标签:des style blog http color io os ar 使用
开发工具:eclipse (下载地址 http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/)
liblinear版本:liblinear-1.94.jar (下载地址:http://liblinear.bwaldvogel.de/)
在工程上右键---->Properties----->选中Java Build Path----->选中Libraries标签----->点击Add External JARs。
1 package liblinear; 2 3 import java.io.File; 4 import java.io.IOException; 5 import java.util.ArrayList; 6 import java.util.List; 7 8 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.Feature; 9 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.FeatureNode; 10 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.Linear; 11 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.Model; 12 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.Parameter; 13 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.Problem; 14 import de.bwaldvogel.liblinear.SolverType; 15 16 public class LibLinear{ 17 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 18 //loading train data 19 Feature[][] featureMatrix = new Feature[5][]; 20 Feature[] featureMatrix1 = { new FeatureNode(2, 0.1), new FeatureNode(3, 0.2) }; 21 Feature[] featureMatrix2 = { new FeatureNode(2, 0.1), new FeatureNode(3, 0.3), new FeatureNode(4, -1.2)}; 22 Feature[] featureMatrix3 = { new FeatureNode(1, 0.4) }; 23 Feature[] featureMatrix4 = { new FeatureNode(2, 0.1), new FeatureNode(4, 1.4), new FeatureNode(5, 0.5) }; 24 Feature[] featureMatrix5 = { new FeatureNode(1, -0.1), new FeatureNode(2, -0.2), new FeatureNode(3, 0.1), new FeatureNode(4, -1.1), new FeatureNode(5, 0.1) }; 25 featureMatrix[0] = featureMatrix1; 26 featureMatrix[1] = featureMatrix2; 27 featureMatrix[2] = featureMatrix3; 28 featureMatrix[3] = featureMatrix4; 29 featureMatrix[4] = featureMatrix5; 30 //loading target value 31 double[] targetValue = {1,-1,1,-1,0}; 32 33 Problem problem = new Problem(); 34 problem.l = 5; // number of training examples:训练样本数 35 problem.n = 5; // number of features:特征维数 36 problem.x = featureMatrix; // feature nodes:特征数据 37 problem.y = targetValue; // target values:类别 38 39 SolverType solver = SolverType.L2R_LR; // -s 0 40 double C = 1.0; // cost of constraints violation 41 double eps = 0.01; // stopping criteria 42 43 Parameter parameter = new Parameter(solver, C, eps); 44 Model model = Linear.train(problem, parameter); 45 File modelFile = new File("model"); 46 model.save(modelFile); 47 // load model or use it directly 48 model = Model.load(modelFile); 49 50 Feature[] testNode = { new FeatureNode(1, 0.4), new FeatureNode(3, 0.3) };//test node 51 double prediction = Linear.predict(model, testNode); 52 System.out.print("classification result: "+prediction); 53 } 54 }
label | feature1 | feature2 | feature3 | feature4 | feature5 |
1 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0 | 0 |
-1 | 0 | 0.1 | 0.3 | -1.2 | 0 |
1 | 0.4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
-1 | 0 | 0.1 | 0 | 1.4 | 0.5 |
0 | -0.1 | -0.2 | 0.1 | 1.1 | 0.1 |
标签:des style blog http color io os ar 使用