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关键字: 命令过滤器, 命令, 过滤器, OnCommandExecuting, OnCommandExecuted

SuperSocket 中的命令过滤器看起来有些像 ASP.NET MVC 中的 Action Filter,你可以用它来做命令执行的拦截,命令过滤器会在命令执行前和执行后被调用。

命令过滤器必须继承于 Attribute 类 CommandFilterAttribute:

 /// <summary>

/// Command filter attribute

/// </summary>

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]

public abstract class CommandFilterAttribute : Attribute


    /// <summary>

    /// Gets or sets the execution order.

    /// </summary>

    /// <value>

    /// The order.

    /// </value>

    public int Order { get; set; }

    /// <summary>

    /// Called when [command executing].

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="commandContext">The command context.</param>

    public abstract void OnCommandExecuting(CommandExecutingContext commandContext);

    /// <summary>

    /// Called when [command executed].

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="commandContext">The command context.</param>

    public abstract void OnCommandExecuted(CommandExecutingContext commandContext);



OnCommandExecuting: 此方法将在命令执行前被调用;

OnCommandExecuted: 此方法将在命令执行后被调用;

Order: 此属性用于设置多个命令过滤器的执行顺序;

下面的代码定义了一个命令过滤器 LogTimeCommandFilterAttribute 用于记录执行时间超过5秒钟的命令:

public class LogTimeCommandFilter : CommandFilterAttribute


    public override void OnCommandExecuting(CommandExecutingContext commandContext)


        commandContext.Session.Items["StartTime"] = DateTime.Now;



    public override void OnCommandExecuted(CommandExecutingContext commandContext)


        var session = commandContext.Session;

        var startTime = session.Items.GetValue<DateTime>("StartTime");

        var ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime);


        if (ts.TotalSeconds > 5 && session.Logger.IsInfoEnabled)


            session.Logger.InfoFormat("A command ‘{0}‘ took {1} seconds!", commandContext.CurrentCommand.Name, ts.ToString());




然后通过增加属性的方法给命令 "QUERY" 应用此过滤器:


public class QUERY : StringCommandBase<TestSession>


    public override void ExecuteCommand(TestSession session, StringCommandInfo commandData)


        //Your code



如果你想应用次过滤器给所有的命令, 你可以向下面的代码这样将此命令过滤器的属性加到你的 AppServer 类上面去:


public class TestServer : AppServer<TestSession>



你可以通过将 commandContext‘s 的 Cancel 属性设为 True 来取消当前命令的执行:

public class LoggedInValidationFilter : CommandFilterAttribute


    public override void OnCommandExecuting(CommandExecutingContext commandContext)


        var session = commandContext.Session as MyAppSession;

        //If the session is not logged in, cancel the executing of the command

        if (!session.IsLoggedIn)

            commandContext.Cancel = true;


    public override void OnCommandExecuted(CommandExecutingContext commandContext)






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