标签:useful 十六 时间 text route tool orm context type
SnmpWalk v1.01 - Copyright (C) 2009 SnmpSoft Company
[ More useful network tools on http://www.snmpsoft.com ]
Lists existing SNMP variables on any network device that supports SNMP.
SNMP is widely used for administration and monitoring purposes.
SnmpWalk.exe [-q] -r:host [-p:port] [-t:timeout] [-v:version] [-c:community]
[-ei:engine_id] [-sn:sec_name] [-ap:auth_proto] [-aw:auth_passwd]
[-pp:priv_proto] [-pw:priv_passwd] [-ce:cont_engine] [-cn:cont_name]
[-os:start_oid] [-op:stop_oid] [-csv]
-q Quiet mode (suppress header; print variable values only).
-r:host Name or network address (IPv4/IPv6) of remote host.
-p:port SNMP port number on remote host. Default: 161
-t:timeout SNMP timeout in seconds (1-600). Default: 5
-v:version SNMP version. Supported version: 1, 2c or 3. Default: 1
-c:community SNMP community string for SNMP v1/v2c. Default: public
-ei:engine_id Engine ID. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3).
-sn:sec_name SNMP security name for SNMPv3.
-ap:auth_proto Authentication protocol. Supported: MD5, SHA (SNMPv3).
-aw:auth_passwd Authentication password (SNMPv3).
-pp:priv_proto Privacy protocol. Supported: DES, IDEA, AES128, AES192,
AES256, 3DES (SNMPv3).
-pw:priv_passwd Privacy password (SNMPv3).
-cn:cont_name Context name. (SNMPv3)
-ce:cont_engine Context engine. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3)
-os:start_oid Object ID (OID) of first SNMP variable to walk. Default:.1
-op:stop_oid Object ID (OID) of last SNMP variable to walk.
Default: walk to the very last variable.
-csv Output in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
-r:远程主机的主机名或网络地址(IPv 4/IPv 6)。
-c:SNMP v1/V2C社区SNMP社区字符串。默认值:public-ei:Engine_id Engine ID。格式:十六进制字符串。(SNMPv 3)。
-sn:用于SNMPv 3的SEC_NAME SNMP安全名称。
-AP:Auth_proto身份验证协议。支持:MD5,SHA(SNMPv 3)。
-aw:Auth_passwd身份验证密码(SNMPv 3)。
-pp:Priv_proto隐私协议。支持:DES,IDEA,AES 128,AES 192,EY 256,3 DES(SNMPv 3)。
-PW:Priv_passwd隐私密码(SNMPv 3)。-cn:CONT_NAME上下文名称。(SNMPv 3)
-ce:cont_Engine上下文引擎。格式:十六进制字符串。(SNMPv 3)
SnmpWalk.exe -r:MainRouter -csv
SnmpWalk.exe -r: -t:10 -c:"admin_rw" -os:.
SnmpWalk.exe -r:"::1" -v:3 -sn:SomeName -ap:MD5 -aw:SomeAuthPass -pp:DES
-pw:SomePrivPass -os:. -op:. -q
snmp v2c版本
SnmpWalk.exe -r: -t:2 -v:2c -c:"!QAZ2wsx#EDC" -os:. -op:.
ip 时间 版本 团体字 开始 结束
SnmpWalk v1.01 - Copyright (C) 2009 SnmpSoft Company
[ More useful network tools on http://www.snmpsoft.com ]
OID=., Type=OctetString, Value=Huawei AC6005-8-PWR Huawei Versa
tile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software,Version 5.160 (AC6005-8-PWR V20
0R006C10SPC200) Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OID=., Type=OID, Value=
Total: 2
snmp v3版本
SnmpWalk.exe -r:IP -v:3 -sn:USER -ap:SHA -aw:auth密码 -pp:AES128 -pw:priv密码 -os:. -op:.
标签:useful 十六 时间 text route tool orm context type