标签:tps 实现 tar read none 关系 不能 上传 执行
catkin_create_pkg zsProxy std_msgs roscpp
subl ./.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
"name": "Linux",
"includePath": ["/usr/include",
settings-->Version Control-->Git ,and then, In the SSH executable dropdown, choose Native
In roslaunch files, tags are for setting a single parameter and
tags are for setting groups or more complex structures of parameters.
The value set by the tag may only be a string, int, bool, or double, which may be set through the xml attribute value, or by reading in from a text file, bin file, or the output of a command line command.
Thetag enables users to define a batch of related parameters simultaneously. These can be read from a YAML string which can either be put inline in the launchfile or can be loaded from a file (the rosparam dump command generates YAML output). Unlike the tag, the YAML specification allows nested structures of parameters and parameters with list values. While these data can be represented on the ROS parameter server, it is up to the various client libraries to support complex parameter access.
A good example of thetag use in practice is the move_base package, where there are many, many parameters to be set, it‘s less cumbersome to just use the YAML format.
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /<node_name> <param> <value>
system("rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set camera_synchronizer_node narrow_stereo_trig_mode 3");
标签:tps 实现 tar read none 关系 不能 上传 执行