the command should be
 6         included in the command parameters.
 8         :Args:
 9          - command - A string specifying the command to execute.
10          - params - A dictionary of named parameters to send with the command as
11            its JSON payload.
12         """
13         command_info = self._commands[command]
14         assert command_info is not None, Unrecognised command %s % command
15         path = string.Template(command_info[1]).substitute(params)
16         if hasattr(self, w3c) and self.w3c and isinstance(params, dict) and sessionId in params:
17             del params[sessionId]
18         data = utils.dump_json(params)
19         url = %s%s % (self._url, path)
20         return self._request(command_info[0], url, body=data)
22     def _request(self, method, url, body=None):
23         """
24         Send an HTTP request to the remote server.
26         :Args:
27          - method - A string for the HTTP method to send the request with.
28          - url - A string for the URL to send the request to.
29          - body - A string for request body. Ignored unless method is POST or PUT.
31         :Returns:
32           A dictionary with the server‘s parsed JSON response.
33         """
34         LOGGER.debug(%s %s %s % (method, url, body))
36         parsed_url = parse.urlparse(url)
37         headers = self.get_remote_connection_headers(parsed_url, self.keep_alive)
38         resp = None
39         if body and method != POST and method != PUT:
40             body = None
42         if self.keep_alive:
43             resp = self._conn.request(method, url, body=body, headers=headers)
45             statuscode = resp.status
46         else:
47             http = urllib3.PoolManager(timeout=self._timeout)
48             resp = http.request(method, url, body=body, headers=headers)
50             statuscode = resp.status
51             if not hasattr(resp, getheader):
52                 if hasattr(resp.headers, getheader):
53                     resp.getheader = lambda x: resp.headers.getheader(x)
54                 elif hasattr(resp.headers, get):
55                     resp.getheader = lambda x: resp.headers.get(x)
57         data = resp.data.decode(UTF-8)
58         try:
59             if 300 <= statuscode < 304:
60                 return self._request(GET, resp.getheader(location))
61             if 399 < statuscode <= 500:
62                 return {status: statuscode, value: data}
63             content_type = []
64             if resp.getheader(Content-Type) is not None:
65                 content_type = resp.getheader(Content-Type).split(;)
66             if not any([x.startswith(image/png) for x in content_type]):
68                 try:
69                     data = utils.load_json(data.strip())
70                 except ValueError:
71                     if 199 < statuscode < 300:
72                         status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS
73                     else:
74                         status = ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR
75                     return {status: status, value: data.strip()}
77                 # Some of the drivers incorrectly return a response
78                 # with no ‘value‘ field when they should return null.
79                 if value not in data:
80                     data[value] = None
81                 return data
82             else:
83                 data = {status: 0, value: data}
84                 return data
85         finally:
86             LOGGER.debug("Finished Request")
87             resp.close()







@Time : 2019/6/29 9:16
@Auth : linux超
@File : seleniumWebdriver.py
@IDE  : PyCharm
@Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
@QQ   : 28174043@qq.com
@GROUP: 878565760
from selenium import webdriver
import logging

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)  # 打印源码中的日志
dr = webdriver.Chrome() # 打开浏览器
driver.get("https://www.cnblogs.com/linuxchao/") # 访问我的博客首页


{"capabilities": {"firstMatch": [{}], "alwaysMatch": {"browserName": "chrome", "platformName": "any", "goog:chromeOptions":
{"extensions": [], "args": []}}}, "desiredCapabilities": {"browserName": "chrome", "version": "", "platform": "ANY",
"goog:chromeOptions": {"extensions": [], "args": []}}} DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1): DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /session HTTP/1.1" 200 830 DEBUG:selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection:Finished Request DEBUG:selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection:POST
{"url": "https://www.cnblogs.com/linuxchao/", "sessionId": "09d52393b7dfcb45b8bb9101885ce206"}
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /session/09d52393b7dfcb45b8bb9101885ce206/url HTTP/1.1" 200 72
DEBUG:selenium.webdriver.remote.remote_connection:Finished Request Process finished with exit code 0

通过执行结果就很明显明白selenium执行的过程了,程序告诉RemoteWebDriver打开一个浏览器(发送post请求,带上请求参数),然后再向remote server发送执行浏览器动作的请求



@Time : 2019/6/28 8:52
@Auth : linux超
@File : test.py
@IDE  : PyCharm
@Motto: Real warriors,dare to face the bleak warning,dare to face the incisive error!
@QQ   : 28174043@qq.com
@GROUP: 878565760
import requests

# 请求地址(打开浏览器)
driver_url = http://localhost:9515/session
# 打开浏览器的请求参数
driver_value = {"capabilities":
                    {"firstMatch": [{}],
                          "platformName": "any",
                              {"extensions": [], "args": []}}},
                     "version": "",
                     "platform": "ANY",
                     "goog:chromeOptions": {"extensions": [],
                                            "args": []}}}
# 发送求清
response_session = requests.post(driver_url, json = driver_value)
# 访问我的博客的请求地址 (这个地址是我们上面记录的地址)
url = http://localhost:9515/session/+response_session.json()[sessionId]+/url
# 访问我的博客的请求参数
value = {"url": "https://www.cnblogs.com/linuxchao/", "sessionId": response_session.json()[sessionId]}
response_blog = requests.post(url = url,json = value)


{sessionId: 25144efef880dcce53e4e6f60c342e9d, status: 0, value: 
{acceptInsecureCerts: False, acceptSslCerts: False, applicationCacheEnabled: False,
browserConnectionEnabled: False, browserName: chrome, chrome:
{chromedriverVersion: 2.39.562718 (9a2698cba08cf5a471a29d30c8b3e12becabb0e9),
userDataDir: C:\\Users\\v-xug\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\scoped_dir9944_25238},
cssSelectorsEnabled: True, databaseEnabled: False, handlesAlerts: True,
hasTouchScreen: False, javascriptEnabled: True, locationContextEnabled: True,
mobileEmulationEnabled: False, nativeEvents: True, networkConnectionEnabled: False,
pageLoadStrategy: normal, platform: Windows NT, rotatable: False, setWindowRect: True,
takesHeapSnapshot: True, takesScreenshot: True, unexpectedAlertBehaviour: ‘‘, version: 75.0.3770.100, webStorageEnabled: True}} {sessionId: 25144efef880dcce53e4e6f60c342e9d, status: 0, value: None} Process finished with exit code 0

上面的返回信息中最重要的信息是sessionId‘: 25144efef880dcce53e4e6f60c342e9d,从代码中你也可以看到访问我的博客地址的url是使用这个参数拼接的,因为打开浏览器后,后面所有的操作都是基于这个sessionid的




1.selenium client(python等语言编写的自动化测试脚本)初始化一个service服务,通过Webdriver启动浏览器驱动程序chromedriver.exe


3.打开浏览器,绑定特定的端口,把启动后的浏览器作为webdriver的remote server

3.打开浏览器后,所有的selenium的操作(访问地址,查找元素等)均通过RemoteConnection链接到remote server,然后使用execute方法调用_request方法通过urlib3向remote server发送请求




虽然用了很久的selenium 但是要细说他的工作原理还是感觉有点词穷,可能就是理解的不透彻吧!


标签:als   ring   requests   电脑   工作原理   沙箱   upd   must   request方法   


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